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Full text of "Letters from the Forty-fourth regiment M.V.M. : a record of the experience of a nine months' regiment in the Department of North Carolina in 1862-3"

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A     RECORD     OF     THE 


IN     TAB 





L  E  T  T  E  R  S 



A     RECORD     OF     THE 


I\     THE 






Ix  Barkacks  at  Readville, 

Saturday,  Aug.  30,  1862. 
Your  readers  in  Boston  will  not  be  uninterested  in  foUovving 
the  fortunes  of  tlie  gallant  44th,  which  has  just  gone  forth  from 
your  city  with  full  ranks,  made  up  in  large  measure  of  young  men 
in  whose  honor  and  welfare  every  true  Bostonian  will  feel  a  peculiar  in- 
terest. The  jjersonnel  of  the  44th  (recruited  up  from  the  Fourth  Bat- 
talion of  Infantry  as  a  nucleus,)  has  been  so  fi-equently  the  subject  of 
newspaper  remark,  that  nothing  more  need  be  said  under  that  head: 
but  it  may  not  be  vainglorious  to  say  that  no  regiment  has  gone  forth 
from  the  old  Bay  State,  renowned  for  the  quality  of  its  soldiers,  which 
exceeds  or  equals  the  second  New  England  G  uard  regiment,  as  regards  the 
personal  qualities  of  its  rank  and  file.  All  the  learned  professions  are 
represented  in  its  ranks,  and  even  some  of  the  recondite  sciences  and 
fine  arts  have  their  accomplished  devotees  in  this  corps.  Among  the 
latter  may  be  reckoned  the  astronomer  Tuttle,  of  Cambridge,  and  the 
brothers  Cobb,  artists,  of  Boston.  We  have  sons  of  ministers  and 
millionaires,  and  many  rich  men  in  their  own  right.  The  sons  of  min- 
isters in  the  44th,  grievous  to  say,  are  generally  publicans  themselves, 
and  give  few  signs  of  eminently  Christian  training.     This  is  strange. 

"  'Tis  true,  'tis  pity  ; 
And  pity  'tis,  'tis  true." 

This  is  the  second  attempt  which  the  Fourth  Battalion  has  recently 
made  to  do  their  country  some  service ;  and  we  have  been  wondering 
if  the  present  will  prove  as  futile  as  the  preceding  one.  But  these  do 
not  cover  the  honorable  record  of  the  Fourth  Bats.  The  Massachu- 
setts 24th  sprang  from  this  Battalion.  That  and  the  2nd  and  other 
Massachusetts  regiments  of  earlier  and  later  dates  have  been  largely  of- 
ficered from  its  ranks.     It  has  provided  the   army  of  the  Union  two 


hundred  and  liceuiij-five  commissioned  officers.  A  fact  more  cstraordi- 
nary  in  connection  with  one  military  organization  cannot  be  adduced, 
and  will  go  far  to  render  the  Fourth  historic.  The  youthful  patriot, 
Putnam,  whose  untimely  sacrifice  at -Ball's  Bluff,  considered  in  connec- 
tion with  the  unusual  sweetness  and  force  of  character  of  the  young 
martyr,  has  caused  the  tears  of  a  nation  to  flow,  was  once  a  member  of 
the  Fourth,  and  his  portrait  now  graces  the  Avails  of  its  armory. 

The  44th  came  one  day  too  soon  to  barrack  at  Readville,  but  it  was 
their  own  fault.  The  fine  new  barracks  just  erected  there  weie  not 
completed,  and  will  not  be  until  to-night,  although  now  habitable  and 
comfortable  as  heart  can  desire.  But  we  have  all  had  to  work  to  pro- 
duce this  comfortable  state  of  affairs  so  early,  and  the  "  school  of  the 
soldier"  has  been  neglected  to-day. 

Our  first  night  in  barracks  was  exceedingly  jolly,  as  was  to  have  been 
expected.  Poor  devi'ls  who  depend  on  good  sleep  and  a  good  deal  of 
it  for  what  vitality  they  can  muster,  might  probably  have  sworn  last 
night,  if  they  had  been  obliged  to  barrack  at  Readville.  Not  that  the 
boys  were  riotous,  or  even  obstreperous,  but  simply  jolly.  We  supped  on 
hard  bread,  and  coffee  hotter  than  the  crater  of  Vesuvius.  Then, 
pipes  and  cigars  lighted,  the  early  evening  was  devoted  to  music  — 
songs  of  home.  After  we  had  retired  to  our  bunks,  music  of  another 
character  "beguiled"  the  hours  of  night. 

Your  correspondent  slept  not  at  all  the  first  night  in  barrack,  for  ob- 
vious reasons.  The  inside  musical  performances  opened  with  a  barn- 
yard chorus  by  the  entire  company,  followed  by  a  rapid,  unintermitting 
succession  of  dog,  hog,  pig,  and  rooster  solos,  duetts  and  quartettes, 
single  and  combined,  which  continued  in  great  volume  until  the  unex- 
pected arrival  of  the  captain  and  his  lieutenants,  who  are  unfortunately 
without  any  ear  for  music.  After  a  short  intermission,  the  performance 
was  resumed  in  a  greatly  modified  condition,  commencing  with  admira- 
ble imitations  of  chickens  astray  from  the  shelter  of  the  maternal  wing, 
and  coming  to  a  pause  with  the  low,  small,  satisfied  twitterings  of  chick- 
ens in  clover. 

Then  followed  sounds  less  artistic,  but  not  less  suggestive  to  the  gen- 
eral appreciation,  intermingled  with  snatches  of  conversation  of  a  highly 
festive  character.  The  good  wit  of  the  occasion  rendered  endurable 
what  would  otherwise  have  been  an  intolerable  nuisance  to  any  one 
wanting  sleep  so  badly  as  your  humble  servant ;  but  at  last,  as  it  must 
be  confessed,  even  this  element  failed  to  satisfy  a  scientific  audience. 
Objurgations,  not  loud  but  deep,  came  from  a  number  of  bunks  where 


sleep  had  failed  to  come,  or  tam-ied  a  moment  to  be  cruelly  banished. 
Despite  all  these  adverse  circumstances,  sound  sleep  actuall}'  came  to 
one  poor  fellow  sleeping  unsuspectingly  below  the  "  Corporal ;"  but,  as  the 
Fates  would  have  it,  it  departed  from  him  in  this  wise. 

A  small  britannia  flask,  used  chiefly  to  contain  coifee  and  milk  in  the 
temporary  absence  of  dippers,  fell  from  the  rear  of  the  "  Corporal's  "  bunk 
directly  upon  the  head  of  the  sleeper,  suddenly  arousing  him  to  the 
consciousness  of  life  and  its  uncertainties.  He  screamed  out  vigorously 
that  one  of  the  slats  of  our  bunk  had  fallen  upon  his  head,  and  sarcas- 
tically offered  to  get  up  a  contribution  to  improve  our  sleeping  accom- 
modations, and  thereby  render  his  own  safety  more  complete.  The 
"  Corporal,"  who  felt  the  flask  slip  from  beneath  his  pillow,  knew  that  the 
aroused  man  labored  under  a  misapprehension,  and  clambered  down  to 
recover  the  fugitive  vessel,  and  manipulate  a  suddenly  prominent  bump 
on  the  cranium  of  the  one  man  of  company  D  who  succeeded  in  get- 
ting asleep. 

To-day  we  have  been  applying  finishing  touches  to  our  quarters,  and 
exercising  in  company  movements,  by  squads,  &c.  The  turn-out  at 
beat  of  reveille,  this  morning  at  five  o'clock,  was  a  new  sensation  even 
to  the  "  Corporal."  The  style  of  the  morning  ablutions  was  a  novelty,  too. 
Instead  of  basins  and  soap  at  the  barracks,  we  were  ordered  to  "fall  in 
with  towels,"  and  then  were  positively  marched  to  a  pond  to  wash  our 
faces  and  hands  !     0,  the  degradation  of  military  rule  !     Such  is  war. 

To-morrow  we  shall  look  for  a  host  of  friends  from  Boston.  We  will 
not  attempt  to  disguise  the  hope  we  cherish,  that  they  may  bring  their 
pockets  full  of  apples  ! 

In  the  midtiphcity  of  Colonels  Lee,  never  lees  in  a  military  sense, 
your  correspondent  may  inform  somebody  by  stating  that  the  Colonel 
Lee  commanding  the  44th,  was  Major  Lee  of  the  4th  Battalion,  and 
never  Colonel  Lee  of  the  20th  or  27th,  or  Colonel  Lee  of  the  Governor's 
Staff,  but  is  a  brother  of  the  latter.  He  is  a  large-hearted  man,  and  a 
sjilendid  officer.  His  staff  and  line  officers  are  fully  worthy  of  him. 
Altogether  we  are  eminently  satisfied  with  ourselves  as  a  regiment. 

In  Bakracks  at  Readville,      ) 
Sept.  6,  1862.  \ 
Our  first  Sunday  in  barracks   was    enlivened    by   the   presence   of 
friends  from  Boston.      The  hope  we  breathed  with  respect  to  apples 
was  more  than  met.     The  last  cigar  in  many  a  private  stock  had  just 


ended  in  smoke,  and  shed  its  sweetness  on  the  desert  air  of  Eeadville, 
haply  to  be  succeeded  by  new  rehiys  at  the  hands  of  thoughtful 
friends.  Wine,  fruit  and  other  comestibles  poured  into  some  favored 
messes  with  overwhelming  abundance,  and  it  nmst  be  confessed  that 
Monday's  bill  of  health  was  not  improved  by  Sunday's  too  luxurious 
bill  of  fare.  "  Corporal"  would  suggest  that  pastry  and  cake  are  of 
no  benefit  to  a  soldier,  but  that  ripe  fruit  is  not  only  a  luxury,  but  bi 
great  advantage  as  a  corrective  of  the  system. 

Another  sanitary  suggestion.  Several  sick  men  on  Monday  traced 
their  ill  health  to  bathing  too  soon  after  dinner.  Few  men  can  safely 
plunge  into  the  water  within  four  hours  after  eating  heartily.  It  stops 
the  digestive  machinery,  and  then  all  goes  wrong,  indefinitely.  Just 
before  dinner  is  a  good  time  to  bathe,  or  just  before  breakfast  or  supper 
will  do. 

Would  any  one  like  to  know  how  our  first  dress  parade  went  ofi"  ? 
Well,  I  shan't  tell.  The  occasion  was  graced  by  the  Boston  Brass 
Band  ;  but  a  spirited  young  horse  in  front  of  the  lines  did  the  best  thing 
of  the  day  —  dancing  in  perfect  time  to  the  music.  With  his  head  erect 
and  nervously  distended  nostrils,  he  was  a  picture  of  grace.  That  that 
horse  has  a  soul  "  Corporal"  has  no  doubt,  else  how  could  he  have  nmsic 
in  it  ?  Horses  of  duller  metal  were  all  around  him,  standing  upon 
three  legs,  and  doing  nothing  but  switch  their  tails  at  the  flies.  Some 
hviman  beings  behave  still  more  indiff"erently  at  concerts. 

There  is  some  emulation  among  the  companies  in  the  way  of  neat- 
ness, conveniences  and  decorations  about  their  several  barracks.  The 
palm  is  due  to  Company  D  for'  an  early  display  of  flags  upon  the  out- 
side, and  also  for  certain  novel  decorations  of  the  interior  in  the  shape 
of  one  or  two  delicate  articles  of  apparel,  probably  wafted  by  the  wind 
from  a  washing  hung  out  to  dry. 

One  of  our  fellows  was  attacked  by  a  cow  the  other  day,  and  badly 
wounded  in  his  under-garments,  but  is  expected  to  recover. 

Company  D  has  paid  a  little  compliment  to  its  commissioned  ofiicers. 
Captain  Sullivan  was  made  the  recipient  of  a  sword,  sash,  and  belt,  and 
to  Lieutenants  Blake  and  Stebbins  were  presented  shoulder  straps. 
These  gentlemen  are  justly  beloved  by  the  men  of  their  company  for 
their  entire  devotion  to  duty,  and  their  high  accomplishments  as  ofiicers. 
They  are  all  graduates  of  the  Fourth  Battalion.  Of  the  qualifications 
of  Captains  Hunt,  Lombard  and  Kendall  also,  the  personal  acquaint- 
ance of  your  correspondent  enables  him  to  speak  in  terms  of  high 


Company  F  having  Had  the  tcmovity  to  erect  a  flag-staff  taller  than 
Company  D's,  the  latter  company  extended  its  mast  a  few  feet  over  that 
of  its  neighboring  barrack.  This  and:)ition  to  excel  exhibits  itself  in  a 
variety  of  ways.  Some  of  the  barracks  are  prettily  lighted  with  lan- 
terns, and  in  one  or  two  of  them  the  bunks  are  lettered  and  ornamented 
in  a  very  artistic  manner.  Afterward  Captain  Spencer  Richardson's 
bo3-s  secured  the  tallest  pole  which  could  be  found  in  the  neighboring 
woods,  and  at  the  present  writing  their  flag  floats  the  highest.  The 
barracks  occupied  by  the  companies  of  Captain  Lombard,  Captain  Hunt 
and  Captain  Kendall  also  have  creditable  displays  of  bunting,  and  con- 
tribute to  give  the  encampment  an  animated  and  beautiful  appearance. 

Each  company  has  its  excellent  choir  of  singers,  but  Company  F 
affords  instrumental  as  well  as  vocal  music.  The  Cobb  brothers,  who 
are  excellent  violinists,  nightly  delight  a  numerous  auditory  assembled 
about  their  bunks. 

As  our  stay  at  Readville  protracts,  we  are  gathering  about  us  many 
little  comforts  and  luxuries  Avhich  we  shall  probably  have  to  sacrifice  in 
the  event  of  a  sudden  retirement  from  before  an  enemy.  But  while 
we  stay  here  our  purpose  is  to  make  ourselves  extremely  comfortable  ; 
and  in  this  purpose  a  numerous  constituency  of  Mends  are  lending  their 
assistance  in  the  way  of  hampers  and  baskets  and  bundles  of  fruit,  and 
other  delicacies.  Our  mess  gratefully  acknowledges  a  basket  of  incom- 
parable pies  from  a  pious  lady  in  Boston,  who  has  no  peer  among 
modern  pastry  cooks.  Our  judgment  condemns  all  such  luxuries,  but 
our  heart  acknowledges  how  good  they  are.  And  we  are  most  gener- 
ously remembered  in  gifts  of  more  substantial  value — writing  desks, 
medicines,  wax-tapers,  smoking  caps,  pipes,  tobacco,  cigars,  &c.,  &c. 
All  these,  we  know,  are  the  romance  of  war,  the  pleasant  prelude  of 
things  considerably  rougher,  but  we  will  enjoy  them  while  we  may,  and 
when  we  come  to  the  sterner  duties  of  the  soldier  our  hearts  and  arms 
shall  be  nerved  to  strength  by  all  the  thoughtful  kindness  which  friends 
now  lavish  upon  us. 

We  shall  not  forget  the  "  Donation  Committee"  of  the  city  of  Bos- 
ton, or  its  queenly  agent  who  presides  at  the  headquarters  on  Tremont 
street,  and  dispenses  havelocks,  Testaments,  pins,  needles,  towels,  hand- 
kerchiefs, &c.,  to  every  applicant  whom  it  is  in  her  power  to  serve. 

I  informed  you  in  my  first  letter  that  our  regiment  was  honored  by 
the  membership  of  the  astronomer  Tuttle  ;  I  omitted,  however,  to  men- 
tion that  he  rejected  the  tender  of  a  lucrative  position  in  the  Washing- 
ton Observatory  to  do  a  private  soldier's  duty  in  the  44th  Regiment. 


Patriotism  more  self-sacrificiug  than  this  is  rarely  to  be  found,  but  when 
found,  a  note  should  be  made  of  it  at  once.  We  propose  to  call  our 
astronomical  comrade  "  Old  Stars."  Although  not  yet  twenty-three 
years  old,  he  has  already  grown  gray  in  his  assiduous  night-watches  for 
the  starry  voyagers  of  the  upper  deep ;  and  now  his  chief  anxiety  is  to 
be  placed  upon  the  round  of  the  night  sentinel,  -where  he  may  pursue 
his  favorite  study. 

We  have  been  having  some  delicious  days  this  week.  It  was  plea- 
sure enough  to  live  in  such  atmosphere  and  sunlight.  Our  evenings, 
too,  have  been  delightful,  and  we  have  had  with  them  the  music  of  the 
band,  promenades,  dancing,  &c.  Many  friends,  with  beautiful  turn- 
outs, and  without,  have  visited  us,  and  we  have  had  a  wonderfully  hap- 
py week.  Who  shall  describe  the  wonderftil  beauty  of  these  September 
sunrises,  and  the  exhilaration  of  the  morning  air  and  bath  at  the  pond  ? 

On  Thursday  we  were  honored  by  a  visit  from  a  sub-committee  of 
the  Citizens'  Committee  of  Boston,  deputed  to  investigate  the  cuisine  of 
this  regiment.  Reports  had  gone  abroad  that  we  were  badly  fed:  that, 
in  point  of  fact,  we  were  not  allowed  broiled  chickens  for  breakfast,  nor 
roast  beef  and  plum-pudding  for  dinner.  It  is  barely  possible  that  the 
committee  had  even  more  serious  charges  to  investigate,  and  were  hor- 
rified to  discover  that  we  had  neither  loaf-sugar  or  cream  in  our  tea  and 
coffee.  Notwithstanding  these  serious  deficiencies,  the  committee  were 
constrained  to  confess  that  our  bread  and  soup  were  good  enough  for 
the  guests  of  the  Parker  House,  and  that  in  all  other  respects  we  fared 
as  well  as  the  soldiers  of  any  other  regiment.  We  certainly  didn't  know 
that  we  were  badly  used,  until  we  were  honored  by  the  visit  of  the  gen- 
tlemen of  eminent  gravity.  We  looidd  whisper  one  word  in  the  ear  of 
the  cook,  and  ask  him  to  cook  the  rice ;  but  for  the  consolation  of  that 
amiable  individual  we  would  remind  him  of  the  remark  of  Thomas  Jef- 
ferson, that  there  was  but  one  woman  north  of  the  Potomac  who  knew 
how  to  perform  this  important  culinary  operation. 

The  time  of  our  departure,  as  well  as  our  destination,  is  still  prob- 
lematical. Some  have  it  that  we  are  going  to  Virginia,  others  to  Bal- 
timore, others  to  New  Orleans,  and  others  that  we  are  to  remain  where 
we  arc  for  a  considerable  space  of  time.  The  work  of  drill  has  com- 
menced in  earnest,  and  in  a  few  weeks,  few  regiments  will  excel  the 
44tli  in  thoroughness  of  instruction.  We  have  received  our  guns 
(Enfield  rifles),  although  they  have  not  yet  been  distributed.  A  portion 
of  our  uniforms  have  arrived,  and  will  soon  be  distributed.  A  large 
number  of  the  regiment  will  wear  uniforms  made  to  measure,  and  of 
better  stock  than  that  furnished  by  Uncle  Sam. 


Before  we  leave  Readville,  it  is  suggested  that  we  give  our  friends  a 
grand  parting  reception  and  ball,  and  that  an  acre  or  two  of  the  camp- 
ground be  floored  over  for  the  convenience  of  those  who  would  like  to 
trip  the  light  fantastic. 

In  Barracks  at  Readville,       \ 
Sept.  13,  1862.  ( 
It  may  interest  your  readers  to  know  that  the  field  occupied  by  the 
44th  Regiment  is  where  the  famous  striped  pig  was  exhibited  twenty 
odd  years  ago — the  pig  made  immortal  in  the  well-remembered  song 
commencing — 

"  In  Dedham  just  now  there  was  a  great  muster, 
Which  gathered  the  people  all  up  in  a  cluster  ; 
A  terrible  time,  and  what  do  you  think, 
To  find  a  way  to  get  something  to  drink  I 
Ri  tu,  di  nu,  di  nu,"  &c. 

To-day  traffickers  in  the  ardent  hereabout  labor  under  similar  em- 
barrassments with  those  of  1840.  Colonel  Lee  has  military  jurisdic- 
tion over  a  territorial  radius  of  one  mile,  and  has  no  bowels  of  com- 
passion for  those  fellows  who  open  rum  and  refreshment  booths  along 
the  highways  and  in  the  bushes  about  the  camp.  "Corporal"  has 
already  signalized  himself  by  leading  a  sf^uad  of  men  and  assisting  in 
the  confiscation  and  reduction  of  a  liquor  shanty  romantically  situated 
among  the  pines  in  the  vicinity.  The  operation  yielded  us  one  flask  of 
whisky,  two  empty  flasks,  and  a  fresh  supply  of  needed  lumber,  whereof 
"  Corporal"  was  awarded  one  board  in  consideration  of  his  gallantry  on 
the  occasion  alluded  to. 

Another  new  sensation  has  befallen  your  correspondent  in  his  first 
experience  as  corporal  of  the  guard.  We  have  had  a  succession  of 
magnificent  days  and  nights  since  we  went  into  camp,  and  guard  duty 
has  not  been  the  most  disagreeable  part  of  our  experience  as  soldiers. 
The  calm  majesty  of  these  moon-lit  nights,  the  brooding  stillness  oc- 
casionally broken  by  the  challenge  of  the  sentinel  in  this  and  the  neigh- 
boring camps,  and  the  white  tents  and  garrisons  dotting  the  dark  field, 
conspire  to  form  a  scene  of  impressive  beauty. 

We  have  received  an  order  from  the  Commander-in-Chief  of  all  the 
forces  in  Massachusetts  prohibiting  us  from  bathing  at  all  Christian 
hovirs  of  the  day,  out  of  regard  to  the  sensitive  nerves  of  somebody. 
As  nobody  but  soldiers  live  near  the  ponds,  it  is  to  be  supposed  that 


the  order  was  promulgated  as  a  measure  of  consideration  of  the  naiads 
and  nymphs  habitant  hereabout.  We  heartily  wish  that  everybody  was 
like  Caesar's  wife. 

The  "  women  of  America,"  including  a  few  Boston  friends,  have  sent 
us  in  a  grand  lunch  of  Washington  pies,  coffee  and  cold  meats.  Where 
these  dainties  went  to  is  a  profound  mystery  to  the  non  coms.  and  pri- 
vates, but  it  is  doubtless  "  all  right." 

At  dress  parade,  the  other  day,  Miss  Josie  Gregg,  of  Boston,  through 
Colonel  Lee,  presented  us  an  elegant  flag,  and  the  gift  was  acknowledg- 
ed by  three  cheers.  Captain  Spencer  Richardson  has  received  a  sword, 
sash,  &c.,  from  friends  of  the  Mercantile  Library  Association,  of  which 
he  is  an  ex-president.  Orderly  Stebbins,  of  Company  F,  brother  of 
Lieutenant  Stebbins,  of  Company  D,  has  received  a  sword,  sash,  &c., 
from  members  of  his  company.  Dan.  Simpson,  the  drummer,  has  re- 
ceived from  friends  in  Company  C  (Captain  Lombard),  a  Turkish  fez, 
which  gives  old  Dan.  a  very  rakish  appearance. 

Flag  competition  continues,  and  now  every  barrack  shows  its  bunting 
—  that  of  Company  D  again  floating  the  highest.  Thursday  morning 
Company  F's  flag-staff  presented  to  the  eyes  of  an  astonished  camp  the 
same  small  white,  bifurcated  garment  which  had  previously  served  to 
decorate  the  interior  of  a  neighboring  barrack.  The  boys  are  bound  not 
to  "  'have  their  selves,"  as  Uncle  Sim  Wilbur  used  to  say.  We  now 
hope,  however,  for  better  things  for  our  company,  having  sent  the  ser- 
geants to  a  tent  by  themselves,  and  conferred  the  responsibility  of  keep- 
ing good  order  upon  the  corporals. 

Captain  James  Richardson's  company  give  their  barrack  a  beautiful, 
almost  oriental  appearance  at  evening,  by  the  introduction  of  numerous 
Chinese  lanterns.  Li  every  barrack  the  fine  arts  are  still  cultivated  in 
the  lettering  and  ornamentation  of  the  bunks.  One  is  labelled  "  Squir- 
rels' Nest ; "  another, "  Penguin's  Nest ; "  another,  "  Sleeping  Beauties ;" 
another,  "Siamese  Twins;"  another,  "  Damon  and  Pythias."  Some 
graduates  of  Tufts  College,  who  occupy  a  bunk  together,  inform  the 
world  in  good  classical  phrase  that  it  is  sweet  to  die  for  your  country. 
They  may  well  say  that,  if  living  in  the  barracks  at  Readville  be  dying 
for  your  country.  "Corporal"  cannot  but  look  with  amazement  upon 
these  classical  young  patriots  elevated  upon  their  bunks  and  devouring 
home  danties  over  this  conspicuous  motto  —  '•''  Dulce  et  decorum  est  pro 
^jatrice  mori ! " 

In  Company  D  we  have  the  following  graduates  and  under-graduates 
of  Tijfts  College:  —  E.  Fitz  Gerald,  Portsmouth,  New  Hampshire ;  C. 


Adams,  Middleton,  North  Carolina;  J.  B.  Brewster,  Plymouth;  W.  E. 
Savery,  South  Carver  ;  W.  C.  Ireland,  Boston;  W.  E.  Gibbs,  West  Cam- 
bridge, Massachusetts;  W.  P.  Treat,  Canton,  Maine;  and  A.  C.  Fish, 
Janesville,  Wisconsin.  As  may  be  supposed  they  are  ornaments  to  the 
company  and  regiment.  Mr.  Gibbs  relinquishes  the  pastorate  of  the 
TJniversalist  Church  in  West  Cambridge  and  a  liberal  salary  to  serve 
his  country  as  a  private  soldier. 

Our  Chaplain,  Rev.  Mr.  Hall,  of  Plymouth,  was  introduced  to  us  last 
Sunday,  and  made  a  good  impression  upon  the  regiment  for  his  brevity 
of  speech  and  avoidance  of  religious  cant.  He  said  the  engrossing  duty 
of  the  day  was  devotion  to  our  country,  and  felicitated  the  young  men 
of  the  regiment  that  an  opportunity  was  opened  to  them  to  consecrate 
their  powers  to  so  high  an  object.  The  music  was  very  hum-drum, 
considering  the  number  and  quality  of  our  vocalists,  but  we  shall  do 

Mr.  Charles  White,  of  Milton,  who  has  two  sons  in  the  44th,  is  get- 
ting up  a  regimental  song  book.  Original  contributions  of  the  true 
ring  would  doubtless  be  well  received. 

The  quarters  of  Company  G,  Captain  Hunt,  are  tastefully  ornament- 
ed with  evergreen,  and  are  much  admired  by  visitors ;  but  it  is  on  all 
hands  conceded  that  the  barrack  of  Company  D,  thanks  to  the  oversight 
of  our  admirable  Corporal  Waterman,  is  most  noticeable  for  its  com- 
plete order  and  neatness.  It  is  whispered  that  we  are  to  have  a 
piano,  if  we  remain  here  much  longer ;  and  then,  with  such  singers 
among  us  as  Charley  Ewer,  from  the  Warren  Street  choir,  we  reckon 
upon  very  good  times  in  the  musical  line. 

Yesterday  was  a  great  day  with  the  men  of  the  44th.  We  were 
mustered  into  the  service  of  the  United  States  by  companies.  The 
event  was  hailed  with  cheering  and  general  rejoicing ;  and  then  the 
uniforms  provided  by  Uncle  Sam  were  opened  for  inspection.  Many 
members  of  the  regiment  had  already  provided  themselves  with  garments 
of  superior  quality,  made  to  measure,  and  those  who  had  not  taken  this 
precaution  regretted  it  the  more  when  they  came  to  see  the  half  cotton, 
shoddy,  slouchy  stuff  sent  to  them  through  the  State  authorities. 
Colonel  Lee,  who  has  a  natural  abhorrence  of  shams  in  all  shapes, 
advised  his  men  not  to  draw  such  imiforms,  and  promised  to  assist  them 
in  procuring  garments  made  to  measure.  The  men  gladly  acted  upon 
the  suggestion  of  the  Colonel  and  will  clothe  themselves,  not  less  as  a 
matter  of  neatness  and  taste  than  of  economy. 

The  mustering-in  certificates  were  given  out  yesterday  and  to-day, 


and  some  of  the  boys  Lave  already  pocketed  the  generous  bounties 
voted  them  in  Boston  and  elsewhere.  Mayor  Wightman  was  here  on 
Friday,  and  was  cheered  as  he  passed  among  the  barracks. 

Last  evening  the  barrack  of  Company  F,  Captain  Storrow,  was  the 
centre  of  attraction.  The  parents  of  the  artists  Cobb  were  present, 
and  the  delighted  spectators  of  a  country  break-down  and  other  festive 
demonstrations.  Mrs.  Cobb  delivered  a  little  impromptu  poem,  and 
Mr.  Cobb  a  very  stirring  address,  both  of  which  were  vociferously 
applauded.  The  Cobb  brothers  sang  and  played  exquisitely,  and  the 
occasion  was  one  of  touching  interest. 

Brigadier-Greneral  Pierce  has  been  appointed  to  command  Camp 
Meigs,  including  the  several  encampments  at  Readville,  and  Lieutenant 
Richard  H.  Weld,  Post  Adjutant. 

To-day  a  fine  flag-staff  was  erected  at  the  brigade  headquarters  near 
the  depot.  In  a  little  while  Camp  Meigs  will  be  one  of  the  grandest 
and  most  comjilete  military  posts  in  New  England. 

We  have  been  provided  with  muskets  for  guard  duty  only,  and  of 
course  have  much  work  to  perform  in  the  manual  of  arms'  drill  before 
we  shall  be  fit  to  take  the  field.  Li  the  facings  we  have  made  com- 
mendable progress,  and  have  been  highly  complimented  by  Colonel  Lee 
in  this  respect. 

Since  the  44th  went  into  barracks  they  have  been  favored  with  tlie 
services  of  the  Boston  Brass  Band,  under  the  lead  of  Mr.  Flagg.  It 
is  said  the  expense  is  to  be  defrayed  by  an  assessment  upon  the  regiment. 
Considering  that  the  mass  of  the  regiment  have  had  no  voice  in  the 
selection  of  a  band,  a  number  of  persons  are  inclined  to  consider  this 
a  little  "  rough."  What  "  Corporal"  and  many  others  wish  to  suggest 
in  this  connection  is,  that  a  few  of  our  rich  friends  in  Boston  unite  to 
defray  the  expense  of  a  yoocl  band,  which  shall  accompany  us  to  the 
seat  of  war.  It  is  thought  they  would  be  pleased  to  confer  this  sub- 
stantial benefit  upon  the  regiment,  and  thus  acknowledge  the  important 
assistance  rendered  by  the  Fourth  Battalion  of  Infantry  in  raising  the 
quota  of  Boston.  Failing  in  this,  a  set  of  instruments  would  be  grate- 
fidly  acknowledged,  and  an  excellent  band  would  then  be  recruited  from 
the  regiment. 

In  Barracks  at  Readville,      )^ 
Saturday,  Sept.  20,  1862.  ) 
We  begin  to  feel  the  rigors  of  a  soldier's  life,  and  among  our  hard- 
ships are  green  corn,  onion  soup,  baked  beans,  bro\\Ti  bread,  boiled  pota- 


toes,  &c.  If  we  liad  not  been  mustered  in  at  the  time  we  were,  there  is  no 
saying  what  the  consequences  of  delay  might  not  have  been.  As  for 
our  cook,  he  has  been  forced  to  seek  an  asykini  out  of  camp,  under  a 
pretence  of  sickness.  He  could  no  longer  foce  the  frown  of  a  virtuous 
and  half-starved  soldiery,  so  he  unwreathed  his  face  of  "  that  smile," 
which  had  so  long  deceived  the  boys,  and  then — 

"  Folded  up  his  dishcloth  like  the  Arabs, 
Aud  in  darkness  stole  away." 

Applications  for  the  vacancy  at  the  "  Bite  Tavern,"  from  Parker  &  Mills 
and  J.  B.  Smith  are  under  consideration. 

Since  we  were  sworn  in  we  have  felt  the  tightening  of  the  military 
rein.  No  man  has  been  allowed  to  see  his  friends,  or  to  receive  pres- 
ents from  them  except  on  the  points  of  their  bayonets.  On  Monday 
about  two  hundred  men  only  could  be  mustered  for  battalion  drill.  The 
other  eight  hundred,  except  those  who  had  gone  to  Boston  and  elsewhere, 
were  in  irons  at  the  guard-house.  Colonel  Lee  and  staff  were  intoxi- 
cated—  with  the  varied  strains  of  the  Boston  Brass  Band.  Altogether 
we  have  been  in  a  sad  muss. 

When  are  we  going  to  leave  for  the  seat  of  war  ?  We  don't  know. 
It  is  said  at  the  Adjutant-General's  office  that  we  shall  be  the  next  reg- 
iment to  leave.  If  this  is  so,  why  are  not  the  muskets  given  out  ?  The 
Elementary  Spelling  Book  used  to  say,  "  wheels  are  admirable  instru- 
ments of  conveyance."  It  might  also  have  said  that  guns  are  useful 
implements  of  warfare,  and  that  wheelings  and  facings  alone  never  did 
kill  the  devil.  "  Corporal,"  who  confesses  to  a*  distaste  for  actual  war- 
fare, and  who,  like  Sparrowgrass,  would  be  glad  never  to  leave  his 
State,  except  in  case  of  invasion,  indulges  the  hope  that  this  delay  in 
distributing  the  arms  indicates  an  indefinite  continuance  of  barrack  life 
and  drill. 

The  past  week  has  been  one  of  furloughs,  the  men  being  thus  enabled 
to  go  to  their  several  hailing  places  and  procure  their  bounties.  We 
are  sorry  to  say  that  red  tape  has  ruled  potently  with  some  of  the  town 
authorities,  and  that  some  soldiers  have  been  disappointed  in  not  re- 
ceiving what  is  clearly  theirs,  for  the  want  of  forms  of  certificate  not 
required  in  Boston.  Dear  old  Boston  !  She  not  only  does  generous 
things,  but  does  them  as  quietly  and  with  as  little  trouble  to  the  recip- 
ients as  though  she  was  not  conferring  a  benefit.  She  that  never  tires 
in  doing  good  is  not  mis-named  "the  Hub."  "  Corporal"  will  be  her 
spokesman,  although  his  bounty  came  not  from  her  treasury,  nor  any 
other,  as  yet. 


We  reasonably  expect  that  a  week  of  furloughs  will  be  succeeded  by 
work.  Some  of  our  little  captains  are  threatening  us  hard.  More  drill 
and  less  guard  duty  will  not  be  unacceptable  to  the  poor  fellows,  whose 
duty  as  sentinels  for  the  past  week  has  only  been  relieved  by  the  relax- 
ation of  police  guard  work  or  scavenger  service.  Bootless  has  been  the 
plea,  "  I  was  on  guard  yesterday,  and  police  guard  the  day  before." 
The  orderly  knew  it.  There  was  no  help  for  it.  It  costs  hard  work, 
but  we  have  the  cleanest  camp  in  Christendom,  if  we  may  believe  vis- 
itors. Lieutenant  McLaughlin,  our  nn;stering-in  officer,  was  profuse  in 
his  commendations  of  the  44th.  It  was,  he  said,  the  most  orderly  and 
the  cleanest  regiment  he  ever  mustered  in.  The  company  roUs  were  the 
neatest  which  had  ever  come  under  his  inspection,  and  the  number  of 
absentees  (one  sick  and  one  unavoidably  absent,)  the  smallest  in  his  ex- 
perience. We  do  not  wish  to  be  always  elevating  our  horn,  but  we 
must  record  history. 

Speaking  of  guard  duty,  we  have  added  to  our  guards  another  wheel 
in  the  camp  machinery  of  good  order — a  provost  guard.  Captain 
Smith,  of  Company  H,  has  been  appointed  Provost  Marshal  of  this 
post.  Lieutenant  Forbes,  of  Company  K,  formerly  of  the  Commercial 
Bulletin,  Lieutenant  Laughton,  of  the  43d  Regiment,  and  Lieutenant 
Singleton,  of  the  42d,  have  been  appointed  Lieutenants  of  the  provost 
guard.  The  headquarters  of  this  guard  are  near  the  depot.  It  consists 
of  a  relief  from  each  of  the  above  regiments,  and  its  principal  duty  is 
to  reduce  rum  booths  in  the  vicinity  and  look  up  stragglers  from  the 

Since  my  last  letter  there  have  been  added  to  the  list  of  decorated 
barracks,  those  of  Company  B,  Captain  Grriswold,  and  Company  A, 
Captain  Richardson.  Company  D  has  introduced  Chinese  lanterns, 
small  flags,  and  the  arms  of  the  New  England  Guards,  neatly  painted 
by  one  of  our  numerous  artists,  to  wit,  Fred.  Sayer,  the  lingual  prodigy 
and  pet  of  his  corps.  We  have  not  yet  procured  a  drummer,  but  our 
tallest  corporal,  Messinger,  who  has  seen  enough  of  military  prefer- 
ment, is  in  training  as  a  candidate.  Since  the  above  was  written,  a 
drummer  has  been  selected,  but  Messinger's  claims  were  ignored. 

Among  the  testimonials  of  the  past  week  have  been  a  sword,  sash 
and  belt  to  Orderly  Hatch,  of  Captain  Hunt's  company,  and  a  splendid 
meerschaum  pipe  to  Captain  James  Richardson.  Gold,  silver  and 
amber  combine  to  make  the  latter  present  a  dudheen  of  irreproachable 

A  startling  rumor  has  just  come  into  camp  to  the  effect  that  we  are 


to  be  allowed  no  more  extras.  The  fellows  who  have  been  sub.sisthiof 
upon  pies,  sponge  cake,  pickles,  etc.,  etc.,  propose  to  hold  an  indigna- 
tion meeting,  and  arouse  public  sentiment  against  the  contemplated 
outrage.  If  we  cannot  be  allowed  to  eat  WnaJiiiKjton  pies,  wliat  are 
our  liberties  worth,  we  should  like  to  know  ?  3Iore  than  this,  we  are 
not  to  be  allowed  to  eat  our  rations  in  barrack  except  in  rainy  weather. 
Such  is  war.  But  are  we  to  be  kept  under  stricter  discipline  than  regi- 
ments in  the  field  ?  Are  we  to  have  no  sutler  ?  Is  the  dealer  in  "  veg- 
etable oysters"  opposite  the  guard  house  to  be  driven  off?  We  refuse 
to  believe  it. 

A  large  proportion  of  the  regiment  is  now  uniformed  in  neatly  fitting 
suits,  having  no  relationship  to  the  contractors'  shoddy  which  was 
attempted  to  be  foisted  upon  us.  Our  appearance  at  the  dress  parades 
is  creditable,  and  every  pleasant  afternoon  crowds  of  spectators  honor 
us  with  their  presence.  The  number  of  pretty  girls  that  adorn  these 
occasions,  coming  as  they  do,  laden  with  ofi"erings  of  fruits  and  flowers 
for  their  favorites,  is  by  no  means  the  least  interesting  feature  of  the 
afternoon  displays.  The  angels  even  besiege  us  in  our  barracks,  and 
although  we  are  delighted  to  see  them,  they  seem  sometimes  to  forget 
that  we  have  no  retiring  rooms,  and  that  we  must  perforce  make  our 
toilettes  in  our  bunks,  or  not  make  them  at  all.  "  Corporal"  wants  it 
distinctly  understood  that  he  don't  care  anything  about  this,  personally. 
He  speaks  for  the  modest  man  of  his  company. 

Yesterday  the  numerous  flags  at  Camp  Meigs  were  at  half-mast  in 
respect  to  the  memory  of  General  Reno.  To-day  the  Warren  Drum 
Corps  were  rapturously  received  by  the  soldieips  of  the  44th.  Doctor 
Kirk,  the  great  and  earnest-hearted  minister  of  the  ]Mount  Vernon 
Church,  was  in  camp  to-day,  distributing  neat  little  books  appropriate 
to  soldiers.  Neatly  printed  hooks  are  read  when  mere  tracts  are  thrown 
away.  "  Corporal"  heard  one  fellow  remark  with  irreverent  facetious- 
ness  that  somebody  had  filled  his  booth  with  tracts  and  carried  away  all 
articles  of  extrinsic  value.  The  chap  had  undoubtedly  lost  something, 
and  selected  this  profane  way  of  giving  vent  to  his  anger. 

Your  correspondent  could  expatiate  by  the  half  column  of  the  social 
fascinations  of  this  life  in  barracks,  of  the  genial  friendships  formed ; 
of  the  glorious  hearts  discovered ;  of  the  roaring  wit  brought  out  by 
this  free  and  easy  companionship  ;  of  the  freedom  from  conventional 
restraints  and  the  care  of  every-day  pursuits.  Do  not,  dear  reader, 
think  us  too  jolly  and  comfortable  for  soldiers,  but  rather  thank  Heaven 
for  the  sunny  side  and  recompense  of  military  life,  which,  perhaps,  after 


all,  but  very  feebly  offset  the  sluidows  tlii'ough  which  lies  the  pathway 
of  hiia  who  takes  up  anus  iu  defense  of  liberty,  imperilled  as  it  is 

Ix  Bamiacks  at  Readville,      ) 
Saturday,  Sept.  27,  1862.  ] 

One  of  our  home  corps  was  at  Camp  Meigs  last  Sunday,  and  noted 
the  extraordinary  rush  of  visitors  upon  that  day.  The  members  of  the 
44tli  were  allowed  a  few  hours'  leave  of  absence  outside  their  lines,  and 
improved  the  time  by  visiting  the  encampments  of  the  other  regiments 
and  battery  east  of  the  pond.  The  visit  was  an  agreeable  one,  and  af- 
forded us  a  fine  opportunity  to  contrast  the  condition  of  our  camp  with 
that  of  the  other  regiments  at  this  post.  We  found  the  barracks  of  the 
45tli  (Cadet  Regiment)  in  fine  condition,  and  constructed  with  better 
regard  to  light  and  ventilation  than  our  own.  In  other  respects  we  did 
not  suifer  by  comparison  with  either  regiment.  Gilmore's  Band  hon- 
ored us  by  playing  the  Fourth  Battalion  Quickstep,  (xilmore  promises 
us  a  serenade  one  of  these  fine  evenings.  In  a  few  days  more  we  shall 
have  more  moonlight  nights,  and,  if  we  remain  at  Camp  Meigs,  a  repe- 
tition of  out-door  evening  sociability,  music  and  moonlight  rambles.  At 
this  writing,  however,  the  air  is  thick  with  rumors  of  a  speedy  departure 
of  our  regiment.  We  have  it  from  apparently  good  authority  that  the 
47th,  Colonel  Marsh,  is  to  occupy  these  barracks  nest  week,  and  that  a 
transport  now  lies  in  Boston  harbor  waiting  to  convey  us  to  New  Or- 
leans, or  Newbern,  for  one  of  which  posts,  it  is  said,  we  are  to  sail  the 
latter  part  of  next  week.  Another  rumor  sends  us  to  Annapolis,  pre- 
liminary to  our  sea  voyage  South,  and  another  to  Fort  Warren.  We 
propose  to  resign  ourselves  to  either  of  these  dispositions,  especially  to 
the  New  Orleans  trip,  now  that  we  begin  to  feel  the  bite  of  these  au<- 
tumn  nights  and  mornings.  The  most  unmusical  of  sounds  is  the  reveille 
at  five  o'clock,  A.  M.  Even  the  fi-eshness  and  magnificence  of  those 
star-gemmed  mornings  scarcely  compensate  us  for  this  ghostly  hour  of 
turning  out.  But  now  we  are  threjitened  with  calls  among  the  small 
hours  for  the  purpose  of  preparing  us  for  surprises  in  the  enemy's 
country.  We  would  gladly  excuse  our  officers  from  this  laborious  work 
in  our  behalf.  In  fact,  we  shall  not  be  less  grateful  to  them  if  they  do 
not  carry  the  plan  into  execution.  Beside,  midnight  movements  like 
these  might  excite  the  suspicion  of  our  ubiquitous  provost  guard, 
and  result  in  getting  the  whole   regiment  into  limbo.     We  could  not 


even  visit  our  neighbors  of  the  other  regiments,  last  Sunday,  without 
falling  into  the  hands  of  those  merciless  Philistines,  who  go  about  the 
country  like  roaring  lions  seeking  whom  they  may  devour. 

Companies  J]  and  D  have  been  making  double-quick  marches  to 
Dedham  village  by  the  three-mile  route.  An  uninterrupted  run  of 
three  miles  is  something  incredible  to  the  uninitiated.  "  Corporal"  and 
five  others  confess,  with  proper  self-abasement,  that  the  last  mile  Avas 
rather  too  much  for  them,  especially  as  your  correspondent  was  tortured 
by  a  pair  of  new  boots.  We  fell  out.  The  first  man  who  "  caved  in  " 
was  Tucker  —  a  coincidence  worthy  the  notice  of  one  of  your  cotem- 
poraries.  By  seasonably  falling  out,  we  escaped  rushes  of  blood,  palpi- 
tations of  the  heart,  and  further  abrasions  of  the  feet,  but  we  were  soon 
placed  in  mortal  teiTor  of  the  provost  guard.  We  saw  their  blue 
habiliments  and  burnished  muskets  in  the  distance,  and  rushed  precipi- 
tately into  the  first  wayside  building.  They  did  not  discover  us,  but  we 
saw  their  wagon  enter  the  village  of  Dedham  close  upon  the  heels  of 
those  who  had  out-winded  us.  We  fondly  hoped  that  our  comrades 
would  get  arrested  —  so  amiable  is  human  nature ;  but  the  guard  saw 
their  formidable  numbers  and  passed  by  on  the  other  side.  In  the  place 
where  Tucker  and  his  fellow  recusants  sought  seclusion,  we  were  hos- 
pitably regaled  with  apples,  and  then  soon  after  started  upon  our  return 
to  camp  by  another  road.  A  tint  of  blue  in  the  distance  re-awakened 
our  fears  of  the  provost.  We  rushed  into  a  barn  and  peeped  through 
half-closed  doors,  until  a  lady  in  cerulean  garb  drove  past  and  relieved 
us  of  our  immediate  terror.  A  little  further  along,  the  familiar  notifi- 
cation of  "  vegetable  oysters  and  refreshments"  induced  us  to  invest  in 
a  bottle  of  pop  beer.  "  Vegetable  Oysters,"  although  loudly  demand- 
ed, were  not  to  be  had.  At  last  the  ill-disguised  scorn  of  the  woman 
who  kept  the  place  recommended  us  to  leave.  Who  should  we  next 
encounter  but  two  soldiers  ?  They  doubtless  belonged  to  the  provost ; 
but  we  put  a  bold  face  upon  the  matter,  and  determined  to  stand  the 
chances.  They  were  not  the  provost.  They  might  think  we  were,  so 
we  demanded  their  passes  in  the  most  business-like  manner  we  could 
assume,  and  they  were  produced,  although  not  without  manifest 
distrust  of  our  functions.  We  pronounced  the  passes  satisfactory,  and 
then  proceeded  camp-ward  with  aching  sides  and  manifestations  of  severe 
colic,  which  further  excited  the  suspicions  of  the  two  artillerymen  with 
passes.  A  little  while  before  dinner,  a  small  "  awkward  squad"  might 
have  been  seen  descending  the  railroad  embankment  near  Camp  Meigs, 
and  then  proceeding,  crab-like,  by  the  right  and  left  flanks,  until  it  safely 


passed  the  lines.  The  main  party  had  not  arrived,  and  we  confidently 
reported  them  in  the  hands  of  the  provost.  On  the  contrary,  as  we 
learned  upon  their  arrival,  they  had  been  detained  by  a  number  of 
beautiful  Samaritans  habitant  along  the  road,  who  came  out  laden  with 
apples  and  pears,  which  were  distributed  among  the  soldiers  with  smiles 
and  kind  words.  Several  fellows  came  back  to  camp  with  hearts  and 
pedal  extremities  equally  damaged. 

Our  rifles  have  been  distributed  at  last,  and  we  have  commenced  drill- 
ing in  the  manual  with  great  industry.  We  are  going  strictly  by  "  the 
book,"  and  have  to  unlearn  some  things  peculiar  to  the  tactics  of  Colonel 
Stevenson,  formerly  of  the  Fourth  Battalion.  This  gentleman,  by  the 
way,  visited  us  on  Wednesday,  and  was  cordially  received.  If  he  had 
arrived  at  the  time  he  was  expected,  a  formal  demonstration  by  the 
entire  regiment  would  have  been  made  in  his  honor.  We  were  all 
drawn  up  in  line  for  that  purpose,  but  it  is  not  improbable  that  "  Tom," 
as  his  old  military  covfrerea  fondly  call  him,  got  wind  of  the  proceeding. 

The  rumors  given  in  my  last  concerning  stricter  camp  discipline  were 
chiefly  true.  We  are  not  allowed  to  eat  in  the  barracks.  The  order 
concerning  extras  from  home  has  not  been  rigidly  enforced,  and  our 
friends  have  been  allowed  to  remember  us  with  many  little  comforts, 
and  to  assist  at  many  delightful  messes  in  the  company  streets.  As  a 
screw  has  lately  worked  loose  in  the  matter  of  rations,  it  must  be  con- 
fessed that  these  attentions  from  our  friends  have  proved  most  fortunate. 
Some  of  the  boys  will  have  it  that  the  interests  of  the  regimental  sutler 
were  consulted  in  the  late  promulgation  about  provisions  in  the  barracks, 
and  several  companies  have  voted  not  to  patronize  that  individual.  It 
is  certainly  diflicult  to  conceive  why  dainties  from  home  are  more 
objectionable  in  a  military  point  of  view  than  those  from  the  sutler's 
stores.  In  this  connection,  "  Corporal"  would  state  that  Company  D, 
in  the  matter  of  rations,  owes  much  to  the  liberality  of  Corporal  Page. 

On  Thursday  we  had  a  grand  cleaning  out  of  barracks.  Everything 
was  removed  from  them,  and  exposed  to  the  air  and  sunshine.  Most 
of  the  regiment  being  absent  on  escort  duty,  the  task  devolved  upon  a 
few.  It  was  a  work  of  vandalism.  Cherished  shelves,  pictures,  flags, 
and  flowers  came  down  at  one  fell  swoop.  The  personal  eff'ects  of 
absentees  were  tumbled  down  and  bestowed  in  promiscuous  piles  into 
the  bunks,  and  then  carried  outside.  They  comprised  a  heterogeneous 
collection  of  valuables,  like  pats  of  butter,  soap,  packs  of  cards  and 
Testaments,  tooth-brushes  and  cutlery,  spare  clothing  and  baskets, 
haversacks,  havelocks,  night-caps  and  smoking-caps,  pipes,  tobacco 


and  matches,  now  and  then  a  bottle,  and  one  umbrella.  Having  the 
example  before  them  of  the  army  in  Flanders,  the  absentees  of  the 
44th  swore  when  they  came  back  and  witnessed  the  "improvements" 
which  had  been  made  while  they  were  away. 

We  have  occasional  evening  entertainments  here  in  the  shape  of 
ground  and  lofty  tumbling  {en  costume)  and  sparring  matches.  Between 
our  hours  of  drill,  camp  duties,  reception  of  visitors,  music,  letter- 
writing,  &c.,  there  is  no  possibility  of  time  dragging  upon  our  hands. 
Now  visitors  are  restricted  to  the  hours  between  half  past  four  and  half 
past  eight  P.  M.  Among  the  testimonials  of  the  past  week  was  the 
presentation  to  Orderly  Tripp,  of  Company  D,  (Captain  Sullivan)  of  a 
beautiful  sword,  sash  and  belt.  The  company  are  much  attached  to 
their  orderly  for  his  modest  and  efficient  way  of  performing  the  many 
and  arduous  duties  appertaining  to  his  post.  Orderly  Sumner,  of  Captain 
Kendall's  company,  who  is  also  highly  spoken  of,  has  received  a  similar 

Our  Surgeon,  Dr.  Ware,  of  Boston,  is  drawing  a  tight  rein  over  the 
regiment.  His  experience  upon  the  Peninsula  has  given  him  notions 
of  sanitary  discipline  which  some  think  too  severe  for  soldiers  in  bar- 
racks at  home.  He  has  stripped  our  quarters  of  everything  but  prime 
necessaries,  and  we  are  reduced  to  a  very  bald  condition  indeed.  We 
shall  probably  see  the  wisdom  of  this  severity  more  clearly  by  and  by. 
At  present  a  majority  of  the  boys  don't  see  it  at  all.  Thursday  night 
we  tried  the  experiment  of  sleeping  without  straw  in  our  bunks.  It 
didn't  work,  and  now  we  propose  to  provide  ourselves  with  canvas 
bags  to  keep  the  straw  in  place,  and  thus  avoid  the  continual  nuisance 
of  straw  litter  inside  and  out. 

On  Thursday  detachments  from  six  companies  of  our  regiment  acted 
as  escort  at  the  funeral  of  the  late  Lieutenant-Colonel  Dwight.  Con- 
sidering the  short  time  of  our  practice  in  the  manual  of  arms,  the  regi- 
ment was  awarded  the  credit  of  great  proficiency,  particularly  in  the 
firing  of  vollies.  Colonel  Stevenson  paid  the  regiment  the  highest 

Among  other  things  for  the  convenience  of  the  soldiers  is  the 
arrangement  made  by  Brigadier-General  Pierce  to  have  two  regular 
mails  daily.  Letters  directed  "  Camp  Meigs,  Boston,"  with  the  letter 
of  the  company  and  the  number  of  the  regiment,  will  reach  their  des- 
tination promptly.  Mails  close  in  Boston  at  seven  A.  M.,  and  two 
P.  M.     The  arrangement  thus  far  has  worked  admirably. 

The  Brigadier  was  serenaded  last  night  by  our  band,  which  went  to 


liis  quarters,  accompanied  by  the  Colouel,  staff  aud  line  officers,  all  of 
whom  received  the  hospitable  couitesies  of  the   commanding  General. 

On  Friday  the  old  members  of  the  Fourth  Battalion  were  pleased  to 
witness  the  beaming  countenance  of  ex-Adjutant  Soule,  late  military 
superintendent  of  plantations  in  South  Carolina.  Mr.  Soule  was  Ad- 
jutant of  the  Battalion  when  it  was  sworn  into  the  United  States  service 
last  May.  He  now  declares  his  intention  of  going  with  us  as  a  private 
soldier.     We  shall  be  glad  to  welcome  him  into  our  ranks. 

In  closing  this  letter,  "■  Corporal"  must  acknowledge  a  kind  and  most 
substantial  remembrancer  from  a  noble  woman  in  Clinton,  whose  gift 
was  accompanied  by  a  note  full  of  sentiments  of  patriotism,  and  per- 
sonal interest  in  the  soldier.  Her  kindness  will  not  be  forgotten  by 
your  correspondent  or  his  "  mess." 

In  Barracks  at  Readtille,  > 
Satiikday,  Oct.  4,  1862.  ) 
The  past  week  Col.  Lee  has  wisely  varied  our  drill  by  taking  the 
regiment  on  marches  through  portions  of  the  country  surrounding  Camp 
Meigs.  Our  first  of  these  marches,  after  escort  duty  at  the  funeral  of 
the  late  Lt.  Col.  Dwight,  was  through  that  portion  of  Milton  of  which 
we  have  such  delightful  glimpses  from  the  camp.  We  were  forced  to 
breathe  dust  freely,  but  through  the  clouds  which  rose  wherever  the 
regiment  moved  we  caught  refreshing  views  of  stately  homesteads, 
blushing  orchards,  and  autumn-tinted  landscapes.  We  were  halted  a 
mile  fi'om  camp,  and  treated  to  cool  water  in  front  of  an  elm-shaded 
farm  house  overlooking  a  bend  in  a  smooth  stream  just  where  a  herd 
of  cows  were  enjoying  their  forenoon  delectation.  If  they  had  arranged 
themselves  for  picturesque  effect  they  couldn't  have  done  better.  If  the 
reader  would  see  apples  upon  the  wayside  trees  "like  apples  of  gold  in 
pictures  of  silver,"  let  him  take  a  warm,  dusty  march  of  sis  miles  past 
orchards  laden  with  September  fruitage.  Since  the  march  to  Milton 
we  have  surprised  the  good  people  of  Mill  Village  and  round  about 
Dedham  Court  House  by  a  sudden  appearance  in  their  midst.  For  the 
gratification  of  our  many  friends  who  are  anxiously  watching  the  pro- 
gress of  this  regiment,  I  have  to  report  that  our  marching  extorted 
great  praise  from  Col.  Lee,  who,  by  the  way,  is  quite  as  prompt  to  give 
us  a  sound  blowing  up  as  he  is  to  compliment.  In  point  of  fact,  he 
does  neither  by  halves.  His  outspoken  frankness  and  generosity  are 
creating  him  hosts  of  warm  friends  in  the  regiment. 


Our  camp  has  not  been  without  one  or  two  episodes  of  "romance  in 
real  life,"  to  coin  a  phrase.  Last  Sunday — a  day  exactly  answering  to 
the  description  of  the  poet — 

" sad,  and  dark,  aud  dreary," — 

the  camp  of  the  44th  was  visited  by  a  pale  fair  one  in  quest  of  her  "be- 
trayer." Betrayer,  a  moustached  young  fellow  not  unknown  among 
the  Boston  sports,  attempted  to  play  the  stranger.  The  dodge  was  un- 
successful. The  young  woman  proclaimed  that  he  was  her  lovyer,  and 
moustache  was  finally  obliged  to  succumb.  They  met  at  the  guard 
house.  What  passed  between  them  is  not  known,  but  enough  was 
guessed  at  to  seriously  affect  the  sensibilities  of  the  susceptible  young 
sergeant  on  duty  upon  that  occasion.  After  the  interview,  the  young 
woman  started  to  leave  the  field,  but  being  overtaken  by  a  real  fainting 
fit,  was  brought  back  by  a  corporal's  guard,  and  a  new  opportunity  was 
thus  afforded  the  gallant  lieutenants  at  that  post  to  render  any  assis- 
tance which  the  circumstances  might  require.  Lieut.  Forbes  especially 
signalized  himself  by  his  delicate  attentions ;  and  it  should  be  men- 
tioned that  a  large  number  of  other  lieutenants  signified  their  willing- 
ness to  be  serviceable  in  the  same  direction.  "Corporal"  is  happy  to 
be  assured  that  the  young  woman  is  likely  to  sur\dve  her  rather  doubt- 
ful heart-wounds. 

Since  the  above  was  written,  it  is  rumored  that  the  parties  are  man 
and  wife. 

There  is  no  great  harmony  in  camp  upon  the  subject  of  music.  A 
proposition  to  defray  the  future  expense  of  the  Boston  Brass  Band  at 
the  rate  of  five  cents  a  day  per  man  was  not  agreed  to.  Many  of  us 
will  be  sorry  to  lose  the  band,  which  acquits  itself  very  creditably,  but 
we  shall  have  left  to  us  the  consolation  of  Dan  Simpson's  drum  and  the 
veteran  Smith's  fife.  For  sixty  odd  years  has  the  latter  been  without 
a  peer  upon  the  instrument  he  uses,  and  now  it  does  the  soid  good 
to  hear  his  trills  at  tattoo  and  revieUe,  as  we  stand  in  the  company 
street  for  roll-call.  May  he  never  be  without  something  to  wet  his 
whistle ! 

We  received  marching  orders  last  Thursday,  and  are  going  to  New- 
bern,  N.  C,  as  soon  as  a  transport  vessel  can  be  got  in  readiness.  At 
Newbern  it  is  expected  we  shall  be  brigaded  under  General,  now 
Colonel,  Stevenson.     This  will  be  gratifying  to  the  regiment. 

"  Corporal"  is  requested  to  correct  a  statement  which  crept  into  his 
last  letter  to  the   effect  that  private  Tucker,  of  Co.  D,  was  the  first  to 



cave  in  on  the  late  double-quick  march  to  Dedham.  It  should  have 
read  "  one  of  the  first."  Your  coiTespondent  has  no  desire  to 
sacrifice  truth  to  a  pun.  Tucker  is  doubtless  a  man  of  bottom  as  well 
as  speed. 

Among  the  testimonials  to  ofiicers  in  the  44th  should  be  mentioned 
the  presentation  of  a  sword,  sash  and  belt  to  Orderly  Cunningham,  of 
Company  C,  and  a  sword,  sash,  belt  and  pistol  to  Orderly  Buck  of 
Company  B, 

Our  indefatigable  surgeon  is  organizing  and  training  a  corps  of  assis- 
tants who  are  to  lend  their  aid  to  the  wounded  upon  the  field  of  battle. 
The  training  consists  of  binding  up  imaginary  wounds,  pointing  out  the 
position  of  arteries,  showing  how  to  handle  fractured  limbs,  placing 
men  upon  litters,  and  showing  how  to  carry  them  with  the  least  possi- 
ble disturbance  of  the  wounded  parts. 

Since  my  last  the  ventilation  of  the  barracks  has  been  improved  by 
sawing  out  holes  in  the  walls,  close  to  the  floors.  This  is  going  to  the 
bottom  of  the  matter.  The  idea  of  getting  rid  of  carbonic  acid  gas  by 
forcing  it  up  through  the  sky-lights  is  an  exploded  one,  and  ought  to 
be  forced  out  of  the  minds  of  those  who  argue  that  "  bad  air  rises." 

Mr.  SteiFen,  formerly  a  captain  in  the  Prussian  service,  and  recently 
instructor  of  the  Massachusetts  Rifle  Club,  is  a  frequent  visitor  to  our 
regiment,  and  is  now  delivering  a  series  of  military  lessons  to  our 
officers.  Mr.  Steff"en  is  a  well  educated  gentleman,  and  a  military  in- 
structor of  decided  accomplishments. 

Since  Lieutenant  Forbes  signalized  himself  by  his  gallantry  to  a  dis- 
tressed fair  one,  he  has  figured  less  agreeably  in  another  afi"air,  and  has 
resigned  his  commission.  His  off'ense  appears  to  have  been  in  putting 
too  much  stress  upon  the  subordination  due  from  privates  to  non-com- 
missioned officers,  especially  corporals.  His  language,  it  must  be  con- 
fessed, was  more  forcible  than  elegant,  and  bordered  too  strongly  upon 
the  profane  to  escape  the  censure  of  Colonel  Lee,  who  asked  the  lieut- 
enant to  resign  or  submit  to  a  court-martial. 

Yesterday  and  to-day  short  furloughs  have  been  freely  granted,  and 
there  is  a  general  impression  that  they  are  our  last  ones.  We  may  not, 
however,  leave  for  a  week  or  two  yet. 

Your  correspondent  notices  in  the  Boston  Advertiser  the  following 
statement  concerning  Company  F,  Captain  Storrow,  of  the  44th  Regi- 
ment, which  was  prepared  by  a  member  of  that  company.  The  men 
were  measured  in  their  stockings,  which  accounts  for  the  average  being 
somewhat  below  the  common  standard.      All  men  are  set  down  as 


"drinking"  who  are  not  conscientiously  opposed  to  the  use  of  ardent 
spirit  in  anij  form  and  lotdcr  all  cirrumnfanci's,  as  a  beverage  : 

"  Of  ninety-eight  warrant  officers  and  privates,  in  politics  sixty-five 
were  straight  Republicans,  fourteen  conservative  Republicans,  and  three 
radical  Republicans  ;  eleven  Union,  three  Democrats,  one  Abolitionist, 
and  one  undecided. 

Thirty-two  worship  at  the  Unitarian  Church,  twenty-one  at  the  Con- 
gi'egationalist,  nineteen  at  the  jNIethodist,  fourteen  at  the  Episcopal, 
eight  at  the  Baptist,  and  four  at  the  Universalist.  Thirty-four  are  com- 
municants of  churches  as  follows :  fourteen  of  the  Methodist  church, 
seven  of  the  Congregational,  five  of  the  Episcopal,  three  of  the  Unita- 
rian, three  of  the  Baptist,  and  two  of  the  Universalist. 

The  average  age  of  the  company  is  thirty-two  years  seven  and  seven- 
teen forty-ninths  days.  The  youngest  man  is  seventeen  years  old,  and 
the  oldest  forty. 

The  average  height  is  five  feet  seven  and  nine-one  hundred  and  nine- 
ty-sixths inches.  The  shortest  man  is  five  feet  three  and  one-quarter 
inches,  the  tallest  six  feet  one  and  one-quarter  inches. 

The  average  weight  of  the  company  is  one  hundred  and  thirty-seven 
and  seventeen  forty-ninth  pounds.  The  heaviest  man  weighs  one  hun- 
dred and  sixty-five  pounds,  the  lightest  one  hundred  and  fifteen  pounds. 

Forty-four  are  set  down  as  drinking  ;  seven  as  drinking  nothing 
stronger  than  cider  and  ale  ;  and  forty-seven  as  not  drinking  ardent 
spirits  in  any  shape. 

Fifty-seven  smoke  and  forty-four  do  not ;  twenty-three  neither  drink 
nor  smoke  ;  thirty-three  both  drink  and  smoke  ;  twenty -four  smoke,  but 
do  not  drink;  and  eighteen  drink,  but  do  not  smoke. 

There  are  nine  married  men  and  three  widowers  in  the  company,  and 
sixteen  admit  that  they  are  engaged  to  be  married. 

The  occupations  of  the  company,  present  and  prospective,  are  as 
follows : 

Thirty-seven  intend  to  be  or  are  merchants ;  four  clergymen,  eight 
lawyers,  five  farmers,  four  "  literateurs,"  two  physicians,  two  engineers, 
two  printers,  two  cabinet  makers,  two  machinists,  two  musicians,  and 
one  of  each  of  the  following :  chemist,  soldier,  boot  and  shoe  maker, 
manufacturer,  provision  dealer,  banker,  marble-worker,  blacksmith,  sail- 
maker,  tea-broker,  baker,  druggist,  expressman,  jeweler,  salesman, 
bookkeeper ;  ten  are  undecided. 

There  are  in  the  company  sixteen  graduates  and  undergraduates,  all 
from  Harvard. 


In  Babkacks  at  Readville,      \ 
Saturday,  Oct.  11,  1862.  ] 
The  close  of  another  week  still  finds  us 

"  DoAvn  by  the  Readville  farm," 

and,  with  the  exception  of  yesterday  and  to-day,  a  glorious  week  we 
have  had ;  choice  October  days,  such  as  call 

"  the  squirrel  and  the  bee 

From  out  their  woodland  home." 

Indian  Summer  days,  fit  to  inspire  poetry  in  minds  most  prosaic ;  a 
warm  sun,  an  empurpled  atmosphere,  soft  breathing  winds,  and  painted 
forests  to  feed  the  eye  withal;  glorious  moon-lit  nights  and  music  to 
invite  visitors;  to  render  charming  the  duties  of  the  sentinel,  "pacing 
his  lonely  beat,"  and  to  render  a  healthy  life  altogether  beautiful.  A 
late  sunset  aff"orded  a  spectacle  gorgeous  as  a  dream  of  fairy  land.  As 
such  a  cloud-scene  occurs  no  more  than  once  or  twice  in  a  life-time,  I 
cannot  forbear  to  mention  the  magnificent  assembling  and  coloring  of 
clouds  which  waited  upon  the  retiring  day-king  on  Tuesday,  and  im- 
pressed every  beholder  with  something  of  celestial  beauty.  To  live  in 
the  midst  of  such  scenes  and  such  surroundings  are  among  the  soldier's 
recompenses.  Happy  for  the  soldier  if  he  retains  the  power  to  enjoy 
them ! 

Wednesday  afternoon  and  evening  brought  us  a  host  of  visitors. 
The  rumors  of  our  near  departure  brought  a  perfect  cloud  of  friends. 
The  evening  was  magnificent,  and  the  tide  of  social  enjoyment  ran  high. 
The  band  discoursed  its  best  music,  and  our  company  glee  clubs  filled 
the  interims  quite  acceptably.  Our  leading  singers  have  a  large  reper- 
tory of  fine  sentimental  songs,  in  addition  to  a  large  number  of  impro- 
visations based  upon  the  "Fourth  Battalion"  chorus,  which  runs  in 

this  wise : — 

"  Fourth  Battalion,  'talion, 
Fourth  Battalion,  'talion, 
Fourth  Battalion, 
Down  by  the  Bigelow  farm." 

The  novelty  of  our  diet  has  suggested  such  parodies  as  the  following : 

'•  Ham  for  breakfast,  breakfast, 
Ham  for  breakfast,  breakfast. 
Ham  for  breakfast, 
Down  by  the  Readville  farm. 

Ham  for  dinner,  dinner. 
Ham  for  dinner,  dinner, 
Ham  for  dinner, 
Down  by  the  Readville  farm." 


And  so  on  for  suppur.  Then  again  the  chorus  is  varied  by  substi- 
tuting the  word  rice  for  ham,  and  with  equal  effect.  Military  lessons 
are  sometimes  conveyed  in  the  same  air,  as  follows: 

"  Keep  your  butts  back,  butts  back, 
Keep  your  butts  back,  butts  back, 
Keep  your  butts  back, 
Down  by  the  Readville  farm." 

Then  again : 

'  Thir-teen  inches,  inches, 
Thir-teen  inches,  inches, 
Thir-teen  inches, 
From  breast  to  back." 

Another  favorite  route-step  song  is  known  as  "  Saw  my  leg  off,"  set 
to  an  old  devotional  air,  and  comprised  in  these  four  words,  frequently 
repeated,  wath  the  addition  of  the  word  "s/ior<,"  pronounced  in  the 
most  abrupt  and  explosive  manner  of  which  human  lungs  are  capable. 
The  effect  is  rather  sublime,  as  may  be  imagined. 

On  Thursday  we  were  treated  to  a  magnificent  march  over  Brush 
Hill — our  first  brush.  Every  inch  of  the  route,  which  carried  us  over 
the  most  beautiful  portion  of  Milton,  and  past  the  residences  of  the 
Forbeses,  was  picturesque  as  the  dream  of  a  poet.  Let  those  who  may 
think  this  comparison  overwrought,  pursue  the  same  route  one  of  these 
fine  October  days,  and  then  pause  to  catch  the  view  of  sea  and  landscape 
from  Milton  Hill.  Our  march,  which  included  a  distance  of  fourteen 
miles,  was,  considering  the  state  of  the  atmosphere,  the  severest  of  our 
experience  ;  but  it  was  cheered  by  the  smiles  and  waving  handkerchiefs 
of  beautifid  women  in  windows,  gateways,  balconies,  and  groves ;  and 
by  their  more  substantial  favors  in  the  shape  of  apples,  pears,  and  cool 
water.  The  few  men  who  fell  out  of  the  ranks  from  faintness  and  ex- 
haustion were  of  the  reputed  tougher  sort — men  of  out-door  life  and 
pursuits.  Your  professional  men  and  clerks,  clean-limbed  and  elastic, 
are  the  men  to  endure  hardships,  all  the  talk  to  the  contrary  notwith- 
standing. This,  I  believe,  was  the  observation  of  the  "  Little  Cor- 

Among  the  late  testimonials  in  the  44th  deserving  of  mention,  are 
the  presentation  of  a  knife,  fork,  and  spoon,  in  a  neat  case,  to  each  of 
the  recruits  from  Framingham,  by  their  friends  in  that  town,  and  a 
sword,  sash,  belt,  and  various  smaller  articles  of  value  and  convenience, 
to  Orderly  Edmands,  of  Company  A,  by  his  friends  in  that  company. 

Your  correspondent,  and  the  other  members  of  Company  D,  are  in- 


debted  to  Corporal  Grardner  for  the  introduction  of  a  company  dog — 
Romeo,  a  promising  fellow,  whose  laughing  countenance,  waving  tail, 
and  general  intelligence  have  already  won  him  a  host  of  friends.  Sev- 
eral of  the  boys  are  industriously  laboring  to  reconcile  him  to  the  society 
of  a  cat  which  has  come  to  our  barrack. 

Mr.  Burrage,  of  the  firm  of  J.  M.  Beebe  &  Co.,  has  presented  to 
each  member  of  Company  C,  Captain  Lombard,  one  of  Short's  patent 
box  knapsacks.  If  they  can  be  manufactured  in  season  to  supply  us 
before  our  departure  South,  the  other  members  of  the  regiment  will 
probably  supply  themselves  with  this  knapsack  at  their  own  expense, 
which  will  amount  to  $2.50  per  man.  This  knapsack  is  so  adjusted  to 
the  shoulders  as  to  be  carried  with  much  greater  ease  than  the  govern- 
ment article. 

At  this  writing  it  is  generally  believed  that  we  shall  sail  for  Newbern 
about  the  middle  of  next  week.  For  particular  information  on  this 
point,  and  also  with  reference  to  state-rooms  and  sleeping  cars,  the 
public  is  directed  to  the  Quartermaster's  Department,  where  tickets  for 
such  like  mythical  accommodations  are  freely  dispensed  for  satisfactory 

By  favor  of  private  Greo.  W.  Sawin,  I  am  this  week  enabled  to  give 
the  following  statistics  of  Company  D,  Captain  Sullivan: 

Clerks  fifty-four,  merchants  five,  farmers  four,  carpenters  two,  hotel 
keepers  two,  marble  workers  two,  and  one  each  of  the  following :  astron- 
omer, sailor,  piano-forte  tuner,  civil  engineer,  architect,  blacksmith, 
druggist,  glass-blower,  jeweller,  shoe  dealer,  surveyor,  clergyman,  editor, 
machine  stitcher,  designer.  Seven  are  under-graduates  and  one  a  grad- 
uate of  Tufts  College,  one  an  under-graduate  of  Harvard  and  one  of 
Yale.  Ninety  are  single,  seven  married,  and  three  "  engaged."  Thirty- 
three  are  Unitarians,  thirty  Universalists,  thirteen  Orthodox,  ten  Bap- 
tists, three  Episcopalians,  two  Swedenborgians,  one  Presbyterian,  one 
Methodist,  four  undecided.     Five  are  church  communicants. 

Sixty-one  are  Republicans,  and  seven  ask  to  be  recorded  as  Aboli- 
tionists. The  whole  sixty-one  sustain  the  emancipation  proclamation. 
There  is  one  "  conservative"  Republican,  thirteen  "  Union  "  men,  four 
Douglas  Democrats,  nine  Democrats,  and  two  undecided. 

Forty-two  do  not  drink  distilled  liquors,  fifty-five  do.  The  oldest 
man  is  aged  thirty-three,  the  youngest  eighteen.  The  average  age  is 
twenty-two  and  two  ninety-sevenths.  The  average  height,  in  shoes,  is 
five  feet  nine  and  one-half  inches.  The  tallest  man  is  six  feet  one  inch 
high ;  the  shortest  man  five  feet  three  inches.    The  heaviest  man  weighs 


one  hundred  and  eighty-four  pounds;  the  lightest  one  hundred  and 
fifteen.  The  average  weight  is  one  hundred  and  forty-two-ninety- 
sevenths  pounds. 

In  Barracks  at  Readville, 

Saturday,  Oct.  18,  1862. 


When  in  my  last  I  made  allusion  to  our  company  dog  Romeo  and 
his  feline  companion,  we  could  not  foresee  the  sad  and  sudden  rupture 
of  all  the  relations  between  us.  On  Sunday  a  fiat  from  headquarters 
sent  Romeo  out  of  camp ;  the  succeeding  night  pussy  departed  this 
life.  Did  she  die  of  grief  at  the  loss  of  Romeo?  No  one  can  say; 
but  general  opinion  inclines  to  catalepsy.  Her  little  stiffened  body 
was  encoffined  in  a  paper  box,  and  placed  in  the  centre  of  the  barrack. 
A  small  American  flag  was  thrown  over  it,  and  the  boys  gathering 
about  the  remains  sung  Pleyel's  Hymn  with  an  appearance  of  solem- 
nity that  was  altogether  irresistible.  The  remains  were  then  carefully 
placed  upon  an  extemporized  bier,  and  borne  to  the  rear  of  the  kitchen 
in  the  midst  of  a  formidable  guard  of  honor,  marching  with  arms 
reversed,  and  chanting  doleful  symphonies.  The  weeping  skies  were 
in  sympathy  with  the  occasion  ;  and  the  clouds  Avere  soon  shedding  tears 
upon  the  turf  imprisoning  the  pet  of  the  barrack.  Imaginary  voUies 
w'ere  fired,  but  all  was  not  over.  The  funeral  party  had  no  sooner 
returned  to  the  barrack  than  rumors  of  foul  play  began  to  circulate. 
A  horrid  secret  was  believed  to  be  involved  in  the  death  of  the  cat. 
Suspicion  fell  upon  a  man  whose  bunk  she  had  lately  occupied,  and 
who  had  been  heard  to  utter  threats  against  pussy  for  certain  alleged 
rank  offenses.  The  suspected  party  was  arrested,  a  court  organized, 
the  defendant  tried,  convicted,  and  sentenced  to  subsist  two  days  upon 
the  rations.  The  unhappy  man,  anticipating  his  fate,  made  .three 
desperate  attempts  to  escape,  but  was  foiled  in  each  instance,  and 
forced  to  submit  to  the  decree  of  justice. 

A  large  number  of  the  regiment  have  submitted  to  vaccination. 
"Corporal"  desires  to  acknowledge  the  neat  and  thorough  manner  in 
which  our  assistant  surgeon.  Dr.  Fisher,  performed  the  operation. 
As  the  necessity  of  severe  sanitary  discipline  is  becoming  apparent  to 
all,  the  fidelity  of  Dr.  Ware  and  his  assistant  are  regarded  with  more 
favor  than  at  first. 

The  close  resemblance  between  the  life  of  a  soldier  in  barrack  and 
that  of  a  State  Prison  convict,  regarded  in  certain  outward  aspects, 


affords  mingled  amusement  and  disgust.  "We  go  for  our  rations  in 
single  file,  and  with  tin  mugs  and  plates.  The  intercourse  between 
officers  and  subordinates  is  scarcely  less  reserved ;  and  the  punishment 
for  small  offenses  scarcely  less  severe  with  the  soldier  than  the  prisoner. 
On  inspection  days  we  stand  up  like  well-burnished  automata,  and 
are  as  sensitive  to  praise  or  censure  regarding  the  condition  of  our 
quarters,  guns,  &c.,  as  so  many  children.  At  our  meals  and  in  our 
bunks  we  are  stared  at  by  visitors  just  as  I  remember  to  have  stared 
at  the  happy  family  of  "  Honorable  Gideon  Haynes,"  at  Charlestown, 
on  various  occasions.  When  impelled  by  "sanitary  reasons,"  our 
keen-eyed  surgeons  pass  through  the  barracks  to  see  that  nothing 
contraband  nestles  in  the  bunks,  that  the  blankets  and  overcoats  are 
accurately  folded,  and  that  only  a  certain  amount  of  clothing  and  bag- 
gage per  man  is  retained,  we  stand  about  and  gaze  at  them  just  as 
your  readers  will  remember  they  were  gazed  at  by  the  inmates  of  the 
House  of  Correction  which  they  visited  not  long  ago.  On  these  occa- 
sions your  coiTespondent  amuses  himself  by  imaginatively  regarding 
private  A.,  with  wild  hair,  as  a  desperate  burglar;  private  B.,  of  retiring 
manners,  as  an  incorrigible  thief;  private  L.,  the  gay  Lothario,  as  a 
heartless  deceiver  and  bigamist;  hirsute  private  T.,  smoking  the  inevi- 
table briarwood,  as  a  notorious  but  chivalric  foot-pad;  privates  F.,  S., 
&c.,  of  auburn  hair,  as  the  persistent  incendiaries;   and  so  on. 

More  princely  donations  have  been  made  to  some  of  the  companies 
of  the  44th  regiment.  To  Co.  C,  Captain  Richardson,  Wm.  Cumston, 
Esq.,  of  the  firm  of  Hallett  &  Cumston,  has  presented  a  check  for  five 
hundred  dollars. 

To  the  same  company  donations  amounting  to  three  hundred  dollars, 
for  the  purchase  of  the  improved  knapsack,  have  been  made  by  the 
following  gentlemen : 

J.  M.  Beebe  &  Co.,  F.  Skinner  &  Co.,  Alexander  Beal,  C.  W.  Cart- 
wright,  W.  P.  Sargent,  J.  R.  Tibbets,  Read,  Gardner  &  Co.,  Wilkinson, 
Stetson  &  Co.,  J.  C.  Converse  &  Co.,  E.  &  F.  King  &  Co.,  Horatio 
Harris,  Gorham  Rogers. 

To  Co,  H,  Captain  Smith,  C.  F.  Hovey  &  Co.  have  presented  a  full 
set  of  the  patent  knapsacks.  Co.  K,  Captain  Reynolds,  have  been 
favored  in  the  same  way  by  a  number  of  friends  of  that  company,  and 
Captain  Reynolds  has  received  from  the  men  of  his  company  the  gift 
of  a  splendid  sword.  Co.  F,  Captain  Storrow,  have  received  the 
present  of  a  set  of  patent  knapsacks.  The  generous  donor  is  too 
modest  to  let  his  name  be  known,  but  it  is  surmised  that  a  young 
corporal  of  Co.  F  knows  all  about  it. 


The  wife  of  Col.  Lee  has  kindly  remembered  each  soldier  of  the 
regiment  by  the  gift  of  a  little  testimonial  card,  upon  one  side  of  which 
is  printed  the  Old  Hundreth  Psalm,  and  upon  the  other  the  name  of 
the  recipient  written  in  a  neat  hand. 

On  Wednesday  we  were  visited  by  Governor  Andrew  and  his  military 
family.  We  received  His  P^xcellency  with  all  the  honors,  and  then 
marched  in  review.  It  is  believed  that  better  marching  and  wheelings 
than  those  exhibited  by  the  44th  regiment  on  this  occasion  have  rarelv 
been  witnessed  by  Governor  Andrew  or  any  other  Governor. 

I  believe  the  Governor  was  accompanied  by  some  members  of  the 
Sanitary  Commission ;  but  the  investigations  of  that  body  of  gentle- 
men were  nearly  confined  to  the  cuisine  at  headquarters.  They  cer- 
tainly couldn't  be  expected  to  labor  upon  empty  stomachs ;  but  when 
they  had  satisfied  their  hunger,  it  was  too  late  to  see  the  barracks  by 
day-light.  We  shall  accept  the  omission  as  a  mark  of  confidence  in 
the  cleanliness  and  good  order  of  this  regiment. 

We  have  had  a  good  share  of  dismal  weather  the  past  week,  and 
have  not  been  allowed  the  consolation  of  smoking  in  the  barracks : 
but  the  boys  have  managed  to  keep  the  blue  devils  at  bay  with  mock 
parades  and  shows  of  great  eff'ectiveness.  One  day  the  camp  was 
electrified  by  the  appearance  of  an  exceedingly  well  got  up  elephant, 
not  unprovided  with  a  tail,  and  waving  a  trunk  of  twisted  shoddy. 
Another  day  we  were  visited  by  citizens  of  Brobdignag,  ten  feet  hio-h 
in   their  stockings. 

Yesterday  we  made  a  march  of  twelve  miles  through  West  Roxburv 
and  Dedham.  On  the  way  we  caught  a  dim  and  fleeting  glimpse  of 
dear  old  Boston  rising  beyond  a  succession  of  tree-crowned  hills. 
I  remember  the  scene  as  a  beautiful  phantasmagoria,  such  as  will  come 
to  us  in  dreams  while  we  encamp  upon  Southern  soil.  The  march  was 
less  delightful  than  that  to  Milton  Hill.  The  day  was  murky,  and  the 
air  lifeless.  There  was  little  to  impart  zest  to  the  exercise.  Sunlio-ht 
is  as  important  for  out-door  physical  enjoyment  as  fresh  air,  and  a 
soldier  makes  a  mistake  in  choosing  a  cloudy  day  for  a  march. 

We  now  expect  to  remain  at  Readville  till  the  close  of  the  war, 
except  in  case  Readville  is  invaded  by  the  enemy,  when  we  shall  make 
a  masterly  retreat  to  Mill  Village. 

To  protect  us  against  the  strong  winds  of  the  inclement  season 
approaching,  as  well  as  to  impart  an  air  of  sylvan  beauty  to  the  camp, 
a  dense  grove  of  pine  saplings  has  been  planted  a  little  to  the  South 
of  the  barracks.    Great  praise  is  due  to  Lieut,  Stebbins,  our  unwearied 


chief  of  police  this  week,  for  the  well-considered  arrangenient  of  this 
great  work. 

In  the  Cars,  Wednesday  Morning,      ) 
Oct.  22,  1862.  j 

I  have  just  time  during  our  run  into  Boston  this  morning  to  say 
"good  bye"  to  your  readers  until  we  arrive  at  Newbern,  N.  C.  After 
seven  weeks  and  a  half  of  barrack  life  at  Readville,  we  at  last  find 
ourselves  en  route  for  Dixie.  To  the  experience  of  these  seven  weeks 
and  a  half  we  shall  doubtless  many  times  revert  as  the  poetry  of  our 
military  ex2:)erience.  There  was  no  little  heart  in  the  cheers  we  gave 
for  the  "old  camp"  as  we  stood  for  the  last  time  in  the  company 
streets.  The  old  camp  at  Readville  is  fraught  with  pleasant  memories 
of  soldierly  discipline,  of  the  faithfulness  and  kindness  of  our  officers, 
of  genial  companionship,  and  a  thousand  incommunicable  pleasures 
of  social  life,  multiplied  and  enhanced  by  the  visits  and  offerings  of 
hosts  of  friends  from  Boston  and  elsewhere. 

At  our  dress  parades  last  evening,  after  devotional  services,  our 
Colonel  met  a  response  in  the  heart  of  every  man  in  his  regiment  when 
he  called  for  three  times  three  for  the  "good  old  State  and  the  dear 
ones  we  leave  behind  us."  The  cheers  were  given  with  emphasis;  and 
so  were  nine  others  for  Col.  Lee.  "  Boys,"  said  the  Colonel  in  response, 
I  know  you  meant  those  cheers  for  all  your  officers.  Whatever  may  be 
your  fortune  hereafter,  rest  assured  w^e  shall  stand  by  you.  Let  us  all 
perform  our  duty  to  the  State  and  the  United  States,  and  may  God 
help  us  all ! "  The  emotion  exhibited  by  Col.  Lee  was  communicated 
through  the  regiment,  and  there  were  many  wet  eyes  among  soldiers 
and  spectators  as  we  marched  back  to  the  barracks. 

As  soon  as  practicable,  I  shall  resume  this  correspondence,  confi- 
dent that  it  will  find  readers  among  the  many  friends  of  the  44th 
in  Boston. 

On  Board  Transport  Steamer  Merrimac,      ) 

Oct.  23,  1862.  ) 
We  lay  olf  Deer  Island  the  night  of  our  embarkation,  (last  night) 
and  about  six  o'clock  this  morning  weighed  anchor.  It  was  pleasant  to 
sleep  one  night  more  so  near  to  dear  old  Boston,  where  we  knew  so 
many  hearts  were  throbbing  at  the  thought  of  us.  The  thousands  of 
lights  which  came  to  us  in  a  semi-circle  from  over  the  water,  seemed 


like  the  steady  beaming  of  so  manj'  loving  eyes,  and  may  be  our  dreams 
were  the  sweeter  for  the  fancy.  Don't  imagine,  however,  that  we  all 
slept  as  quietly  as  we  did  in  those  luxurious  bunks  at  Eeadville.  The 
44th  Regiment  occupies  the  lower  deck  of  the  Merrimac,  and  has 
already  had  a  decided  flavor  of  life  in  the  steerage.  Here  we  are,  "  the 
flower"  (or  flour)  "  of  the  youth  of  Boston,"  {vide  Boston  Journal  of 
October  23,)  packed  like  so  many  herrings  in  the  steerage.  Our  bunks 
are  not  half  as  good  as  those  at  Beadville,  and,  sad  to  say,  we  haven't 
enough  even  of  these.  They  afftird  us  little  more  than  space  enough 
in  which  to  turn  over.  Here  and  there  we  are  afforded  a  small  glim- 
mer of  light  from  the  deck,  and  a  little  fresh  air  by  devious  channels. 
Into  the  bunk  of  your  correspondent  it  happens  to  come  in  an  unpleas- 
antly strong  current,  as  if  to  rebuke  his  former  passionate  professions 
of  love  for  fresh  air  under  more  favorable  circumstances,  or  as  a  piece 
of  retributive  justice  for  opening  doors  and  windows  against  the  pro- 
tests of  tender  comrades. 

The  five  hundred  men  of  the  Third  Regiment  who  accompany  us, 
and  who  are  known  by  their  black  overcoats  as  the  "  men  in  mourning," 
are  better  commoded  between  decks,  one  story  above  us.  They  will 
do,  hnt  as  for  ourselves,  as  we  lie  stretched  out  here  in  this  dark,  rep- 
tile sort  of  existence,  we  are  fain  to  ask  ourselves  if  we  are  reall}^  intel- 
ligent beings  with  souls;  if  the  " flower "  has  really  come  to  this;  if 
the  "  pet  of  many  a  household,"  {vide  Boston  Transcript  of  Oct.  22) 
has  really  been  reduced  to  treatment  no  better  than  that  of  the  poorest 
emigrant.  But  we  ought  not  to  grumble  while  scores  of  our  regiment 
are  obliged  to  stretch  themselves  upon  the  cold  deck,  upon  the  hatches, 
passage  ways,  &c.  ;  and  we  do  not  grumble.  Your  correspondent  only 
gives  facts.  He,  like  many  others,  expected  to  "  rough  it,"  and  rather 
likes  it. 

Our  breakfast  this  morning  was  a  mug  of  very  muddy  coffee,  and  a 
piece  of  bread.  For  dinner  we  were  afforded  boiled  beef  and  potatoes 
and  coffee,  but  no  bread.  We  could  get  along  better  with  this  but  for 
occasional  tantalizing  sights  and  smells  of  poultry  and  puddings  and 
garden  vegetables  which  grace  the  cabin  tables.  Our  officers  confess 
that  they  live  like  fighting  cocks,  but  they  should  have  the  credit  of  sin- 
cerely commiserating  our  unavoidable  treatment.  0,  genial-hearted 
lobster-man  of  the  rubicund  face  and  Pickwickian  aspect,  who  rose  to 
bless  us  in  Commercial  street,  could  you  but  waft  us  one  fish  fi'om  your 
shelly  store,  we  know  how  much  good  it  would  do  you  and  us ;  but  to- 
night, alas,  we  were  forced  to  sup  on  bread  and  water,  with  a  dessert  of 


aggravating  conversation  about  porter  house  steaks,  cold  chicken,  warm 
biscuit,  etc.,  etc.  If  we  live  we  will  have  our  revenge  some  day  at 
Parker's  goodly  hostelry. 

Friday,  Oct.  24. 

It  is  said  that  we  made  sixteen  miles  an  hour  last  night,  running 
ninety-six  miles  in  six  hours.  We  have  passed  Montauk  Light,  and  at 
this  writing  (between  eight  and  nine  o'clock)  we  are  supposed  to  be 
somewhere  off  the  Jersey  shore.  Our  consort,  the  Mississippi,  has 
been  in  sight  over  our  starboard  quarter  all  the  morning.  Thus  far  the 
weather  has  been  extremely  favorable,  but  we  have  not  all  escaped  the 
misery  of  sea-sickness — a  malady  which  must  have  been  aggravated  by 
our  close,  ill- ventilated  quarters,  and  the  unavoidable  filth  attending  the 
herdino-  together  of  fifteen  himdred  men  on  shipboard.  Scarcely  a 
breath  of  air  was  stirring  last  night,  and  very  little  came  down  to  our 
bunks.  After  remaining  on  deck  a  few  moments  this  morning,  an  at- 
tempt to  penetrate  to  our  quarters  induced  a  nausea  which  we  found 
impossible  to  endure,  and  so  we  incontinently  rushed  upon  deck  to 
swallow  our  rations,  without  the  intervention  of  spoon  or  plate.  We 
were  first  served  to  a  large  piece  of  bread  and  a  mug  of  coiFee,  and 
then  to  parboiled  rice,  which  rattled  upon  our  plates.  0,  Readville 
rations,  bad  as  you  might  have  been,  may  the  tongue  that  utters  aught 
against  you  cleave  to  the  roof  of  the  slanderer's  mouth.  It  is  expected 
we  are  to  have  beef  for  dinner,  as  several  noble  quarters  were  not  long 
since  dragged  along  close  by  the  rear  of  the  horses'  stalls,  on  their  way 
to  the  boilers,  where  they  were  set  to  cooking  without  washing. 

We  wish  our  friends  could  see  us  at  meal  times.  We  are  a  study 
for  an  artist  at  those  interesting  periods.  We  are  obliged  to  eat  on  the 
upper  deck.  One  fellow  is  seen  burying  his  nose  in  a  loaf  of  bread, 
another  gnaws  a  beef  bone  until  his  face  is  resplendant  with  grease  ; 
but  the  colored  boy  of  the  color  company,  making  his  dinner  from  a 
mass  of  fat  and  gristle,  is  the  observed  of  all  observers.  His  face 
shines  like  varnished  ebony,  but  he  is  still  intent  upon  his  greasy  repast, 
and  oblivious  to  the  smiles  and  jeers  of  the  amused  spectators  who  sur- 
round him.  Feed  away,  juvenile  Ethiop,  woolly  headed  Mark  Tapley, 
may  nothing  come  between  you  and  jolliness  forever. 

This  afternoon  we  were  signalled  by  the  Mississippi,  when  she  came 
up  to  within  hailing  distance.  Hearty  cheers  were  exchanged  between 
the  swarms  on  the  decks  of  either  steamer.  We  were  glad  to  notice  on 
board  the  Mississippi  one  lieutenant  and  a  number  of  non-coms,  whom 
the  Merrimac  had  unfortunately  left  behind.     As  night  shuts  in  we  are 


supposed  to  be  off  Fortress  jMonroe.  "We  have  a  balmy  atmosphere 
and  a  brisk  wind  from  the  west.  Hundreds  of  the  boys  have  stretched 
themselves  for  sleep  upon  the  upper  deck. 

SATirRDAY,  Oct.  25. 

This  morning  we  are  supposed  to  be  steaming  along  between  Fort- 
ress Monroe  and  Cape  Hatteras.  The  sea  is  smooth,  and  the  genial 
breath  of  the  South  is  upon  us.  We  feel  as  if  Spring-time  had  come 
upon  us  suddenly,  and  those  not  afflicted  with  sea-sickness  feel  good 
this  morning.     The  Mississippi  is  just  ahead  of  us. 

On  board  these  two  steamers  are  three  thousand  soldiers  with  arms 
and  accoutrements.  We  are  the  same  as  defenceless.  From  our  vast 
navy  of  war  vessels  not  even  one  little  gunboat  has  been  spared  to 
escort  us  to  our  destination,  and  this  in  the  face  and  eyes  of  the  fact 
that  a  number  of  formidable  rebel  privateers  are  scouring  the  seas  and 
scattering  destruction  in  their  path.  Is  there  any  apology  for  such  risk 
and  negligence  r     We  cannot  see  it. 

As  the  weather  becomes  soft,  genial  and  glorious  upon  deck,  our 
situation  below  grows  more  intolerable.  It  is  almost  impossible  to 
exaggerate  the  uncomfortable,  unhealthy  character  of  our  quarters  upon 
the  lower  deck.  A  prison  dungeon  is  not  worse  supplied  with  air  and 
sunlight ;  and  to  make  matters  still  worse,  the  ship  has  but  a  miserable 
supply  of  lanterns  at  night.  It  is  to  be  acknowledged  that  there  are  a 
few  feeble  devices  for  sending  air  below,  but  they  are  altogether  inade- 
quate. With  the  splendid  machinery  on  board  this  steamer,  it  would 
be  an  easy  matter  by  the  use  of  fans  to  thoroughly  ventilate  every  por- 
tion of  the  ship.  In  the  course  of  another  century,  ship-builders  will 
learn,  as  house-builders  are  now  learning,  that  means  must  be  employed 
for  the  introduction  of  a  plenty  of  fresh  air  into  all  structures  where 
men  are  herded  together.  We  cannot  be  too  thankful  that  the  weather 
has  been  so  favorable  since  we  left  Boston.  A  thousand  sick  men  in 
such  quarters  as  these  woidd  have  made  a  hell  afloat.  Noav  I  would 
like  to  speak  a  good  word  for  the  ship.  She  is  staunch,  steady,  swift 
and  well  officered.  She  has  carried  twenty-three  hundred  men,  but 
only  a  thousand  and  comfort  can  dwell  together  upon  her  decks.  The 
few  who  get  a  chance  to  wash  their  hands  and  faces  are  obliged  to  do 
so  in  salt  water.  It  is  reported  that  Capt.  Sampson  was  quite  thunder- 
struck by  a  request  of  our  officers  that  he  would  afford  us  means  of 
daily  ablutions,  and  that  he  remarked  we  were  the  first  regiment  he 
ever  carried  who  had  expressed  a  desire  to  wash  their  hands  and  faces. 

Our  "  holy  fi-iars,"  the  black-coated  men  of  the  3d  regiment,  appear 


to  be  a  good  set  of  fellows,  and  we  all  get  along  most  amicably 
together.  Col.  Richmond  and  Major  Morrissey  accompany  this  half  of 
the  regiment. 

We  have  been  thoughtfully  regaled  Avith  an  apple  apiece  a  day,  and 
they  have  proved  wonderfully  refreshing,  especially  as  we  are  allowed 
but  two  meals  a  day  on  shipboard.  Now,  when  we  most  need  a  sutler, 
no  sutler  is  to  be  seen,  although  at  rare  intervals  we  can  buy  hard 
apples  at  five  cents  apiece,  and  cake  at  fifty  cents  a  pound.  Last  even- 
ing Co.  F  were  regaled  with  a  dish  of  tea  by  some  Grood  Samaritan, 
said  to  be  Capt.  Storrow,  who  is  highly  praised  for  his  careful  attention 
to  the  men  of  his  command.  I  wish  to  bear  similar  testimony  in  behalf 
of  the  officers  of  Co.  D,  Capt.  Sullivan  and  Lieuts.  Blake  and  Stebbins. 

I  wish  my  fun-loving  readers  could  have  stood  at  the  hatchway 
between  decks  this  morning,  and  seen  the  soldiers  slide  down  the  slip- 
pery stairs.  Some  carried  mugs  of  coffee  with  no  other  apparent 
object  than  to  pour  the  beverage  upon  the  heads  and  shoulders  of 
those  who  preceded  them.  The  libation  was  not  greatly  enjoyed  ex- 
cept by  a  crowd  of  spectators  at  the  foot  of  the  stairs,  who  hailed  every 
accident  and  discomfiture  of  the  sort  with  shouts  of  laughter. 

Sunday  Mokning,  Oct.  26. 

At  9  o'clock  this  morning  we  are  in  near  view  of  the  North  Carolina 
coast,  and  doubtless  very  near  Beaufort.  Last  night,  like  all  the 
weather  during  the  voyage,  was  delightful,  and  the  long  upper  deck 
was  literally  packed  with  sleepers  lying  at  every  possible  angle  and 
posture,  with  arms  and  legs  aff"ectionately  crossed  and  interlocked. 
The  general  health  of  the  men  remains  excellent. 

Eleven  o'clock  finds  us  at  the  wharf  at  Morehead  City,  near  Beau- 
fort, and  making  preparations  for  a  speedy  landing  in  the  midst  of  a 
drizzling  rain. 

This  letter  is  written  without  conveniences,  and  under  the  most  mis- 
erable and  disagreeable  circumstances. 

We  are  soon  to  take  the  cars  for  Newbern.  You  will  hear  from  me 

Newbern,  N.  C,  Oct.  26,  1862. 

When  we  stepped  from  the  decks  of  the  ^lerrimac  we  were  provided 

with  shelter  from  a  di'izzling  rain  in  the  depot  of  the  railroad  connecting 

Morehead  with  Newbern ;  and  while  there  we  made  the  structure  ring 

with  patriotic  and  devotional  songs — our  first  salute  to  Dixie.    We  were 


conveyed  from  3Iorehead  to  Newbeni  on  platform  cars,  and  were,  of 
course,  entirely  exposed  to  the  weather.  We  had  scarcely  got  under 
way  before  there  set  in  a  violent  rain,  which  continued  almost  without 
intermission  until  our  arrival  at  Newbern.  Our  garments,  of  course, 
were  thoroughly  drenched,  but,  nevertheless,  the  trip  was  highly  en- 
joyed. The  mild  and  invigoring  pine  breezes  of  the  old  North  State 
contrasted  so  deliciously  Avith  the  foetid  atmosphere  and  filth  of  the 
steamer,  that  even  a  drenching  rain  was  insufficient  to  quench  our  ex- 
hilaration of  spirits.  A  more  miserable  and  worthless  tract  of  country 
than  the  barren  pine  region  which  we  traversed  cannot  well  be  imagined, 
so  that  under  all  the  circumstances  of  the  trip,  our  lively  frame  of  mind 
may  be  regarded  as  quite  ^lark  Tapleyish.  Pickets  from  the  Massa- 
chusetts 27th  regiment  were  scattered  along  the  road  at  frequent 
intervals.  We  cheered  them,  and  they  cheered  us.  Some  of  them 
were  sheltered  by  tents,  others  in  cabins,  and  some  in  substantial  log 
structures  calculated  for  defence.  Occasional  negro  villages,  and  scat- 
tering negro  huts  were  objects  of  lively  interest.  All  hands  turned 
out  to  see  us  as  we  shot  past.  The  men  showed  their  entire  ivory,  and 
the  women  threw  their  black  arms  up  and  down  in  the  most  vehement 
approbation.  We  also  witnessed  several  good  specimens  of  the  real 
Southern  "white  trash."  The  country  is  well  calculated  to  develop 
this  species  of  the  genus  homo.  The  women  are  the  most  doleful  and 
disgusting  looking  of  their  sex.  We  suspected  all  of  them  of  looking 
secesh  daggers  at  us.  A  few  did  cheer  us  on  after  a  fashion,  waving 
their  arms  up  and  down — a  sort  of  melancholy  G-od-speed.  We  doubt 
if  they  possessed  a  solitary  white  handkerchief,  or  any  other  white  tex- 
tile fabric  proper  to  be  displayed  on  such  occasions.  We  once  stopped 
to  water  the  iron  horse  close  by  a  field  of  sweet  potatoes  growing  within 
some  rebel  breastworks  erected  to  command  the  railroad.  The  propri- 
etor of  the  potato  patch  came  forth  with  his  wife  and  children  and  pre- 
sented us  several  handsftd  of  the  vegetables,  for  which  they  were 
rewarded  with  vociferous  cheers  as  the  train  rolled  on. 

At  dusk  we  crossed  the  river  Neuse,  and  found  ourselves  in  the  pretty 
little  city  of  Newbern,  where,  as  may  be  guessed,  we  received  a  hearty 
welcome  from  the  Massachusetts  men  stationed  at  this  place.  Our 
friends,  the  contrabands,  were  not  the  least  enthusiastic  of  those  who 
welcomed  us.  We  were  quartered  for  the  night  in  a  spacious  machine 
shop,  well  lighted  with  gas.  We  have  just  supped  upon  hard  bread 
and  codfish  broiled  upon  a  forge.  An  attempt  was  made  to  supply  us 
with  coffee,  but  it  miserably  failed,  and  your  correspondent  is  one  of  a 


respectable  number  who  go  to  bed  without  the  soldier's  chiefest  bodily 
consolation.  As  he  closes  his  record  of  the  day  the  air  in  the  machine 
shop  is  thick  with  hard  bread  and  flying  codfish  sent  from  invisible 

October  27,   1862. 

Our  men  are  scattered  about  town  this  morning,  luxuriating  upon 
such  breakfasts  as  can  be  purchased  with  money.  They  are  constantly 
coming  in  with  beaming  faces  and  tantalizing  narrations  of  what  they 
got  to  eat.  Your  correspondent  only  strayed  a  few  steps  from  the  en- 
gine house  before  he  found  a  little  cabin  where  a  neat  colored  woman 
served  him  with  two  kinds  of  hoe-cake,  roasted  sweet  potatoes,  and 
sage  tea. 

We  have  not  been  in  Newbern  long  enough  to  give  you  much  news. 
Barracks  are  erecting  here,  it  is  reported,  for  fifteen  thousand  soldiers. 
Ours  are  not  yet  completed.  Among  the  regiments  at  Newbern  and 
vicinity  are  the  Massachusetts  17th,  23d,  24th,  25th,  27th,  and  44th. 
The  3d  and  5th  which  were  detained  at  Morehead  City  by  the  ground- 
ing of  the  Mississippi,  will  probably  arrive  here  to-day. 

Newbkkn,  N.  C,  Wednesday,  Oct.  29,  1862. 
We  are  encamped  upon  the  western  bank  of  the  river  Neuse,  about 
one-third  of  a  mile  to  the  north  of  the  city  of  Newbern.  Monday 
night  most  of  the  regiment  passed  in  tents,  a  few  rods  from  here.  Yes- 
terday we  were  industriously  employed  in  ditching  and  smoothing  the 
ground  around  our  cloth-houses,  laying  floors,  constructing  fire  places  and 
chimneys,  and  had  just  got  things  in  the  most  satisfactory  condition,  when 
Company  D  was  ordered  to  strike  tents  and  go  into  the  half-completed 
barrack  which  we  now  occupy  conjointly  with  the  carpenters  and  a  great 
quantity  of  loose  lumber.  In  a  very  short  time  all  our  companies  will 
be  comfortably  housed,  unless  unexpected  orders  intervene.  The  bar- 
racks of  each  regiment  are  continuous — occupying  one  long  building. 
They  are  provided  with  windows  and  more  commodious  bunks  than 
those  at  Readville.  Our  easterly  windows  look  out  upon  the  Neuse. 
On  the  other  side  the  barrack  is  shaded  with  cedar  trees.  To  the  west 
of  us  is  encamped  the  Connecticut  Tenth  Regiment,  a  Rhode  Island 
Battery,  and  the  New  York  Third  Artillery  Regiment.  A  New  York 
cavalry  regiment  is  also  encamped  in  the  vicinity.  These  are  all  addi- 
tional to  the  troops  in  this  department  mentioned  in  my  last  letter. 


The  Connecticut  Tenth,  although  nuicli  reducetl  in  numbers  and  effec- 
tiveness, has  greatly  surprised  us  new  comers  by  the  excellency  of  their 
manual  drill.     It  is  almost  equal  to  that  of  the  Chicago  Zouaves. 

The  men  of  the  old  regiments  at  Xewbern  are  not  inclined  to  regard 
the  nine  months'  men  with  much  favor,  and  indulge  in  a  good  many 
taunts  having  reference  to  bounty  money  and  good  clothes.  They  take 
great  pleasure  in  assuring  us  that  General  Foster  proposes  to  give  us  a 
fall  nine  months'  xvork,  and  that  we  need  not  expect  to  escape  the 
warmest  part  of  the  business  before  us.  They  are  considerably  dis- 
gusted with  our  unveteran-like  ways,  and  furnish  us  with  innumerable 
suggestions.  The  bugles,  numbers,  &c.,  upon  our  caps,  they  regard  as 
vanity.  They  allow  no  "  cullured  pusson  "  to  wear  Uncle  Sam's  but- 
tons, and  it  is  now  rumored  that  those  of  our  boys  who  shall  appear  in 
the  streets  of  Newbern  with  "  infantry"  buttons  will  find  themselves 
suddenly  minus  those  articles.  The  soldier  who  returns  the  salute  of  a 
negro  is  set  down  as  a  transgressor  of  military  etiquette,  and  privates 
who  salute  each  other  are  laughed  at. 

The  remarks  of  one  of  our  boys  that  "  there  is  nothing  but  niggers 
and  soldiers  in  Newbern,"  well  describes  the  impression  of  your  cor- 
respondent. Most  of  the  resident  secesh  skedaddled  long  ago,  and  as 
others  become  unearthed,  and  refuse  to  take  the  oath,  they  are  con- 
veyed beyond  the  Union  lines.  Many  white  residents,  professedly 
Union,  are  believed  to  be  playing  possum. 

The  first  night  we  spent  in  Newbern  is  said  to  have  been  the  coldest 
of  the  season  up  to  that  time.  Monday  night  and  Tuesday  morning 
also  seemed  very  much  like  late  October  days  in  New  England,  and 
required  about  the  same  number  of  woollen  blankets  and  overcoats  as 
are  requisite  at  home  now-a-days.  We  are  cautioned  to  be  out  but  lit- 
tle in  the  evening,  and  to  wear  overcoats  after  five  o'clock.  We  are 
also  very  earnestly  cautioned  to  drink  but  little  water,  and  to  eat  spar- 
ingly of  negro  "  chicken  fixins  "  in  the  shape  of  sweet  potatoes,  pies 
and  cakes,  which  contrabands  bring  into  camp  in  great  profusion. 

We  are  no  sooner  comfortably  settled  in  barracks  than  word  comes 
to  us  of  an  immediate  march  into  the  interior  of  the  State,  perhaps  to 
Kinston,  perhaps  to  Swansbororough,  which  are  in  possession  of  the 
rebels.  At  all  events  we  are  doubtless  bound  to  extend  our  lines,  and 
we  now  have  the  troops  to  do  it  with,  although  we  scarcely  expected 
that  General  Foster  Avould  put  us  in  motion  quite  so  speedily  as  this. 

The  health  of  the  regiment  is  excellent,  everything  considered. 

Lieutenant  Blake,  of  Company  D,  has  been  detailed  to  act  upon  the 


staif  of  Colonel  Stevenson,  commanding  our  brigade.  We  thus  lose 
an  invaluable  officer  from  our  company.  Lieutenant  Stebbins,  who 
succeeds  Lieut.  Blake,  is  one  of  the  most  faithful  and  considerate  of- 
ficers in  the  regiment,  and  will  make  the  place  of  Lieutenant  Blake 

Washington,  N.  C,  Oct.  31,  1862. 

As  remarked  in  my  last  letter  from  Newbern,  we  had  no  sooner  got 
comfortably  ensconced  in  our  splendid  new  barracks  than  we  received 
orders  to  join  one  of  the  largest  military  expeditions  which  has  been 
knoAvn  in  North  Carolina  for  many  a  day.  The  expedition  consists  of 
nearly  all  the  available  force  at  Newbern  and  vicinity,  infantry,  artil- 
lery and  cavalry,  and  cannot  fall  nmch  below  ten  thousand  men,  most 
of  whom  left  Newbern  early  yesterday  morning,  on  board  steam  trans- 
ports, and  schooners  propelled  by  tugs,  under  the  command  of  Major- 
General  Foster. 

We  were  in  what  is  called  light  marching  order  ;  but  our  two  blankets, 
haversacks  containing  three  days'  rations  of  hard  bread,  beef,  coffee 
and  sugar,  canteens,  equipments  and  rifles,  made  up  a  very  considera- 
ble load. 

After  about  thirty  hours  of  slow  steaming  down  the  Neuse,  through 
Pamlico  Sound  and  up  the  Tar  river,  we  disembarked  at  Washington, 
one  of  the  bastard  "  cities  "  of  North  Carolina.  A  journey  more  tame 
in  its  surroundings  can  scarcely  be  imagined.  The  shores  of  the  two 
rivers  present  an  almost  unbroken  level ;  and  the  monotony  of  a  stunted 
growth  of  trees  is  barely  interrupted  by  the  habitations  of  man.  In 
places  the  trees  have  a  beautiful  coloring,  which  reminded  us  of  the 
October  woods  in  New  England,  and  there  is  a  sort  of  lonesome  gran- 
deur in  the  broad  streams  themselves. 

Washington  looks  like  Newbern.  Some  of  the  streets  are  prettily 
shaded,  and  there  are  a  few  elegant  residences.  At  a  window  of  one 
of  the  latter  we  espied  a  pretty  young  white  woman  playing  a  piano. 
Besides  these,  having  been  here  only  a  couple  of  hours  or  so,  I  saw 
little  but  "  niggers  and  soldiers,"  a  phrase  which  also  describes  New- 
bern. We  were  marched  through  the  town  into  a  breezy  field  on  the 
shore  of  the  Tar  river,  where  we  stacked  arms,  made  fires,  and  boiled 
our  cofi"ee.  Finding  ourselves  in  the  vicinity  of  a  row  of  negro  shan- 
ties, the  board  fences  surrounding  them  were  soon  converted  into  fuel 
and  shelter.     The  shanties  were  then  besieged  by  our  hungry  boys,  and 


the    black  "aunties"  and  their  daughters  were  soon  driving  a  good 
business  in  supplying  the  soldiers  with  hoe-cake. 

The  vociferous  demands  of  the  boys  to  be  supplied  in  their  turn  were 
quite  confusing  to  the  accommodating  cooks,  who  mixed  their  meal  and 
water  and  transferred  it  to  iron  pans  with  the  rapidity  of  experts  in  the 
business.  Each  fire-place  was  surrounded  by  hungry  expectants,  some 
of  whom,  to  make  sure  of  their  cakes,  drew  their  initials  in  the  yield- 
ing dough,  and  then  stood  by  like  watch-dogs  until  the  tempting  morsel 
was  browned  and  "•  soaked"  to  the  point  of  perfection.  "  Soaked"  is 
a  word  of  the  cook,  and  describes  the  finishing  process.  The  venera- 
ble proprietor  of  one  of  the  shanties  remarked  that  he  was  glad  to  see 
the  Yankees,  but  this  was  the  second  time  they  had  torn  down  his  fence. 

Washington  is  reputed  to  be  a  "  Union  city."  In  the  language  of 
one  of  the  inhabitants,  "  There  was  a  right  smart  of  Union  here  before 
the  proclamation,  but  now  it  is  the  other  way."  It's  of  no  conse- 
quence, as  Toots  says.     The  North  Carolina  First  Regiment  is  here. 

EvEXixG. — We  bivouac  to-night  upon  the  northerly  shore  of  the 
Tar  Eiver.  The  field  is  covered  with  extemporized  shelters  of  rude 
but  ingenious  construction,  and  are  supplied  with  generous  beds  of  corn- 
husks.  Some  sugar-box  shooks  in  the  vicinity  have  been  levied  upon, 
and  some  of  the  boys  are  literally  boxing  themselves  up.  Others  have 
stretched  their  rubber  blankets  for  shelter.  Some  have  constructed 
shanties  of  boards.  Our  woollen  blankets  have  been  voted  an  incum- 
brance, and  are  packed  away.  For  the  lively  work  now  in  prospect  we 
must  per  force  carry  lighter  loads  than  we  brought  from  Newbern ;  and 
although  we  shall  miss  the  blankets  o'  nights,  we  shall  miss  them  more 
upon  our  wearisome  marches  when  every  ounce  weighs  a  pound. 

I  cannot  tell  you  what  we  are  going  to  do.  There  is  supposed  to 
be  work  enough,  especially  as  it  is  reported  that  fifteen  thousand  rebel 
troops  are  in  North  Carolina,  and  some  of  them  at  no  great  distance 
from  this  point.  We  may  next  be  heard  from  at  Kinston  or  Williams- 

Ox  Board  Transport  Steamer  Gteo.  Collins,  \ 
From  Plymouth  to  Newbebn,  N.  C.  !• 

Tuesday,  Nov.  11,  1862.      j 
Your  correspondent  finds  himself  one  of  a  large  expeditionary  corps 
en  route  back  to  Newbern,    after  one   of  the   longest   and   severest 
marches  in  the  history  of  the  present   war.     Since  the  date  of  my  last, 


which  was  written  at  Washington,  at  the  head  of  Pamlico  Sound,  the 
Vegiment  has  led  rather  an  active  and  stirring  life  for  a  regiment  only 
about  sixty  days  old.  We  left  Washington  early  Sunday  morning, 
Nov.  2d,  marching  northward  that  day  nearly  twenty  miles,  with  noth- 
ing to  break  the  monotony  save  a  light  brush  with  the  enemy's  picket 
a  few  miles  out  of  town.  We  bagged  one  or  two  of  their  horses,  and 
soon  passed  their  bivouac,  where  a  rebel  blanket  and  some  other  arti- 
cles were  burning.  Here  the  road  forked,  and  upon  the  left  the  smoke 
of  a  burning  bridge  showed  that  the  rebels  were  making  good  their 
escape.  At  noon  we  halted  near  the  plantation  of  a  decently  to-do 
farmer.  A  son  of  the  farmer  was  observed  to  wear  rebel  buttons,  and 
he  was  taken  prisoner.  There  was  then  little  doubt  as  to  the  rebel 
proclivities  of  the  old  man  (a  good  tow-headed,  blear-eyed  specimen  of 
white  trash,)  whose  premises  were  pretty  thoroughly  searched  for  the 
means  of  providing  dinner  and  other  refreshments.  Sweet  potatoes, 
apple  brandy,  honey,  &c.,  helped  the  boys'  rations  amazingly,  and 
these  delicacies  were  relished  the  more  because  they  were  taken  along 
with  several  rebel  weapons  of  death.  The  female  portion  of  the  family 
sat  upon  the  piazza  and  gazed  upon  the  soldiers  with  a  sort  of  stolid 
fear  depicted  upon  their  faces.  They  were  tolerably  good  looking,  and 
one  of  them  wore  a  quiet,  venerable  aspect,  which  moved  our  respect 
and  sympathy.  At  dusk  we  stirred  up  a  secesh  hornets'  nest,  and  a 
lively  battle  of  musketry  was  heard  in  front.  As  we  hurried  forward 
Gen.  Foster  sat  with  his  staif  at  a  bend  in  the  road,  and  smilingly  in- 
formed us  that  there  were  "  only  seven  or  eight  hundred  of  them." 
Just  before  this  our  two  right  flank  companies,  H  and  C,  Capts.  Smith 
and  Lombard,  were  detached  from  the  regiment  and  sent  forward  as 

Proceeding  by  the  road  they  descended  a  hill  and  entered  a  piece  of 
woods  through  which  ran  a  considerable  stream  of  water.  They  had 
no  sooner  entered  the  water  at  the  fording-place  than  they  were  fired 
upon  by  a  considerable  force  of  rebel  infantry  in  ambuscade ;  but  our 
men  bravely  stood  their  ground,  and  replied  promptly  to  the  fire. 
After  a  few  rounds,  the  guns  and  ammunition  became  useless  from  wet- 
ting, when  companies  H  and  C  were  withdrawn,  although  not  until  they 
had  crossed  the  ford.  Companies  E  and  I,  Captains  Spencer  Richardson 
and  Kendall,  were  sent  forward.  Company  I  was  held  in  reserve,  while 
E  succeeded  in  passing  the  ford  and  ascended  to  the  summit  of  a  hill 
on  the  opposite  side,  but  not  without  brisk  skirmishing,  receiving  and 
returning  several  voUeys,  and  capturing  three  prisoners.     One  of  these 


•was  taken  by  private  Micliaol  Parsons  under  circumstances  so  creditable 
to  his  pluck  that  Parsons  was  promoted  to  a  sergeantcy. 

After  Company  E,  the  stream  was  crossed  by  the  Connecticut  lOth 
regiment,  Colonel  Pettiborn.  The  ford  being  thus  thoroughly  com- 
manded, word  was  sent  to  the  rear,  and  the  entire  column  moved 
forward,  the  44th  regiment  passing  the  Connecticut  10th,  thus  giving 
to  the  3Iassachusetts  44th  the  honor  of  the  next  advance.  Having  at- 
tained the  summit  of  the  hill  previously  occupied  by  Company  E,  the 
44th  deployed  on  either  side  of  the  road,  and  allowed  the  Massachu- 
setts 24th  to  pass  to  the  front.  The  advance  was  again  resumed,  and 
we  entered  a  piece  of  dense  woods.  Here  we  felt  our  way  cautiously, 
once  halting  for  a  considerable  space  of  time.  The  moon  shone  brightly, 
scattering  the  light  through  the  scarcely  monng  branches.  The  voices 
of  birds  and  the  hum  of  insects  filled  the  air  with  tones  eloquent  of 
summer  at  the  North.  The  Avorld  looked  too  beautiful  for  strife  and 
slaughter.  Here  we  sunk  down  upon  the  ground,  almost  over- 
come by  the  fatigue  of  a  day's  severe  march,  and  were  with  diffi- 
culty restrained  from  falling  into  a  deep  sleep.  AVe  were  soon  aroused 
by  the  order  to  advance,  and  proceeded  cautiously  about  half  a  mile 
farther,  the  road  skirting,  for  a  portion  of  the  distance,  an  open  field  on 
our  left.  Just  at  the  extremity  of  this  field  we  were  again  fired  upon 
from  the  hedge.  This  hazardous  kind  of  advancing  was  then  wisely 
abandoned,  and  the  column  filed  into  the  field,  under  the  cover  of 
Belger's  splendid  artillery,  which  having  assumed  a  commanding  posi- 
tion, shelled  the  rebel  ambuscade  in  magnificent  style.  Sweeter  music 
than  the  music  of  those  spheres,  whistling  their  way  into  the  nest  of 
cowardly  traitors,  never  fell  upon  mortal  ears.  From  our  observation 
of  the  rapid  and  well-directed  fire,  we  were  not  surprised  to  hear,  as  we 
did  subsequently,  that  many  a  rebel  bit  the  dust  on  the  morning  of  the 
third  of  November,  at  "Chopper's  Creek,  near  Rawle's  Mill,"  which 
will  stand  for  the  name  of  this  afi"air. 

At  the  ford  the  casualities  of  the  44th  consisted  of  the  following : 

Company  E.  Killed  —  Charles  Morse.  Wounded — Charles  E. 

Company  C.  Killed  —  Charles  Rollins.  Slightly  wounded  —  Ser- 
geant Pond,  William  A.  Smallidge.  Lieutenant  Briggs  was  moment- 
arily stunned  by  the  near  passing  of  a  projectile,  but  speedily  recovered. 

Company  H.  Killed  —  none.  Wounded  —  Richard  V.  Depeyster, 
left  arm  amputated ;  Jacobs,  of  South  Scituate,  in  the  back  (severe) ; 
Harrison  Parker,  2d,  in  right  arm  (slightly). 


At  the  place  where  we  wore  hist  fired  on,  Lieutenant  Stebbins,  of 
Company  D,  while  assisting  in  rallying  the  men  of  his  company,  was 
slightly  wounded  in  one  of  his  legs,  and  had  his  garments  perforated 
in  several  places. 

It  is  doubtful  if  the  history  of  the  war  furnishes  an  instance  where  a 
skirmish  with  the  enemy  has  occurred  under  circumstances  more  trying 
to  the  Union  troops,  or  better  calculated  to  test  their  moral  endurance 
and  pluck.  A  regiment  only  sixty  days  old  altogether,  without  expe- 
rience in  battle,  was  called  upon  at  the  close  of  a  day's  severe  march 
to  encounter  a  deadly  foe  in  ambuscade,  upon  ground  of  their  own  se- 
lection, at  a  long,  deep  ford,  and  in  dense,  dark  woods ;  but  I  am 
happy  to  record  the  testimony  of  all  observers  that  the  officers  and  men 
of  the  44th  Regiment  exhibited  a  gallantry  and  fearlessness  befitting 
veterans  themselves,  and  sufficient  to  gain  expressions  of  admiration 
from  the  old  regiments  in  the  expedition,  who  had  previously  regarded 
us  with,  to  draw  it  mildly,  an  over-critical  eye,  regarding  us  as  more 
ornamental  than  useful. 

Some  of  the  last  companies  of  the  44th  to  cross  the  ford  were  for 
several  minutes  under  the  fire  of  two  rebel  cannon  planted  on  an 
eminence  to  our  right.  Grape  and  shell  fell  on  either  side  of  us  in  a 
lively  manner,  but,  most  fortunately,  without  injury  to  us.  Before 
entering  the  ford  a  shower  of  bullets  passed  close  over  our  heads  as  we 
lay  in  the  road.  Our  recumbent  position  at  this  point,  as  well  as  at 
the  last  place  of  attack,  doubtless  saved  us  from  considerable  loss  of 

It  was  two  hours  past  midnight  before  we  received  orders  to  bivouac, 
when  we  sunk  down  and  slept  upon  our  arms  in  the  open  air.  It  was  a 
cold,  damp  night,  and  after  a  few  hours'  sleep,  we  awoke  wet,  cold  and 
stifi",  the  combined  effects  of  half  an  hour's  bath  in  the  stream  the  pre- 
vious night,  a  heavy  North  Carolina  dew,  and  the  fatigue  of  the  former 
day's  march.  When  we  opened  our  eyes  we  discovered  that  the  field 
was  traversed  by  a  formidable  rebel  earthwork,  of  which  our  rapid  ad- 
vance had  prevented  the  completion. 

At  an  early  hour  Monday  morning  the  column  resumed  its  forward 
movement,  and  reached  Williamston,  a  pretty  town  on  the  Roanoke 
river,  where  we  were  glad  to  find  several  of  our  gunboats  and  a  lot  of 
extra  rations  for  our  troops.  Here  we  rested,  foraged,  dined  and  made 
ourselves  extremely  comfortable  for  a  couple  of  hours  or  so.  The 
white  residents  had  skedaddled,  and  we  entered  into  possession  of  their 
horses,  nuiles,  wagons,  pigs,  poultry   and  honey.      From  Williamston 


we  advanced  about  five  miles  and  bivonaced  in  a  cornfield.  On  our 
route  thither  we  were  delayed  two  hours  by  the  destruction  of  a  bridge. 
Tuesday  we  dined  at  Hamilton,  another  town  on  the  Eoanoke,  about 
the  size  of  Williamston,  where  we  again  fared  luxuriously  upon  the 
products  of  the  country.  In  the  evening  we  advanced  beyond  Hamil- 
ton about  three  miles,  and  encamped  again  in  a  corn-field.  I  regret  to 
say  that  we  left  Hamilton  by  the  light  of  several  burning  houses,  which 
were  said  to  have  been  fired  by  some  soldiers  in  retaliation  for  the 
shooting  of  a  Union  soldier  by  a  rebel  picket  near  the  town.  The  firing 
of  the  buildings  was  generally  condemned  as  unnecessary  and  out- 

Wednesday,  after  a  further  advance  of  about  a  dozen  miles,  we  halt- 
ed for  dinner  upon  the  road  to  Tarboro'.  After  dinner  we  retraced 
our  steps  a  couple  of  miles,  and  took  a  road  to  the  right  in  the  direction 
of  Halifax,  which  we  pursued  until  midnight  through  a  miserable 
swampy  territory  before  we  found  a  place  fit  for  an  encampment. 
Here  we  bivoviaced  in  rain  and  mud  within  six  or  seven  miles  of 
Tarboro',  a  reputed  rebel  stronghold  having  railroad  communication 
with  Weldon  and  Richmond.  When  we  arose  Thursday  morning  we 
were  confidently  expecting  to  march  upon  Tarboro',  and  were  not  a 
little  surprised  to  find  ourselves  turning  backward.  Then  came  rumors 
thick  and  fast  of  a  largely  augmented  rebel  force  at  Tarboro',  and  of  a 
design  to  cut  off"  our  retreat  at  the  swamp  in  the  event  of  our  retreat. 

When  the  columns  changed  roads  on  Wednesday,  two  companies  of 
our  regiment,  A  and  Gr,  Captains  James  Eichardson  and  Hunt,  together 
with  two  pieces  of  cannon  and  a  small  force  of  cavalry,  all  under  the 
command  of  the  Major  of  the  New  York  3d  cavalry,  were  sent  forward 
upon  the  direct  route  for  the  purpose,  as  it  is  supposed,  of  diverting  the 
attention  of  the  rebels  from  a  proposed  attack  in  the  rear.  The  plan, 
however,  if  such  was  the  plan,  did  not  succeed.  The  little  force  soon 
found  itself  opposed  to  a  formidable  enemy  in  ambuscade,  and  after  a 
somewhat  brisk  skirmish,  in  which  one  of  our  mounted  pickets  was 
killed,  concluded  it  would  be  wise  to  rejoin  our  main  force,  which  they 
did  the  next  morning  at  day-light,  at  our  encampment,  after  a  forced 
and  very  fatiguing  march,  and,  for  a  portion  of  the  distance,  upon  the 
double  quick. 

Whatever  may  have  been  the  truth  regarding  the  rebel  force  in  our 
vicinity,  certain  it  is  that  we  made  a  very  rapid  march  back  to  Hamilton 
— a  march  which  tested  the  endurance  of  our  troops  in  no  small  degree 
— the  more  because  of  the  uncomfortable  weather  and  muddy  condition 


of  the  roads.  Never  was  the  sheUer  of  real  houses  more  welcome  than 
to  our  jaded  troops  when  they  arrived  at  Hamilton  on  Thursday  night. 
We  entered  into  possession  of  the  deserted  buildings,  and  were  soon 
basking  in  the  genial  warmth  streaming  from  a  hundred  fire-places — 
a  warmth  mingled  with  the  savory  odors  of  cooking  meats  and  vegeta- 
bles. Some  of  the  companies  fell  upon  quarters  almost  luxurious.  All 
were  thankful  for  any  kind  of  shelter.  In  the  morning  we  were  a  little 
surprised  to  find  the  ground  white  with  snow,  and  conjectured  that  the 
"  Sunny  South"  was  ahead  of  Masachusetts  in  that  particular,  for  once. 

On  Friday  we  marched  to  Williamston,  where  we  tarried  until  Sun- 
day morning,  and  recruited  our  strength  by  rest  and  comfortable  fare. 
Here  we  hoped  to  take  transports  for  Newbern,  but  were  destined  for 
one  more  day's  march,  and  Sunday  night  we  encamped  near  Plymouth, 
after  a  quick  march  of  nearly  twenty  miles.  Monday  noon  we  embark- 
ed for  Newbern  on  board  this  steamer,  having  in  tow  a  schooner  with  a 
portion  of  the  regiment.  We  are  in  a  gratified  frame  of  mind.  Why 
should  we  not  be  ?  We  have  succeeded  in  effecting  a  march  of  fuU  one 
hundred  miles  through  the  enemy's  country ;  we  have  been  under  fire, 
and  are  said  to  have  stood  it  in  a  creditable  manner;  the  endurance  of 
our  troops  has  been  tested  as  it  never  was  before  by  the  troops  in  North 
Carolina,  and  a  green  regiment  has  been  found  as  capable  of  performing 
a  severe  march  as  the  veterans  of  Roanoke  and  Newbern.  In  fact  few- 
er men  of  the  44th  fell  out  of  the  ranks  from  fatigue  than  those  of  any 
other  regiment  in  the  three  brigades  composing  the  expedition.  It 
must  be  confessed,  however,  that  the  old  regiments  do  not  give  us  any 
extra  credit  for  this  endurance,  but  say  we  oagld  to  march  well,  coming 
as  we  do  so  recently  from  home,  in  good  health,  and  before  we  have 
been  subjected  to  the  hardships  and  sickness  incident  to  the  soldier. 
There  is,  no  doubt,  much  truth  in  this ;  but  it  is  almost  a  question 
whether  our  advantages  of  condition  are  not  offset  by  the  seasoning  and 
experience  of  men  a  year  in  the  field  before  us.  Moreover,  and  chiefly, 
we  have  reason  to  feel  satisfied  with  the  expedition,  forasmuch  as  Gen. 
Foster  says  its  object  was  accomplished.  What  that  object  was  is  not 
well  known  at  this  writing ;  but  it  may  have  been  the  diversion  of  rebel 
troops  from  Weldon,  or  Eichuiond,  to  aid  Greneral  Dix  on  the  one  hand, 
or  General  ^IcClellan  on  the  other.  We  certainly  succeeded  in  clean- 
ing the  rebel  troops  out  of  a  large  part  of  North  Carolina,  and  in  giving 
them  a  terrible  scare. 

Our  impressions  of  North  Carolina  have  not  been  rendered  more  fa- 
vorable by  a  more  thorough  acquaintance.     Most  of  the  territory  we 


traversed  is  a  dead,  uninteresting  level,  thinly  populated  in  times  of 
peace,  and  almost  depopulated  by  the  war.  We  passed  considerable 
growing  cotton,  and  very  many  large  fields  of  unharvested  corn.  We 
met  a  few  white  people,  but  scarcely  a  Union  man  or  w^oman,  even  pro- 
fessedly. At  Hamilton  we  found  one  gratifying  exception  in  the  person 
of  a  venerable  man  nearly  eighty  years  of  age,  who  welcomed  us  with 
emotion  and  bid  us  a  regretful  "good  bye."  He  had  a  son  in  the  rebel 
army — forced  there  by  the  conscription,  after  escaping  three  drafts. 
We  sung  several  patriotic  songs  to  the  old  man,  who  listened  to  us  with 
uncovered  head  and  streaming  eyes,  and  bowed  his  grateful  acknowl- 
edgements. There  were  few  who  witnessed  the  scene  who  did  not 
share  the  old  man  s  emotion.  We  left  him  with  cheers  and  blessings, 
and  felt  our  patriotism  renewed  by  the  interview. 

Above  Hamilton  we  passed  a  negro  village,  the  residents  of  which 
assembled  along  the  road  to  cheer  us  on.  Their  spokesman  was  an 
old  colored  man,  who  kept  repeating,  "as  the  column  passed  along, 
"  l-IVre  long  tvished  you  well,  but  v)e  darent  sJioio  it .'"  This,  too,  was 
an  inspiration  to  us,  as  was  also  the  crowd  of  poor  blacks  following  in 
our  train  wherever  we  moved,  under  a  vague  presentiment  that  the  day 
of  their  redemption  had  come,  and  that  liberty  was  in  store  for  them. 

Our  friends  will  inquire  as  to  what  condition  we  find  ourselves  at  the 
close  of  so  severe  a  march.  There  are  a  few  who  have  been  placed 
upon  the  sick  list  in  consequence  of  the  severity  of  our  experience, 
some  of  whom  were  sent  to  Newbern  by  gunboats  from  Hamilton  when 
we  first  arrived  there,  and  others  to  Plymouth  by  the  same  means, 
upon  our  return.  There  are  many  sore  and  bleeding  feet  which  have 
worn  out  their  shoes  and  stockings.  Nearly  all  of  us  have  lost  several 
pounds  of  superfluous  flesh,  and  some  are  quite  gaunt  and  hirsute,  not 
to  say  dirty.  As  a  regiment,  contrasted  with  our  appearance  at  Eead- 
ville,  we  may  be  said  to  look  decidedly  rough.  Not  a  little  of  the  "  sa- 
cred soil "  adheres  to  the  late  spotless  blue  of  our  habiliments.  Grease 
spots  and  smut  variegate  our  coats  and  pantaloons,  which  in  some 
cases  present  large  openings  made  by  lying  to  closely  to  the  camp  fires. 
We  would  march  twenty  miles  for  the  sake  of  exhibiting  ourselves  to 
our  friends  in  Washington  street  as  we  look  to-day. 

A  large  army  passing  through  an  enemy's  country  presents  a  grand 
and  formidable  appearance  to  a  novitiate  like  your  correspondent,  and 
it  also  presents  features  of  a  grotesque  comicality  scarcely  less  striking. 
As  we  advanced,  our  teams  elongated  with  great  rapidity.  Every  stray 
or  deserted  vehicle  along  our  route,  from  a  carryall  to  a  handcart,  and 


eveiy  horse  and  mule  possessing  the  slightest  power  of  locomotion,  was 
pressed  into  our  service.  Some  of  the  teams  thus  extemporised,  and 
laden  or  driven  by  sick  and  disabled  soldiers  and  contraband  servants, 
would  have  done  cTedit  to  any  turn-out  of  the  antiques  and  horribles. 
Some  poor  mules  were  literally  covered  with  a  burden  of  humanity 
equal  to  their  own  bulk.  Many  of  our  baggage  wagons  were  drawn  by 
mules,  and  at  night  their  unmiisical  voices  seemed  raised  in  solemn 
protest  against  the  hardships  and  abuse  heaped  upon  their  race. 

Various  instances  of  foraging,  although  not  so  funny  to  one  party 
interested,  were  among  the  amusing  episodes  of  our  progress  through 
North  Carolina,  It  was  not  a  little  entertaining  to  see  some  of  our  boys, 
now  in  hot  pursuit  of  half-frantic  poultry  and  pigs,  and  then  wildly 
beating  the  air  in  the  vicinity  of  bee-hives  which  they  had  ruthlessly 
overturned  in  an  irrepressible  passion  for  stored  sweets.  The  sight 
and  taste  of  that  white  honey-comb  will  not  soon  pass  from  the  memory 
of  our  jaded  and  hungry  soldiers !  Nor  you,  apple-jack,  beverage  of 
the  South,  cheering  and  inebriating,  welcome  substitute  for  whisky' 

"  Here's  to  good  old  apple-jack, 

Drink  her  down ; 
Here's  to  good  old  apple-jack, 

Drink  her  down  ; 
Here's  to  gooi]  old  apple-jack, 
It  will  lay  you  on  your  back, 

Drink  her  down. 

Drink  her  down  !  " 

"  Coi'poral  "  is  not  responsible  for  this.     It  was  wafted  to  his  ears 
from  the  quarter  deck  of  the  transport. 

Newbeen,  Not.   14,  1862, 

We  an'ived  here  this  moraing,     I  had  more  to  say,  but  have  no 
time  to  say  it  before  the  close  of  the  mail. 

Neavbekkt,  N,  C,  Not.  15,  1862. 

By  the  last  mail  I  sent  you  a  humed  account  of  our  recent  expedi- 
tion to  the  vicinity  of  Tarborough,  Time  was  not  afforded  me  to  say 
all  I  desired  to,  nor  all  that  would  have  been  gratifying  to  the  many 
friends  of  the  44th  at  home,  who  have  to  turn  to  the  Herald  for  a  con- 
nected account  of  our  adventures. 

What  I  wished  to  say  in  my  previous  letter,  which,  by  the  way,  I 
hope  escaped  the  Newborn  censorship,  and  which  I  would  say  now,  if 


it  would  not  be  iinmilitary,  was  a  -word  about  one  higli  in  command  in 
this  regiment,  who  has  more  than  met  the  sanguine  expectations  of 
those  who  knew  him  intimately  as  one  apt  to  command,  prompt  in  expe- 
dients, cool  and  collected  in  danger,  tender-hearted  to  the  sick  and  dis- 
abled, generous  in  all  liis  promptings.  The  late  trying  experiences  of 
the  regiment  enable  me  to  speak  unqualifiedly  upon  these  points.  It 
would  also  gratify  your  correspondent  if  he  might  be  allowed  to  bear 
testimony  to  the  high  qualities  of  other  field  and  staff  officers,  and  to 
personally  acknowledge  the  considerate  kindness  of  those  Avho  had  kind 
words  and  kinder  acts  for  the  sick,  weary  and  foot-sore  during  our  late 
severe  march  through  the  enemy's  country.  To  one  of  our  captains  great 
praise  is  awarded  for  his  unw\avering  endurance  and  pluck  throughout 
the  march  ;  the  more  as  he  had  no  sooner  arrived  at  Washington,  N.  C, 
than  he  was  deprived  of  his  first  Lieutenant,  (detailed  to  act  upon  the 
staff  of  Colonel  Stevenson,  commanding  our  brigade,)  and  a  day  or  two 
afterward,  of  his  remaining  Lieutenant,  who  was  forced  to  return  to 
Newbern  in  consequence  of  a  wound  received  at  the  skirmish  of  Chop- 
per's Creek.  The  manner  in  which  the  Captain  alluded  to,  inexpe- 
rienced in  campaigning,  and  almost  unaided,  sustained  his  command, 
and  kept  his  men  together  during  the  eight  days'  march,  gave  him  a 
new  hold  upon  the  cordial  respect  of  his  company  and  superior  officers. 
You  can  suppose  that  we  were  glad  to  get  back  into  comfortable  bar- 
racks at  Newbern,  where  we  received  a  cordial  and  affectionate  welcome 
from  the  Cripple  Reserve  and  Home  Guard,  who  had  kept  watch  and 
ward  over  our  knapsacks  and  made  themselves  comfortable,  while  we 
made  eighteen  miles  a  day  and  glory.  But  they  wouldn't  allow  us  to 
patronize  them.  They  had  seen  service.  Our  pickets  were  driven  in 
a  night  or  two  before,  the  long-roll  had  sounded  over  Newbern,  and  the 
Home  Guard  were  actually  called  out.  It  seems  that  a  force  of  rebels, 
under  the  supposition  that  our  garrison  was  essentially  weakened  by  the 
reconnoisance,  came  down  to  feel  of  our  strength,  but  wisely  concluded 
not  to  come  too  near,  although  succeeding  in  killing  two  of  our  picket 
guard,  belonging  to  the  Massa'chusetts  24th.  I  should  have  mentioned 
in  my  previous  letter  that  a  member  of  this  regiment  was  shot  at  Chop- 
per's Creek  the  same  night  we  lost  two  men  from  the  44th.  By  the 
way,  we  have  just  received  from  a  Richmond  paper  an  account  of  this 
skirmish,  by  which  we  learn  for  the  first  time  that  one  of  our  cavalry 
companies  was  annihilated,  and  that  our  general  loss  was  very  severe, 
while  the  rebels  lost  but  two  men  killed  and  a  few  wounded.  Per 
contra,  veracious  contrabands  at  Williamston  told  us  of  wagon-loads  of 


rebel  slain  and  wounded  carried  through  that  place.  We  thought  Bel- 
ger's  battery  was  doing  the  business  for  them,  and  were  quite  prepared 
for  the  report  given  by  the  negroes. 

The  Newbern  Progress,  which  is  published  under  the  supervision  of 
the  military  authorities  here,  gives  the  following  account  of  our  expe- 
dition : 

"  Fedekal  Reconnoisance  to  Hamilton. — On  the  3d  inst., 
Major-General  Foster,  with  about  five  thousand  men,  made  a  recon- 
noisance  in  force  from  Washington,  N.  C,  towards  Weldon,  with  the 
intention  of  taking  Williamston  and  Hamilton,  which  points  were 
strongly  fortified  by  intreuchments,  and  also  to  interrupt  the  reported 
construction  of  iron-clads  on  the  Roanoke  River.  The  expedition 
advanced  overland  for  some  distance  without  meeting  an  enemy.  The 
rebels,  about  three  thousand  strong,  made  a  stand,  however,  at  a  place 
called  Little  Creek,  but  were  repulsed  with  slight  loss. 

"  Our  troops  pushed  on  to  Williamston  and  Hamilton,  where  they 
executed  a  flank  movement,  with  a  fair  prospect  of  bagging  the  whole 
rebel  force,  who,  however,  saved  themselves  by  a  hasty  flight.  The 
rebel  fortifications  about  these  places,  which  were  more  than  three  miles 
in  length,  and  of  a  very  formidable  character,  were  destroyed  by  our 
troops.  No  iron-clads  were  found.  The  places  taken  were  not  garri- 
soned by  General  Foster,  inasmuch  as  the  rebels  can  be  whipped  out  of 
them  again  at  any  time." 

Last  evening  we  were  delighted  to  welcome  the  Massachusetts  45th 
and  other  regiments,  by  the  Merrimac,  Mississippi  and  Saxon.  We 
regaled  them  with  cofi"ee,  and  listened  with  astonishment  to  their  nar- 
rations of  snow  and  sleighing  in  Boston  last  kSunday.  The  letters  and 
papers  they  brought  us,  and  which  came  by  mail  and  one  subsequent 
arrival,  were  inexpressibly  welcome,  and  were  devoured  with  even  more 
avidity  than  our  rations  at  the  close  of  a  day's  march. 

To-day  the  44th  underwent  its  first  inspection  by  Greneral  Foster. 
Of  course  we  put  our  best  foot  forward.  Leather  and  brass  and  steel 
shone  as  they  had  not  shone  before  since -they  leftReadville.  Spotless 
white  handkerchiefs  and  gloves  in  the  hands  of  the  Greneral's  aids 
sought  for  soiling  matter  about  our  rifles,  but  generally  without  success. 
The  General  was  pleased  to  compliment  us.  He  was  accompanied  by 
a  little  daughter,  who  rode  a  pretty  pony  with  childish  grace. 

Newbern  has  become  quite  a  jolly  place  to  live  in.  It  is  filled  with 
Yankee  jimcracks,  ranging  all  the  way  from  top-boOts  to  preserved 
strawberries.     The  market  supplies  splendid  Northern  apples,  Southern 


ditto,  cider,  honey,  ginger  cakes,  crackers,  fish,  preserved  meats  and 
fruits,  oysters,  pickles,  condensed  milk,  chocolate,  sugar,  tea,  coffee, 
military  goods,  &c.  It  is  wonderfully  convenient  to  be  so  near  all  these 
little  comforts,  especially  to  those  havimj  a  shot  in  the  locJccr. 

Gingerbread,  pies,  and  even  apple-dumplings,  are  brought  to  us  by 
the  negroes  in  profusion,  while  the  sutlei'S  furnish  us  with  butter,  cheese, 
sardines,  and  all  the  main  essentials  of  luxurious  living.  Our  regular 
rations  are  not  to  be  sneezed  at,  although  at  present  a  scarcity  of  hops 
has  thrown  us  back  upon  hard  tack.  We  are  treated  to  beef  steaks, 
excellent  rice  soups,  fish,  hash,  &c. 

The  general  health  of  the  regiment  continues  good,  although  a  few 
in  each  company  are  weakened  by  diarrhoea,  and  some  few  are  yet  suf- 
fering from  colds  and  coughs  contracted  by  our  late  exposures.  The 
majority  of  the  men,  however,  were  never  in  better  condition. 

It  is,  perhaps,  needless  for  me  to  inform  you  that  the  published  report 
of  the  capture  of  a  large  rebel  force  near  Plymouth,  was  a  canard.  I 
learn  that  the  enterprising  perpetrator  of  the  story  is  under  arrest. 

Newbern,  X.  C,  Nov.  19,  1862. 

Newspaper  correspondents  are  not  allowed  to  give  all  the  news  in 
this  department,  and  any  apparent  deficiencies  in  my  letters  in  the  way 
of  military  intelligence  can  thus  be  easily  accounted  for.  The  Newbern 
Progress,  I  observe,  omits  to  record  the  arrival  of  regiments,  which 
would  seem  to  be  a  very  useless  precaution,  considering  that  the  Bos- 
ton and  New  York  papers  herald  in  advance  the  departure  of  every 
regiment  for  this  department.  I  also  notice  that  they  are  industriously 
posting  up  the  rebels  concerning  a  prospective  expedition  to  Texas. 
A  government  that  can  afford  to  di\-ulge  its  military  plans  in  this  way 
must  be  strong  indeed. 

We  have  received  a  copy  of  the  New  York  Herald  of  the  15th  inst., 
giving  a  brief  account  of  our  skirmish  near  Williamston.  It  is  observed 
studiously  to  avoid  giving  the  slightest  credit  to  the  44th,  which  bore 
its  full  share  of  the  brunt  of  the  whole  expedition,  and  acquitted  itself 
in  a  manner  to  elicit  the  warm  commendation  of  the  General  Com- 

In  my  hurried  account  of  our  late  march  many  incidents  of  the  expe- 
dition were  unavoidably  omitted.  All  secesh  men  who  might  be  useful 
to  the  enemy,  resident  along  the  road,  were  taken  prisoners.  Misera- 
ble looking  fellows  were  they,  as  a  rule,  but  quite  handsome  enough 


for  their  wives.  In  the  house  of  one  poor  miserable  paralytic  wretch 
we  found  a  double-barrelled  gun,  loaded  and  capped.  "  This  is  what 
picks  off  our  men  of  nights,"  said  a  sergeant  of  cavalry,  as  he  took 
possession  of  the  shooter ;  and  then,  by  a  close  examination,  satisfied 
himself  that  the  sick  rebel  was  not  playing  possum.  The  scared  and 
forlorn  expression  on  the  yellow  and  haggard  face  of  his  wife  was  a 
study  for  an  artist. 

As  one  decent  looking  farmer  was  taken  fi-om  his  house,  an  affec- 
tionate daughter  followed  the  soldiers  and  besought  them  in  shrieks  of 
anguish  to  let  her  papa  come  back.  Repeated  assurances  that  her 
papa  should  not  be  hurt,  seemed  to  afford  her  only  very  slight  conso- 

Among  our  prisoners  was  a  little  curly-headed  rebel  sergeant  who 
was  taken  captive  at  Roanoke  Island  and  paroled.  The  contrabands 
in  our  train  gave  him  the  name  of  being  a  dreadfully  severe  master. 
He  refused  to  take  the  oath,  although  once  offering  to  do  so  at  a  time 
when  he  might  have  afforded  his  rebel  friends  valuable  information  of 
our  strength  and  whereabouts.  He  managed  his  conversation  with 
great  shrewdness,  and  when,  upon  our  return  past  his  residence,  he 
left  us  to  go  home,  he  no  doubt  chuckled  over  the  information  which 
he  had  artfully  drawn  from  some  of  the  gan-ulous  fellows  placed  on 
guard  over  him. 

Private  Lane,  detailed  as  wagoner  from  Co.  D,  and  who  upon  our 
march  did  yeoman's  service  as  forager,  claims  the  "first  blood."  He 
was  searching  a  rebel's  house  for  fire-arms,  and  being  forcibly  resisted 
in  his  efforts  to  seciu'e  one  of  these  weapons,  used  the  butt  of  a  fowling 
piece  over  the  head  of  secesh  with  such  good  effect  that  all  resistance 

The  morning  after  our  affair  with  the  rebels  at  Chopper's  Creek,  or 
Rawles'  Mill,  as  the  place  is  variously  called,  a  party  of  us  went  to  a 
neighboring  house  to  fill  our  canteens  at  the  well.  Three  good  look- 
ing women,  a  grey-haired  mother  and  two  daughters,  sat  in  the  piazza. 
The  younger  ones  were  handsome,  and  one  was  a  widow  in  weeds. 
The  man  of  the  house,  a  paralytic  old  gentleman,  weighing  three  hun- 
dred and  fifty  pounds,  sat  in  the  centre  of  the  hall  running  through  the 
house.  In  the  course  of  the  artillery  fire,  the  preceding  night,  a  shot 
had  passed  through  the  floor  of  the  piazza  while  the  family  were  occu- 
pying it.  The  poor  old  man  was  too  frightened  to  speak  except  in 
monosyllables.  His  wife  besought  us  with  streaming  eyes  to  leave  them 
alone — "they  were  only  two  poor  old  critters,"  although  their  son  had 


been  shooting  at  us  from  the  woods  a  few  liours  before.  The  young 
woman  in  weeds,  pale  and  pensive,  said  little.  Her  sister,  who 
wouldn't  acknowledge  that  she  was  frightened  by  the  bombardment, 
boldly  declared  that  she  was  a  "  seceder,"  and  that  "  the  meanest  of  all 
the  critters  was  them  as  wouldn't  stick  up  for  their  country."  One  of 
our  soldiers  courteously  suggested  that  we  were  sticking  up  for  the 
ichole  country,  while  she  Avas  only  stickin-g  up  for  a  fraction  of  it.  She 
replied  that  she  was  in  favor  of  an  undivided  country  so  long  as  we 
could  get  along  harmoniously,  but  when  that  became  impossible,  she 
became  a  "seceder."  "We  believe  as  our  men  say,"  she  added,  as  a 
clincher.  ^' 

At  Williamston,  in  one  of  the  deserted  mansions,  some  of  our  boys 
fell  upon  an  old  piano,  which,  during  our  first  few  hours'  tarry  at  that 
place,  although  mingling  its  notes  with  the  voices  of  sacrificed  pigs,  re- 
sounded vigorously  with  old  familiar  airs,  speaking  eloquently  of  home 
and  friends.  The  relic  fever  raged  wildly  at  Williamston,  and  books, 
MSS.,  and  trinkets,  some  of  considerable  rarity  and  value,  were  carried 
away  by  our  soldiers.  The  ofiice  of  Judge  Biggs,  an  ex-U.  S.  Senator, 
contributed  largely  to  allay  the  craving  for  spoils  and  relics  which  un- 
fortunately possesses  too  many  of  our  men. 

The  last  noticeable  incident  of  the  expedition  was  the  arrest  of  the 
captain  of  the  principal  transport  conveying  our  regiment.  In  coming 
down  the  Roanoke  River  with  a  schooner  in  tow,  crowded  with  troops, 
the  schooner  was  so  unaccountably  run  ashore  that  the  captain  of  the 
steamer  was  superseded  by  the  mate  and  confined  in  his  own  cabin. 
After  that  we  proceeded  without  much  hindrance.  The  summary  man- 
ner in  which  militaiy  authorities  avail  themselves  of  transports  is  doubt- 
less not  a  little  .aggravating  to  the  sovereigns  of  the  quarter-deck, 
unaccustomed  as  they  are  to  rivals  near  the  throne. 

As  we  read  now-a-daj'S  of  our  poor  fellows  upon  the  Potomac  shiv- 
ering o'  nights,  for  the  want  of  overcoats  and  proper  shelter,  we  sympa- 
thize with  them  most  deeply,  as  our  late  experience  has  enabled  us  to 
do.  It  is  difficult  to  exaggerate  the  discomfort  of  stretching  one's  self 
for  sleep,  without  fire,  upon  wet  ground,  and  that  with  wet,  cold  feet, 
growing  colder  and  colder  towards  morning.  On  one  occasion  we  were 
driven  to  our  feet  by  rain,  and  on  another  by  intense  cold.  We  wonder 
that  we  endure  these  exposures,  and  not  only  live,  but  almost  flourish 
imder  them.  Our  experience  has  already  taught  us  something  of  the 
wonderful  endurance  and  elasticity  of  the  human  frame,  which  rusts  out 
through  the  enervation  of  idleness  and  vicious  habits  faster  than  it  wears 
out  by  the  sturdy  hardships  of  the  soldier. 


We  are  again  settling  into  barrack  life  and  drill.  Here  is  the  daily 
order  of  performances : 

Reveille,  6.30  A.  M. ;  breakfast,  7;  sergeant's  report  to  adjutant, 
7.15;  surgeon's  call,  7.30;  guard  mounting,  8 ;  squad  drills  under 
sergeants,  superintended  by  commissioned  officers,  8.30  to  10;  block 
drill  for  commissioned  officers  under  lieut. -colonel,  10  to  11 ;  company 
drill  under  lieutenants,  11  to  12;  block  drill  for  sergeants  under  cap- 
tains, 11  to  12;  dinner  at  12;  first  sergeant's  call,  1  P.  M. ;  company 
drill,  1.30  to  2.30;  battalion  drill,  3  to  4 ;  company  parade,  4.30: 
dress  parade,  5;  supper,  6;  tattoo,  7.30;  taps,  8.30. 

Among  other  items  of  regimental  news  is  the  commissioning  of 
Charles  C.  Soule,  formerly  adjutant  of  the  Fourth  Battalion,  as  second 
lieutenant  of  the  Newton  company.  Captain  Grisw^old,  in  place  of  Lieu- 
tenant Kendrick,  promoted  to  the  place  made  vacant  by  the  resignation 
of  First  Lieutenant  Forbes.  Lieutenant  Soule  had  command  of  our 
camp  in  the  absence  of  our  regiment  upon  the  expedition  beyond  Ham- 
ilton. He  is  now  in  Boston  upon  recruiting  service,  and  any  of  our 
friends  who  may  desire  to  make  him  the  guardian  of  Thanksgiving  or 
Christmas  packages  on  their  way  hither,  will  take  notice.  We  are  al- 
ready making  arrangements  for  a  Thanksgiving  dinner  as  nearly  like 
that  New  England  institution  as  practicable. 

We  have  named  our  camp  "  Stevenson,"  as  a  mark  of  esteem  for  the 
Colonel  commanding  our  brigade.  At  the  christening,  three  hearty 
cheers  were  given  for  him. 

November  20,  1862. 

It  rains  easily  here  in  November,  and  to-day  the  windows  of  heaven 
are  opened  wide.  We  that  should  otherwise  have  been  on  drill,  like 
it.  The  poor  fellows  on  guard  do  not.  The  amount  of  letter-writing 
in  this  regiment  is  something  astounding.  Each  mail  carries  from  the 
44th  scarcely  less  than  fifteen  hundred  missives  to  friends  in  Massachu- 
setts. Pens  and  pencils  are  busy  to-day.  Some  are  darning  their 
stockings,  and  have  reason  to  bless  the  foresight  which  prepared  those 
little  bags  of  yarn,  needles,  &c.,  which  they  received  at  the  hands  of 
Mrs.  Otis. 

Newbern,  N.  C,  Dec.  1,  1862. 
Thanksgiving  Day,  the  27th  idt.,  was  duly  celebrated  by  the  Massa- 
chusetts troops  at  this  post.     It  would  not  have  been  observed  with 
more  feeling  and  eclat  by  the   same  individuals  at  home.     It  is  to  be 


questioned,  even,  if  the  viands  of  a  New  England  Thanksgiving,  smok- 
ing upon  the  home  table,  would  have  been  eaten  with  so  ardent  a  relish 
as  that  with  which  our  somewhat  ruder  dainties  were  devoured  in  bar- 
racks. My  observations  were,  of  course,  chiefly  confined  to  our  own 
regiment.  Company  F,  as  in  most  other  things,  took  the  lead,  and 
dined  together  as  a  company.  Their  barracks  and  table  presented  a 
marvel  of  neatness  and  taste.  The  rough  walls  were  half  obscured 
with  holly  branches  and  flags.  The  long  table  was  covered  with  a 
white  cloth,  crockery  ware,  and  glass.  Poultry,  vegetables,  sauces, 
pies,  puddings,  cakes,  roast  beef,  oysters,  coff"ee  and  dessert  helped  to 
make  up  their  bill  of  fare  ;  it  was  not  found  necessary  to  send  beyond 
Newbern  for  luxuries  contrasting  so  pleasantly  with  "  hard  tack  and  salt 
horse."  The  dinner  was  gotten  up  by  the  rank  and  file,  and  private 
Hopkinson  presided.  A  series  of  "  regular  toasts  "  were  offered,  and 
the  speeches  which  followed  would  have  put  to  the  blush  the  majority 
of  after-dinner  efforts  in  "  our  Athens."  The  President  of  the  United 
States  and  the  Old  Commonwealth  were  fittingly  eulogized,  and  the  dear 
ones  at  home  were  pathetically  alluded  to  in  song  and  speech.  In  the 
evening  Apollo  and  Terpsichore  ruled  the  hour. 

In  most  of  the  other  barracks  the  companies  dined  luxuriously.  In 
a.  few  the  company  spirit  proved  iusufiicient  to  secure  so  much  unan- 
imity ;  but  there  were  numerous  cheerful  messes,  ample  spreads,  and 
afterwards  a  due  amount  of  colic.  Companies  Gr,  E,  H,  C,  D  and  A, 
and  perhaps  others,  got  up  evening  dances  or  literary  entertainments. 
The  day  was  made  a  complete  holiday,  all  drill,  and  even  dress  parade, 
being  omitted.  The  Massachusetts  oth,  and  some  other  regiments  and 
companies,  indulged  in  mock  dress  parades,  which  produced  very  side- 
splitting effects  indeed.  The  acting  Major  of  the  Fifth  appeared  in  a 
complete  undress  uniform  of  red  flannel,  most  of  the  men  wdth  their 
garments  inside  out,  and  wearing  haversacks  upon  their  heads.  There 
were  several  fine  personations  of  Falstaff,  and  one  man  in  armor,  to 
wit,  an  army  stove,  through  the  door  of  which  he  made  his  observa- 
tions. The  manual  presented  some  amusing  varieties  of  the  Hardee, 
and  the  fii'st  sergeants  were  ordered  "  to  their  posts — quick  !"  Al- 
together the  Fifth  are  said  to  have  equalled  the  best  exhibition  of  the 
Antiques  and  Horribles.     Among  the  spectators  was  Governor  Stanley. 

So  passed  Thanksgiving  in  the  country  of  the  enemy.  We  could 
not  have  asked  for  a  jollier  one,  but  God  grant  that  the  next  may  be 
in  New  England,  and  for  new  and  more  powerfal  reasons  than  has  yet 
impelled  us  to  perpetuate  the  example  of  the  Pilgrims. 


At  dress  parade  Friday  evening,  Colonel  Lee  complimented  the  reg- 
iment for  its  appropriate  observance  of  the  previous  day,  and  for  the 
good  order  before  and  after  taps. 

As  respects  future  military  movements  in  the  department,  your  cor- 
respondent is  mum.  We  have  but  a  few  sick,  and  the  few  wounded 
are  doing  well. 

We  have  organized  a  regimental  choir  under  Charley  Ewer,  of  Com- 
pany D.  Drum-Major  Babcock  has  got  his  corps  in  good  working 
order,  and  is  now  laboring  industriously  in  organizing  a  band.  We 
have  the  loan  of  a  set  of  instruments,  but  they  may  be  called  for  at  an 
early  day  ;  so  our  friends  in  Boston  may  now  gratify  themselves  in  their 
long-cherished  scheme  of  presenting  us  a  set  of  instruments. 

The  Massachusetts  8th,  Colonel  Coffin,  and  the  51st,  Colonel 
Sprague,  arrived  at  Newbern  last  evening.  We  had  the  happiness  of 
treating  them  to  hot  coffee. 

I  need  scarcely  remind  the  friends  at  home  how  anxiously  we  shall 
look  for  "  boxes  "  between  this  and  Christmas.  The  latest  arrived 
transports  were  supposed  to  bring  a  great  number  of  those  interesting 
articles,  and  to-night  a  numerous  squad  was  despatched  to  the  town  to 
bring  them  to  camp.  There  proved  to  be  about  one  box  to  each  two 
hundred  men,  I  will  just  mention  that  we  have  not  seen  the  paymas- 

This  letter  and  many  others  will  be  taken  to  Boston  by  Rev,  Charles 
F.  Barnard,  whose  familiar  form  appeared  to  us  this  evening  at  dress 
parade.  He  officiated  at  the  evening  services,  and  made  some  stirring 
remarks  to  the  regiment,  Mr,  Barnard  has  one  son  in  the  44th,  and 
another  in  the  24th. 

Newbern,  N,  C,  Dec,  22,  1862. 
A  correspondent  who  marches  with  rifle  and  knapsack  will  not  be 
expected  to  compete  with  the  cavaliers  of  the  New  York  press,  whose 
business  it  is  to  glean  facts  and  send  them  forward  by  the  earliest  and 
swiftest  messengers.  You  will  have  heard  that  we  have  been  on  an- 
other expedition,  the  prominent  results  of  which  were  three  successful 
engagements  with  the  enemy,  and  the  destruction  of  a  large  railroad 
bridge  on  the  road  connecting  Goldsboro'  with  Warrington.  We 
marched  one  hundred  and  fifty  miles  in  ten  days,  and  came  back  to 
Newbern  in  a  more  dilapidated  condition  than  after  our  trip  to  the  vi- 
cinity of  Tarboro'.     The  expedition  included  four  brigades  under  Gen- 


eral  Wessell,  lately  stationed  near  Suifolk,  Virginia,  Colonel  Stevenson, 
Colonel  Amory,  and  Colonel  Lee,  of  the  27th.  The  regiments  were 
the  Massachusetts  3d,  5th,  17th,  23d,  24th,  25th,  43d,  44th,  45th, 
46th,  and  51st ;  the  New  York  85th,  92d,  and  96th ;  the  Pennsylvania 
85th,  101st,  and  103d;  New  Jersey  9th  ;  Connecticut  10th,  and  Rhode 
Island  5th.  Besides  these  was  a  considerable  force  of  cavalry  and 
nearly  fifty  pieces  of  artillery,  including  Belger's  Rhode  Island  and  the 
New  York  3d  artillery.  Altogether  our  force  could  not  have  fallen 
much  below  fifteen  thousand  men. 

Our  first  two  days'  march  up  the  Trent  road  was  not  marred  by  any 
extraordinary  adventures.  We  were  in  heavy  marching  order,  and  ex- 
perienced terrible  fatigue.  Straggling  commenced  the  first  day,  and 
was  kepi  up  until  our  return.  On  the  second  day  our  progress  was 
slightly  impeded  by  trees  felled  across  the  road,  the  burning  of  a  bridge, 
and  a  skirmish  with  the  enemy's  pickets,  in  which  we  killed  some  and 
took  some  prisoners.  We  saw  one  dead  rebel  stretched  upon  a  piazza 
as  we  passed  a  house  on  our  right,  and  marvelled  at  the  stolid  indiiFer- 
ence  of  two  or  three  white  women  who  sat  near  the  corpse  and  gazed 
at  us  as  though  nothing  unusual  had  happened.  At  one  point  the  col- 
umn was  confronted  by  a  spunky  secesh  female,  who,  with  a  heavy 
wooden  rake,  stood  guard  over  her  winter's  store  of  sweet  potatoes.  Her 
eye  flashed  defiance,  but  so  long  as  she  stood  upon  the  defensive  no 
molestation  was  offered  her.  When,  however,  she  concluded  to  change 
her  tactics,  and  slapped  a  cavalry  ofllicer  in  the  face,  gone  were  her 
sweet  potatoes  and  other  stores  in  the  twinkling  of  an  eye. 

On  Sunday,  our  fourth  day  from  Newbern,  we  were  drawn  up  in  line 
of  battle  about  one  mile  from  Kinston,  a  large  rebel  town  on  the  Neuse. 
The  duty  of  the  right  wing  of  the  44th  was  to  deploy  as  skirmishers 
and  pass  through  a  swamp  to  the  right  of  the  road,  which  was  defended 
by  a  strong  rebel  battery  near  the  river.  We  were  led  forward  by  Col- 
onel Lee.  As  we  approached  the  swamp,  we  met  the  wounded  of  the 
Massachusetts  4oth  and  Connecticut  10th,  who  had  preceded  us.  It 
was  not  a  very  reassuring  spectacle,  and  we  plunged  knee  deep  into  the 
mud  and  peat  before  us,  under  the  firm  expectation  that  bloody  work 
awaited  us  as  well  as  our  predecessors.  In  this,  however,  we  were  hap- 
pily disappointed.  We  found  the  swamp  strewed  with  blankets  and 
soldiers'  gearing,  and  just  upon  the  further  outskirts  of  the  place  lay  a 
number  of  the  dead  of  the  45th.  As  we  emerged  into  the  opening  be- 
yond we  expected  to  confront  a  force  of  rebel  infantry,  but  were  again 
agreeably  disappointed.    The  first  rebels  we  saw  was  a  long  file  of  rebel 


prisoners  which  were  just  then  passing  by  us  on  our  hift.  Advancing 
a  few  rods  further  to  join  our  left  wing,  which  had  gone  forward  by  the 
road,  we  had  scarcely  got  in  sight  of  our  artillery  before  another  squad 
of  rebel  soldiers  issued  from  the  wood  between  our  guns  and  the  river, 
with  a  flag  of  truce  and  delivered  themselves  up. 

We  soon  knew  by  the  cheers  that  went  up  that  the  day  was  ours. 
How  it  was  achieved  we  did  not  exactly  know  then,  but  we  heard  of 
brave  and  gallant  deeds  by  the  Connecticut  10th,  the  New  Jersey  9th 
and  the  Peninsula  soldiers.  You  will  have  seen  by  the  lists  of  killed 
and  wounded  that  there  was  hard  fighting,  and  that  the  rebels  made  a 
determined  stand.  After  the  smoke  of  battle  had  cleared  away,  we 
found  ourselves  in  possession  of  a  rebel  battery  and  about  five  hundred 
prisoners.  We  found  that  we  had  possession  of  the  bridge  crossing 
the  river  to  Kinston,  the  rebels  having  been  forced  to  beat  such  a  hasty 
retreat  as  not  to  have  time  to  fire  the  structure.  One  man  in  attempt- 
ing the  operation  by  the  aid  of  spirits  of  turpentine,  burned  himself  to 
death.  The  rebels  left  loaded  guns  near  the  fire  which  they  kindled, 
and  one  of  them  put  an  end  to  the  life  of  Col.  Glray  of  the  New  York 
96th,  who  was  assisting  his  men  to  extinguish  the  flames. 

The  scene  of  the  conflict  was  the  most  beautiful  which  we  have  yet 
witnessed  in  North  Carolina.  It  was  an  elevated  field  on  the  southerly 
shore  of  the  Neuse,  whose  course  is  here  marked  by  a  fringe  of  fine 
trees  through  which  the  white  buildings  and  spires  of  Kinston  were 
observable  a  mile  distant.  The  mangled  condition  of  the  trees  and 
shrubbery  near  the  road,  or  wherever  the  artillery  or  infantry  guns 
ranged,  gave  proof  of  extremely  hot  work.  Major  Chambers,  who 
commanded  the  23d,  said  ten  thousand  rebel  bullets  whistled  over  the 
head  of  his  regiment  while  it  supported  one  of  our  batteries. 

It  is  said  that  the  enemy  had  a  force  of  seven  regiments  under  the 
command  of  Gren.  Evans,  of  South  Carolina.  The  men  we  took  as 
prisoners  were  of  the  rawest  and  most  miserable  description.  Some  of 
them  had  been  hurried  down  from  Ealeigh  that  morning.  They 
regarded  their  captivity  with  great  equanimity,  not  to  say  cheerfulness. 
They  were  doubtless  all  paroled.  Among  them  were  several  field  and 
line  ofiicers. 

Sunday  night  we  passed  in  Kinston,  bivouaciug  on  the  borders  of 
the  town.  As  we  passed  through  the  streets  upon  our  first  entrance 
we  found  many  bales  of  cotton  piled  up  and  set  on  fire.  The  Kinston 
rebels  no  doubt  thought  we  were  dying  to  get  possession  of  their  pre- 
cious staple.     Near  the  depot  a  great  pile  of  corn  was  also  on  fire,  and 


aiForded  a  splendid  bivouac  blaze  for  some  of  our  troops.  A  few 
Union  people  we  found  here.  One  lady  liospitably  entertained  some 
of  the  officers,  and  afforded  interesting  information  of  the  enemy's 
hopes  and  discomfiture.  They  confidently  expected  to  hold  the  place, 
but  left  with  great  precipitancy,  strewing  the  way  with  clothing,  equip- 
ments, guns,  &c. 

The  next  day  (Monday)  we  recrossed  the  river  and  proceeded 
towards  Goldsboro'.  Tuesday  noon  we  reached  Whitehall  bridge, 
which,  howe(\'er,  had  been  burned  by  the  rebels,  who  were  there  in 
force  to  dispute  our  passage.  As  usual  they  were  all  under  cover, 
with  riflemen  securely  posted  near  the  opposite  bank.  The  ball  opened 
with  the  thunder  of  artillery  on  both  sides.  At  the  same  time  several 
brigades  of  our  infantry  were  hurried  forward  and  deployed  on  either 
side  the  road  to  reply  to  the  volleys  of  the  sharpshooters  in  ambuscade. 
Our  regiment  was  posted  on  the  edge  of  a  hill  near  the  river,  directly 
behind  a  Virginia  rail-fence.  Here  we  lay  down  and  loaded  and  fired 
across  the  river,  until  we  began  to  find  ourselves  the  objects  of  particu- 
lar attention.  Eight  of  our  men  were  killed  or  mortally  wounded,  and 
fourteen  others  less  seriously  injured.  Of  the  killed,  two  men  in  Co. 
A  were  struck  down  by  a  solid  shot,  while  we  were  hurrying  forward 
to  the  post  assigned  us. 

Our  place  soon  became  so  warm  that  Belger's  battery  of  artillery 
was  sent  to  our  relief,  when  we  fell  back  and  supported  it  while  it 
shelled  the  opposite  shore.  But  the  sharpshooters  were  too  securely 
posted  to  be  disturbed,  and  commenced  picking  off  our  horses,  greatly 
to  the  disgust  of  Capt.  Belger,  who  soon  ascertained  that  he  was  throw- 
ing his  shot  away.  In  the  meantime  the  rebel  artillery  had  been 
silenced,  and  the  column  soon  resumed  its  march  up  the  southerly  side 
of  the  river.  During  the  engagement  at  Whitehall,  a  company  of 
sharpshooters  was  hastily  organized,  and  it  is  believed  that  some  of  the 
rebels  got  a  Roland  for  their  Oliver.  "  Old  Stars,"  of  Co.  D,  who  is 
equally  familiar  with  shooting  stars  and  shooting  sticks,  is  confident  of 
bringing  down  a  man.  Col.  Lee  and  Major  Dabney,.both  experienced 
riflemen,  took  part  with  the  sharpshooters,  and  were  also  noticed  to 
present  somewhat  too  conspicuous  marks  for  the  riflemen  on  the  other 
side.  The  daring  of  all  our  field  officers  and  chaplain  has  been  estab- 
lished beyond  question.  None  of  the  rest  of  the  regiment  have  been 
so  much  exposed  as  they. 

Beside  destroying  the  bridge  at  Whitehall,  the  rebels  destroyed  two 
gunboats  constructing  at  that  point,  and  thereby  saved  us  the  trouble 
of  the  operation. 


The  following  is  a  complete  list  of  the  killed  and  wounded  at  the 
battle  of  Whitehall  : 

Co.  A.  Killed— Albert  L.  Butler,  D.  Tyler  Neweomb,  J.  Mason 
Slocumb,  M.  R.  Meagher.  Wounded — A.  H.  Everett,  A.  S.  May,  J. 
F.  Berry,  Sergt.  J.  F.  Clark,  A.  K.  Tappan,  J.  W.  Greenwood,  Wm. 

Co.  B.     Wounded  (accidental) — A.  H.  Everett. 

Co.  C.  Killed— Sergt.  A.  Stacy  Courtis,  Corp.  E.  H.  Curtis,  An- 
tonio F.  Polio. 

Co.  K.     Killed— Geo.  E.  Noyes. 

Co.  D.     Wounded — Charles  C.  Ewer,  Frederic  Jackson. 

Co.  F.     Wounded— J.  F.  Dean. 

Co.  G.     Wounded — Francis  E.  Lincoln,  E.  S.  Fisher. 

Co.  H.     Wounded — Sergt.  Howe,  E.  C.  Crosby. 

George  H.  Colby,  of  Company  D,  detailed  for  duty  on  the  signal 
corps,  was  seriously  wounded  in  one  of  his  arms  while  going  up  the 
river  Neuse,  with  his  party,  to  act  in  concert  with  the  expedition.  Their 
boat  was  fired  at  a  number  of  times,  and  several  rebel  batteries  were 
subsequently  cleaned  out  by  our  gunboats,  which  now  go  up  within  a 
short  distance  of  Kinston,  where  they  met  our  returning  column  with  a 
supply  of  provisions. 

A  few  miles  beyond  Whitehall  we  bivouaced  for  the  night,  and  the 
next  day  pressed  on  to  Everettsville,  a  short  distance  from  Golbsboro', 
where  we  had  the  happiness  of  destroying  a  long  tressel-work  bridge  on 
the  railroad  connecting  Goldsborough  with  Wilmington.  Here  again  we 
met  the  enemy  in  force,  but  as  our  regiment  was  held  in  reserve,  I  have 
only  a  hearsay  statement  of  the  incidents  of  the  fight.  The  cannon- 
ading was  long  and  fierce,  and  the  rebels  made  a  dash  to  capture  one 
of  our  batteries,  but  were  repulsed  with  very  serious  slaughter.  I  hear 
they  attempted  the  flag  of  truce  dodge  once  too  often.  Whether  or 
not  it  was  the  intention  of  General  Foster  to  push  on  to  Goldsborough, 
it  became  apparent  at  this  point  that  we  could  safely  advance  no  farther, 
owing  to  the  scarcity  of  our  provisions  and  artillery  ammunition,  so  we 
turned  about  and  went  back  to  Newbern,  where  our  advance  arrived 
last  Saturday  night. 

The  expedition  was  favored  with  extraordinarily  fine  weather  ;  but 
even  under  this  most  favorable  circumstance,  the  march  was  one  of 
unusual  severity.  Some  of  the  Peninsular  soldiers  said  it  outdid  their 
previous  experience,  and  that  they  never  before  witnessed  so  much 
sti-aggling.  We  bivouaced  every  night  without  shelter,  but  were  kept 
tolerably  comfortable  by  our  rubber  and  woollen  blankets. 


The  asseuibled  bivouac  fires  of  fifteen  tliousand  men  present  a  spec- 
tacle of  rare  beauty.  I  notice  that  a  recent  number  of  Leslie's  Illus- 
trated contains  a  graphic  and  truthful  picture  of  "  Going  into  Camp." 
The  rail  gathering  is  to  the  life.  You  can  imagine  how  much  we  are 
indebted  to  the  rail  fences  of  Secessia.  They  give  us  comfortable  fires, 
hot  coffee,  and  sometimes  shelter  itself.  I  can  hardly  conceive  how  we 
could  live  without  them.  Perhaps  we  are  equally  indebted  to  the  pigs 
and  potatoes  of  the  country,  for  soldiers  certainly  never  could  march 
ten  days  upon  hard  tack  and  coffee  alone.  Upon  leaving  the  barracks 
each  man  is  provided  with  a  little  bag  of  coffee  and  sugar  mixed ;  so 
he  always  has  at  hand  the  means  for  a  comforting  and  strengthening 
draught.  This  is  found  extremely  convenient  in  the  many  cases  where 
the  cooks  and  wagons  fail  to  come  to  time  by  reason  of  break-downs  or 
other  delays  on  the  road. 

I  have  spoken  of  stragglers  upon  the  march.  There  are  two  or 
three  distinct  kinds  of  straggling.  One  is  involuntary — the  result  of 
sickness  or  exhaustion.  Another  comes  from  laziness  or  the  want  of  a 
spirited  determination  to  bear  up  ;  and  another  from  cowardice.  Do 
not  imagine  that  because  a  man  enlists  and  goes  to  the  wars  that  he 
necessarily  does  his  whole  duty  as  a  soldier.  There  are  no  better  op- 
portunities for  shirking  than  those  afforded  the  soldier.  It  was  notice- 
able upon  our  late  march  that  whenever  cannonading  commenced  at  the 
head  of  the  column,  as  it  did  day  after  day,  scores  of  men  commenced 
falling  out  and  laying  down  by  the  side  of  the  road.  This  was  pecu- 
liarly the  case  with  some  of  the  old  regiments,  and  I  think  there  were 
few  of  the  new  ones  but  exhibited  their  cowards  and  sneaks  on  these 
occasions  in  this  way. 

I  am  now  obliged  to  close  this  hurried  and  meagre  account,  asking 
the  reader  to  remember  that  among  the  really  "played  out  "  soldiers  of 
the  late  expedition  is  "  Corporal." 

P.  S.  I  am  authorized  to  thank  numerous  friends  for  many  Christ- 
mas boxes.     Grod  bless  the  thoughtful  friends  at  home. 

Newbern,  N.  C,  Jan.  2, 1863. 

The  proprietor  of  the   Herald  has  the  warm  thanks   of  the  44th 

regiment  for  a  kind  remembrance  in  the  shape  of  a  generous  bundle 

of  Sunday  Heralds,  evidently  made  up  without  regard  to  the  increased 

price  of  paper.     I  believe  it  is  the  pretty  general  opinion  of  oiu-  boys 


that  no  paper  quite  so  well  meets  the  requirements  of  Massachusetts 
soldiers  as  the  Sunday  Herald,  —  a  fact  which  our  great  constituency 
of  friends  in  Boston  appears  to  appreciate.  Its  department  of  military 
news  is  the  most  complete  given  by  any  Boston  paper ;  and  the  same 
may  be  said  of  its  musical  and  dramatic  columns,  to  which  our  theatre- 
loving  and  theatre -hungry  boys  turn  with  an  ever  sharpening  appetite. 
The  spice  and  point  of  its  editorial  articles  are  not  less  admired.  So 
much  by  way  of  encouragement  to  the  hard-working  fellows  at  No.  6 
Williams  Court. 

Since  our  return  from  Goldsboro\  a  little  more  than  a  week  ago,  we 
have  been  considerately  respited  from  drill  and  work  generally.  A  ten 
days'  tension  of  our  utmost  physical  power  left  us  in  a  very  "  chawed- 
up"  condition,  independent  of  the  colds  contracted  and  the  feet  made 
sore ;  and  we  stood  in  good  need  of  the  week's  rest  which  has  been 
granted  us.  I  am  wondering  if  the  troops  in  this  department  are  an 
exception  to  the  general  rule,  ajid  if  newspaper  correspondents  really 
tell  the  truth  when  they  assert  the  anxiety  of  the  soldiers  of  the 
Potomac  and  elsewhere  for  advances,  forward  movements,  &c.  &c. 
I  have  yet  to  be  introduced  to  the  soldier  who  desires  a  repetition  of 
these  little  excursions  of  Gen.  Foster,  and  who  wouldn't  give  his  nine 
months'  pay  and  bounty  for  the  certainty  of  serving  his  country  as  well 
by  remaining  at  Newburn  during  the  rest  of  his  term  of  service.  At 
the  same  time,  I  do  not  know  but  that  we  are  as  brave  and  patriotic 
as  the  average.  Let  me  assure  you,  dear  friends  at  home,  that  none 
beside  the  soldier  can  fully  apprehend  the  full  tests  of  patriotism,  or 
the  difference  between  preaching  and  practice  as  applied  to  love  of 

The  soldier  who  unmurmuringly  meets  and  performs  his  duties  of 
hardship  and  danger  must  be  provided  with  something  of  that  divine 
armor  which  fits  him  to  be  a  soldier  of  the  cross.  The  man  who  says 
he  loves  to  face  the  "leaden  rain  and  iron  hail"  of  battle  is  either  a 
liar  or  a  monstrosity.  No  man  who  cares  for  life  and  friends  can  go 
into  battle  without  a  natural  shudder  and  dread.  The  wonder  is  that 
duty  and  pride  are  strong  enough  in  any  man  to  urge  him  forward  into 
the  very  teeth  of  death.  Let  us  be  charitable  as  possible  toward  the 
white-livered  wretches  who  fall  out  of  the  ranks  at  the  first  bidding 
of  the  cannon's  voice. 

Among  the  severely  wounded  at  Whitehall  was  Charley  Ewer,  the 
regimental  chorister.  The  sweetness  of  his  voice  was  the  type  of  a 
character  which  had  endeared  him  greatly  to  his  comrades.     He  was 


shot  through  one  of  the  lungs,  and  his  condition  is  most  critical. 
The  places  he  made  musical  are  now  dumb  and  sad.  We  hope  a 
deeper  gloom  may  not  settle  on  them. 

Our  new  band  is  making  rather  wonderful  progress.  They  are  a 
jolly  set  of  fellows,  the  band,  with  no  marching,  no  fighting,  no  drill- 
ing, no  guarding  to  do.  Hardly  an  even  thing,  perhaps;  but,  then, 
the  band  is  a  great  ornament  at  inspections  and  dress  parades,  and  we 
can't  help  feeding  some  pride  in  it. 

Since  the  holidays  commenced  the  friends  of  the  men  in  the  regiment 
have  overwhelmed  us  with  the  bounties  and  luxuries  of  home.  Here 
are  the  contents  of  one  box  that  came  under  the  especial  observation 
of  your  correspondent,  and  which  he  regards  as  a  model  in  its  way : 
tea,  coffee,  sugar,  butter,  pepper,  salt,  capsicum,  cheese,  gingerbread, 
confectioner's  cakes,  bologna  sausage,  condensed  milk,  smoked  halibut, 
pepper-box,  camp  knife,  matches,  ink,  mince  pies,  candy,  tomato 
ketchup,  apples,  horse  radish,  emery  paper,  sardines,  cigars,  smoking 
tobacco,  candles,  soap,  newspapers,  pictorials,  letters,  pickles,  and 
cholera  mixture.  The  opening  of  this  box,  and  the  examination  and 
display  of  its  contents,  furnished  an  evening  of  rare  enjoyment.  The 
arrival  and  distribution  of  these  boxes  at  the  Quartermaster's  are 
attended  by  some  very  animated  scenes.  I  am  sorry  to  say  that  Mr. 
Sutler  Grant's  schooner  is  detained  in  the  stream  by  red  tape.  He  has 
a  number  of  boxes  for  us. 

Christmas  was  less  extensively  observed  than  Thanksgiving  at  New- 
bern,  although  not  a  few  of  us  were  enabled  to  indulge  in  a  dinner  a 
little  better  than  usual.  One  or  two  of  the  barracks  were  trimmed 
%vith  evergreen,  and  something  like  amusement  was  attempted  by  the 
aid  of  contraband  minstrelsy  and  dancers. 

Last  night,  New  Year's,  we  were  favored  with  the 



BY    THE 

44th     regimental     DRAMATIC     ASSOCIATION. 

Prologue  (original)                .....  Henry  T.  Keed. 

Overture               ........  Band. 

Recitation  (selected)              .             .             .             .             .  F.  D.  Wheeler. 

Song        .             .             .             .             .             .             .  .          Quartette  Clul). 

Recitation                   .             .             .             .             .             .  .        C.  A.  Cha-^e. 

Recitation  (humorous)                .            .            .            .  .            .      E.  L.  Hill. 




After  wliich  the  Grand  Trial  Scene  from 
THE      MERCHANT      OF      VENICE, 








Followed  by 

Opening  Chorus 
Louisiana  Lowlands 
Dolly  Day 
Shells  of  the  Ocean 
Susianna  Simpkins 
Ham  Fat  Man 



Assistant  Manager 

H.  T.  Reed, 

W.  Howard, 

D.  F.  SaflFord, 

F.  D.  Wheeler, 

.  H.  Waterman. 

L,  Miller, 

F,  A.  Bayers. 


H.  Howard, 

F.  A.  Sayers. 

H.  Howard. 

F.  A,  Sayers, 

J.  H.  Myers. 

Concluding  with 



Characters  by  the  Company, 


H.  T,  Reed, 

D.  F.  Safford. 

W.  Howard, 

J,  M.  Waterman. 

Executive  Committee :  F.  D.  Wheeler,  L.  Miller,  F.  A.  Sayers, 

The  order  of  exercises  was  upon  neatly-printed  handbills. 
Since  the  Federal  occupation  of  Kinston,  work  upon  the  railroad 
from  Newbern  to  the  former  town  has    been  vigorously  prosecuted; 
but  recently  the  rebels  have  taken  a  characteristic  fancy  to  drive  in 
our  workmen  and  rip  up  their  work. 

The  troops  in  North  Carolina  have  been  constituted  an  army  corps, 
of  which  several  divisions  are  to  be  formed  in  due  time.  Brigadier- 
General  Wessells  has  already  been  assigned  to  command  a  division. 
Col.  Stevenson  has  received  his  stars,  and  his  brigade  will  be  the 
second  of  Wessells' s  division,  the  first  being  composed  of  the  Penn- 
sylvania and  New  York  troops,  lately  under  his  command  as  brigadier, 
and  now  under  Gen.  Hunt,  from  the  Potomac  army.  The  other 
divisions  will  probably  be  commanded  by  some  of  the  new  Brigadiers 
in  this  department,  of  whom  one  is  Gen.  Hickman,  lately  Colonel  of 
the  New  Jersey  9th.     Gen,  Stevenson's  brigade  comprises  the  Mass. 


8th,  24th,  and  44th,  the  Rhode  Island  5th,  and  the  Conn.  10th.  The 
44th  will  be  the  only  new  regiment  in  Gen.  Wessells's  division. 

We  are  glad  our  friends  at  the  North  derive  so  much  satisfaction 
and  encouragement  from  our  late  raid  up  the  valley  of  the  Neusc, 
Since  our  return,  it  has  formed  a  subject  of  lively  contemplation 
among  those  engaged  in  it.  I  notice  by  the  rebel  papers  that  secesh 
was  well  apprised  of  two  facts  about  us,  to  wit :  that  we  were  short 
of  artillery  ammunition,  and  also  of  provisions.  It  occurred  to  your 
correspondent  that  the  cannoniers  were  quite  too  communicative  of  the 
first  fact.  The  blabbing  of  soldiers  is  really  one  of  the  greatest  of 
nuisances,  not  to  say  curses,  connected  with  our  army.  Supposed 
facts  and  conjectures  are  retailed  by  them  with  never  slacking  industry, 
and  with  equal  assurance  and  recklessness,  a  hear-say  or  rumor  imme- 
diately taking  rank  with  truth  itself  in  the  minds  and  mouths  of  a 
miserable  set  of  quid  nuncs  which  infest  every  company  of  every 

As  to  our  being  out  of  provisions,  our  systematic  amd  extensive 
foraging  was  the  best  proof  of  the  low  condition  of  our  hard  tack  and 
salt  horse.  There  were  days  when  we  got  very  hungry  indeed,  when 
visions  of  past  luxuries  haunted  the  mind  like  torturing  ghosts.  Baked 
beans  chiefly  afflicted  the  soul  of  your  correspondent.  They  would 
not  down  at  his  bidding.  Neither  would  that  little  coffee-pot  on  the 
warm  range  at  midnight,  where  it  was  wont  to  stand  when  I  came 
home  from  the  labor  of  the  newspaper  sanctum.  We  found  way-side 
turnip  patches  sources  of  great  relief  and  substantial  refreshment,  but 
our  chief  subsistence  was  the  pigs,  cattle,  and  sweet  potatoes  of  the 
country.  With  a  little  lard,  a  little  corn  meal,  and  sweet  potatoes 
sliced  and  fried,  we  were  soon  enabled  to  forget  a  day's  fatigue. 
Poultry  and  slices  of  tenderloin  sometimes  fell  to  the  lot  of  a  few  who 
supped  royally. 

During  the  fight  at  Everettsville  the  soldiers  of  the  reserve  busied 
themselves  with  eating  turnips  and  gazing  at  the  conflict.  In  the 
midst  of  the  cannonade,  a  lively  charge  was  made  by  our  brigade  on 
a  mound  of  sweet  potatoes  between  us  and  the  enemy.  Subsequently, 
at  night,  while  we  deployed  in  the  woods  in  anticipation  of  a  pursuit 
of  our  retiring  column,  we  consoled  ourselves  by  munching  the  sweet 
potatoes  we  had  stowed  in  our  pockets  and  haversacks. 

That  night's  countermarching  is  never  to  be  forgotten  for  its  wild 
and  picturesque  beauty.  Fires  were  running  on  either  side  of  the 
road.     The  ground  was  spread  with  a  carpet  of  flame,  and  the  resin- 


ous  pine  were  as  pillars  of  fire.  The  beautiful  scenes  thus  afforded 
cheered  our  march  wonderfully,  and  engraved  pictures  on  the  mind 
which  will  endure  as  long  as  memory. 

Among  other  items  of  regimental  news  I  will  mention  the  resigna- 
tion of  Captain  Reynolds,  on  account  of  ill  health.  Captain  Lombard 
is  much  reduced  by  illness,  and  will  probably  resign, —  in  which  event 
the  regiment  will  lose  one  of  its  best  and  bravest  officers.  Capt. 
Lombard  and  his  first  lieutenant  Geo.  Lombard  both  distinguished 
themselves  for  pluck  and  coolness  at  the  midnight  skirmish  near 

Neavbern,  N.  C,  Jan.  18,  1863. 

The  uncertainty  of  the  mails  to  and  from  this  place,  and  the  unac- 
countable delay  in  the  publication  of  some  of  my  letters,  are  the  causes 
which  have  operated  to  prevent  my  writing  with  the  frequency  of  a  few 
weeks  ago.  If  I  could  say  it  without  appearance  of  egotism,  I  should 
like  to  observe  that  few  correspondents  beside  "Corporal"  can  have 
stronger  incentives  to  continue  his  communications,  if  he  might  judge 
by  the  reception  which  the  friends  of  the  44th  have  given  his  letters 
thus  far,  and  the  acknowledgements  which  it  has  been  his  pleasure  to 
receive.     So  much  in  return. 

My  stock  of  regimental  gossip  is  not  abundant  this  time.  Since  my 
last  we  have  been  visited  by  the  paymaster.  How  it  happens  that  nine 
months'  regiments,  and  bounty  regiments  at  that,  are  paid  off,  while  old 
regiments,  which  have  not  seen  the  paymaster  for  six  or  nine  months, 
are  skipped,  passeth  the  understanding  of  even  the  favored  ones  like 
ourselves.  It  is  a  circumstance  certainly  not  calculated  to  improve  the 
relations  between  the  old  and  new  regiments,  none  the  best  at  present. 

Since  the  advent  of  the  paymaster,  we  have  had  a  less  agreeable  camp 
visitor  in  the  shape  of  malarious  fever.  Several  deaths  from  this  com- 
plaint have  already  occurred,  and  a  number  of  dangerous  cases  are  in 
the  hospital.  The  malady  attacks  with  great  suddenness,  and  is  at- 
tended with  much  delirium  and  distress.  As  a  measure  of  prevention 
the  regiment  is  served  with  quinine  every  evening. 

Many  of  the  regiments  are  renewedly  cheered  and  made  grateful  by 
the  reception  of  home  comforts.  Your  correspondent  must  be  pardoned 
for  laying  some  stress  on  this  pleasant  feature  of  our  experience.  The 
delayed  schooners  of  Sutler  Grrant  have  at  last  arrived  with  their  precious 
freights.     Time,  it  is  to  be  confessed,  had  made  its  mark  upon  some  of 



the  poultry  and  pastry,  but  that  which  had  been  sealed  in  tin  cans  or 
boxes  arrived  in  fine  condition,  altliough  nearly  a  month  in  transitu. 
As  friends  express  themselves  in  much  doubt  as  to  what  is  best  to  send, 
here  are  the  contents  of  a  box  recently  received,  which  may  be  taken  as 
a  model :  A  large  sealed  tin  box  of  mince  pies  and  cake ;  a  large  sealed 
tin  box  of  cake  ;  a  large  paper  box  of  ditto  :  a  tin  box  of  sugar ;  a  tin 
box  of  pepper  ;  a  jar  of  pickles  ;  a  box  of  eggs ;  together  with  apples, 
pears,  pins,  stationery,  and  last  but  not  least,  letters.  A  portion  of  one 
of  the  latter  articles  I  subjoin.     It  may  also  be  regarded  as  a  model: 

"  There  are  so  many  articles  we  wish  to  send  you,  but  so  few  which 
■we  feel  sure  will  reach  you  unspoiled,  that  it  has  required  considerable 
thought  and  discussion  on  our  part,  in  regard  to  the  particular  articles 
which  shall  be  sent.  But  if  you  take  one  half  the  pleasure  in  receiv- 
ing and  consuming  them  that  it  has  given  us  to  prepare  them,  we  shall 
be  more  than  happy. 

.  "I  hope  the  vessel  which  carries  out  this  little  box  may  go  fi-eighted 
with  many  good  things  prepared  by  loving  hearts  and  willing  hands  to 
give  comfort  to  the  soldiers. 

"  The  most  that  I  can  do  for  you  and  the  brave  men  who  have  so 
cheerfully  and  nobly  gone  forth  to  put  down  this  wicked  rebellion,  seems 
so  little,  when  compared  with  the  sacrifices  you  have  made,  that  it  seems 
hardly  worth  thinking  of ;  and  yet,  when  we  send  oiF  our  loved  ones  to 
this  terrible  war,  we  feel  the  sacrifices  are  not  all  on  your  side. 

"  I  have  a  dear  young  brother  in  Banks's  Expedition,  who  has  gone 
to  lay  down  his  young  life,  if  needed  ;  and  hard  as  it  was  to  give  him 
up,  I  feel  more  proud  of  him  than  I  ever  did  before.  *         * 

"  Another  thing  we  have  to  wonder  about,  and  that  is,  whether  you 
may  not  be  in  want  of  some  stockings.  Those  long  wearisome  marches 
you  have  made  must  wear  out  shoes  and  stockings  as  well  as  feet.  * 
*  *  Now,  be  it  known  unto  you,  it  is  no  trouble  to  do  what  we 
can  for  the  soldier,  particularly  when  that  soldier  is  a  Mend.  It  would 
give  us  untold  pleasure  to  supply  you  with  some  of  those  very  useful 
articles,  if  you  will  let  your  wants  be  known." 

"  Corporal"  and  other  innocent  persons  have  lately  experienced  the 
novel  sensation  of  a  night  drill,  as  an  atonement  for  the  sins  of  a  few 
young  gentlemen  addicted  to  throwing  hard  bread  about  the  barracks, 
and  charging  pipes  and  candles  with  gunpowder.  This  species  of  vica- 
rious punishment,  in  which  oflScers  and  privates  are  alike  involved,  is 
one  of  the  odd  peculiarities  of  military  justice  to  which  we  sometimes 
have  to  submit  with  the  best  grace  possible  under  the  circumstances. 


The  favor  of  our  friends  at  home  is  bespoken  in  behalf  of  a  memo- 
rial volume  of  the  44th  Regiment  soon  to  be  put  in  press  under  the 
editorship  of  Mr.  Safford,  of  Company  F,  Its  contents  will  be  fur- 
nished by  the  members  of  the  regiment,  and  will  have  exclusive  refer- 
ence to  its  history. 

Whatever  it  may  lack  in  completeness  and  finish  will  be  easily 
attributable  to  the  circumstances  attending  the  compilation  of  the  work, 
the  editor  and  contributors  being  working  soldiers. 

We  are  in  the  occasional  receipt  from  Boston  of  third-hand  private 
reports  reflecting  upon  the  bravery  of  our  regiment  upon  various 
occasions  ;  and  now,  coupled  with  one  of  these  slanders,  comes  a  story 
charging  Quartermaster  Bush  with  gross  and  contemptible  frauds  upon 
the  men,  such  as  stealing  their  boxes,  blankets  and  other  articles  sent 
by  friends  at  the  North.  The  last  story,  absurd  as  it  is,  is  as  true  as 
the  first,  and  both,  I  hardly  need  say,  are  malicious  falsehoods — the 
one  class  of  reports  being  systematically  manufactured  and  circulated 
by  men  in  one  or  two  of  the  old  regiments  from  Massachusetts,  who 
will  never  forgive  us  because  we  were  voted  bounties  after  we  had 

Since  writing  the  above  my  attention  has  been  called  to  a  paragraph 
in  a  letter  "  from  the  27th  and  46th  Regiments,"  in  which  the  44th 
Regiment  is  accused  of  refusing  to  charge  at  the  battle  of  Kinston. 
The  accusation  is  wholly  and  unqualifiedly  false.  The  44th  did  all  it 
was  told  to  do  at  Kinston,  and  it  was  personally  complimented  for  its 
behavior  by  General  Foster,  as  we  marched  by  him  into  town.  I  con- 
fess that  I  undertake  to  reply  to  these  slanders  with  very  little  patience. 
The  individual  who  was  induced  to  send  them  north  for  publication 
showed  less  sagacity  than  the  reporter  of  the  New  York  Herald,  who 
was  actually  approached  with  a  bribe  to  make  certain  statements  derog- 
atory to  the  44th,  and  touching  points  of  which  he  could  have  no  per- 
sonal knowledge,  I  have  this  from  the  Herald  reporter's  own  mouth  : 
and  the  reader  will  judge  how  far  it  goes  to  confirm  the  suspicion  of  a 
systematic  purpose  to  do  us  an  injury. 

Lieutenant  Weld  has  been  elected  Captain  of  Company  K,  in  place 
of  Captain  Reynolds,  resigned ;  and  Second  Lieutenant  Brown,  who 
becomes  First  Lieutenant,  is  succeeded  by  Sergeant  Parkinson.  Lieu- 
tenant George  H,  Lombard  succeeds  to  the  captaincy  of  Company  C, 
by  the  resignation  of  Captain  Jacob  H.  Lombard,  and  Sergeant  Hedge 
becomes  First  Lieutenant,  Lieutenant  Briggs,  of  this  company,  is 
serving  on  the  signal  corps. 


The  names  of  those  ^Yho  have  recently  died  in  cani]),  of  niahirious 
fever,  are  Pollitz  and  Moody,  of  Company  F  ;  Kimball,  of  Company 
G ;  and  Moulton,  of  Company  C.  The  prevalence  of  this  disease  is 
attributed  to  the  dryness  of  the  season.  It  is  not  confined  to  one  regi- 
ment. When  the  swamps  which  surround  us  are  filled  with  rain,  the 
cause  will  be  removed. 

At  dress  parade  last  evening  the  following  order  was  read : 
"  In  consideration  of  and  as  a  reward  for  their  brave  deeds  at  Kins- 
ton,  "VMiitehall  and  Goldsborough,  the  Commanding   General   directs 
that  the  regiments  and  batteries  which  accompanied  the  expedition  to 
Goldsborough  inscribe  upon  their  banners  these  victories  : 

KiNsTON,  Decembek  14th,  1862. 
Whitehall,  December  16th,  1862. 


The  Commanding  General  hopes  that  all  future  fields  will  be  so 
fought  that  the  record  of  them  may  be  kept  by  inscription  on  the  ban- 
ners of  the  regiments  engaged." 

Newbern,  N.  C,  Jan.  23,  1863. 
The  first  grand  Terpsichdrean  festival  of  the  New  Year  in  our  regi- 
ment transpired  on  the  evening  of  the  20th  instant,  in  the  barracks  of 
Co,  D.  The  much  lamented  absence  of  the  feminine  element  was  in 
part  atoned  for  by  female  apparel  donned  for  the  occasion  by  a  number 
of  young  men  with  smooth  faces  and  an  eye  to  artistic  efi"ect.  If  Jen- 
kins had  been  present  his  pencil  would  have  waxed  eloquent  over  the 
superb  attire  and  tasteful  colors  of  the  magnificent  blonde.  Miss  CD. 
N.  His  page  would  have  glowed  with  lover-like  panegyrics  of  the  tail 
and  peerless,  white-robed  queen  of  the  night,  Miss  G.  F.  B.  Good 
taste,  however,  might  have  suggested  that  the  former  was  a  little  too 
<m  bon  pointy  as  well  as  too  demonstrative  in  her  personal  decorations, 
and  that  the  latter  was  a  trifle  tall  for  the  breadth  of  her  raiment.  But 
when  Jenkins  came  to  the  Misses  C.  F.  W.,  J.  H.  W.,  W.  G.  R.  and 
especially  to  Miss  C.  W.  S.,  of  East  Boston,  he  would  assuredly  have 
"  slopped  over"  in  his  characteristic  manner.  Not,  however,  because 
these  Hebes  wei-e  less  faulty  in  toilet  than  the  others,  for  a  critical  eye 
might  have  suggested  dresses  higher  in  the  neck,  longer  in  skirt,  and 
less  protuberant  in  the  rear ;  less  suggestive,  in  short,  of  those  gay  and 


festive  occasions  which  have  rendered  Joe  Clash  and  North  street  im- 
mortal the  world  over.  Some  of  the  gallants  of  the  young  women  were 
scarcely  less  stunning  in  their  make  up.  The  insignia  of  military 
office,  from  that  of  Major  Generals  to  Lieutenants,  extensively  prevailed. 
Dancing,  of  course,  was  the  order  of  the  night;  a  fiddler  was  engaged, 


"When  music  arose  with  its  voluptuous  swell, 
Soft  eyes  looked  love  to  eyes  which  spake  again, 
And  all  went  merry  as  a  marriage  bell." 

The  following  is  the 


1.  Sicilian  Circle, March  to  Tarboro'. 

2.  Quadrille, New  England  Guards. 

3.  Polka  Quadrille, Kinston  Gallop. 

4.  Quadrille, ,     .     .     .     .     Yankee  Doodle. 

Waltz,  Polka  Redowa,  Schottische. 

5.  Quadrille, Bloody  4-ith  Quickstep. 

6.  Les  Lanciers, Connecticut  10th  March. 

7.  Quadrille, Lee's  March. 

8.  Contra  (Virginia  Reel) , Rebels' Last  Skedaddle. 

In  this  connection  I  will  introduce  the  managerial  card,  which  was 
as  follows : 


giP^ : — The  pleasure  of  your  company,  with  ladies,  is  respectfully  solicited  at 
a  Grand  Ball,  to  be  held  in  the  Gi-and  Parlor  of  the  Fifth  Avenue  Hotel,  (No. 
4  Newbern,)  on  Tuesday  Evening,  January  20th,  1863. 

The  Management  beg  leave  to  state  that  nothing  will  be  left  undone  on  their 
part  to  make  it  the  party  of  the  season. 


C.  H.  Demeritt,  W.  Howard,  J.  E.  Leighton. 


Benj.  F.  Burchsted,         C.  D.  Newell,  W.  G.  Reed,  H.  D.  Stanwood, 

W.  E.  Savery,  F.  A.  Sayer,  F.  M.  Flanders,        H.  Howard, 

J.  B.  Gardner,  Joe  Simonds,  Charles  Adams,       G.  W.  Hight. 


Quintzelbottom's  Grand  Quadrille  and  Serenade  Band, 

(One  Violin.) 

Tickets    $ 00.03    each,   to    be    had    of    the   Managers. 

^^^  No  Postage  Stamps  or  Sutler's  Checks  taken  in  payment. 

N.  B.     Ladies  will  be  allowed  to  smoke. 

Persons  wishing  carriages  will  please  apply  to  Lieut.  White,  of  the  Ambu- 
lance Corpse. 

Persons  wishing  anything  stronger  than  Water  are  referred  to  the  "Sanitary." 

The  managers  were  decorated  with  official  rosettes,  a  solid  square  of 


hard  tack  forming  the  centre  of  each.  Even  some  of  the  belles  of  the 
evening  were  resplendent  with  pendant  jewels  cut  from  the  same  tena- 
cious mineral. 

That  nothing  might  be  wanting  to  revive  the  memories  of  Clash's 
Hall,  a  bar  was  improvised  inside  the  sliding  door  where  we  get  our 
rations,  and  here  the  cooks  busily  regaled  the  dancers  with  water,  and 
molasses  and  water,  from  a  bottle  and  a  single  tumbler,  while  announc- 
ins:,  by  means  of  placards  over  the  window,  "  Splendid  New  Drinks," 
in  the  shape  of  quinine  and  diarrhoea  mixture  No.  3,  names  forever  as- 
sociated with  and  articulate  in  the  surgeon's  matutinal  bugle-call.  The 
bar  soon  began  to  show  its  effects  in  the  shape  of  cocked  hats,  awry 
toilets,  loud-mouthed  controversies,  and,  at  last,  fighting.  The  inter- 
vention of  an  active  but  diminutive  policemen  was  invoked.  He  was  a 
little  man,  but  chewed  tobacco  with  a  serious  determination,  which  boded 
danger  to  evil  doers.  His  services  in  keeping  back  the  crowd  and 
quelling  disturbances  in  the  vicinity  of  the  bar  were  in  constant  requi- 
sition. Not  unfrequently  his  badge  was  seen  tossing  in  the  midst  of  a 
riotous  crowd,  and  he  was  reported  to  be  once  seen  skedaddling  before 
a  slightly  superior  force.  He  was  noticed  as  being  very  familiar  with 
your  reporter,  whom  he  furnished  with  considerable  doubtful  informa- 
tion about  his  own  operations. 

At  the  proper  hour  refreshments  were  served.  "  A  beautiful  slave," 
in  the  person  of  Mr.  West  Williams,  heretofore  mentioned  in  these  let- 
ters, entered  with  two  trays  containing  severally  hard  tack  and  salt 
horse.  His  advent  was  hailed  with  the  same  shouts  and  swaying  of  the 
crowd  as  usually  attend  the  administration  of  our  rations.  The  tack 
and  horse  vanis^hed,  and  the  dance  proceeded  with  various  divertise- 
ments  to  the  end. 

We  had  many  visitors,  including  Colonel  Lee  and  staff,  all  of  whom 
evinced  their  intense  satisfaction  with  what  they  heard  and  saw. 

It  is  expected  that  other  balls,  including  a  masquerade,  will  succeed 
this  affair. 

A  soldier's  life  is  one  of  curious  contrasts.  Although  7iot  always  gay, 
it  has  the  joUiest  kind  of  episodes.  It  affords  the  two  emotional  ex- 
tremes. One  day  finds  him  in  the  midst  of  hilarity  and  social  enjoy- 
ment, the  next  in  the  blood  and  carnage  of  battle,  with  friends  fallino' 
all  about  him 

"Thick  as  autumnal  leaves  in  Valambrosa." 
But  an  hour  or  two  before  the  festivities  recounted  above,  a  slow-mov- 


ing  procession  with  muffled  drum  and  reversed  arms,  moved  fi-om  our 
lines  with  the  remains  of  a  much-hived  comrade  suddenly  stricken  down 
with  the  malarious  fever.  His  name  was  Boynton,  of  Company  Gr.  A 
day  or  two  previously,  Corporal  Upham  of  the  same  company  died  of 
the  same  disease. 

Neavbern,  N.  C,  Jan.  27,  1863. 

The  prevalence  of  malarious  fever  among  some  of  the  soldiers  in  this 
department  at  this  season,  has  created  a  little  excitement,  and  I  hope 
no  exaggerated  stories  concerning  it  will  reach  the  ears  of  our  friends 
at  the  North.  Since  my  last  but  two  fatal  cases  have  occurred,  mak- 
ing eight  in  all.  The  last  two  deceased  were  Bradbury  of  Co.  C,  and 
Ingraham  of  Co.  F. 

Malarious  fever,  although  characteristic  of  this  locality  in  summer, 
was  not  anticipated  here  after  the  early  frosts ;  but  the  succeeding 
severe  drouth  so  reduced  the  bulk  of  water  in  the  neighboring  swamps 
as  to  leave  a  margin  of  mud,  which  has  sent  forth  the  fever  poison.  It 
is  not  sure,  however,  that  our  miserably  contracted  barracks  have 
nothing  to  do  with  this  disease. 

While  by  the  army  regulations  of  England  and  France,  each  soldier 
in  barracks  is  allowed  a  thousand  cubic  feet  of  air  and  space,  we  are 
allowed  but  two  hundred  and  fifty  in  which  to  live  and  move  and  have 
our  being ;  in  which  to  eat  and  sleep,  and  read  and  write,  and  to  store 
our  effects.  English  and  French'  barracks,  generous  as  they  are  in 
space,  are  still  provided  with  a  commissary  room  in  which  to  store  any 
private  rations  which  the  men  may  fortunately  possess  ;  but  American 
soldiers  must  make  bunk-fellows  of  their  butter,  pies  and  pickles,  or 
go  without  them.  Then  again,  our  barracks  at  Newbern  are  con- 
structed of  wet,  unseasoned  lumber,  fresh  from  unhealthy  swamps,  so 
that  upon  the  walls  and  roof  of  some  of  them,  green  mould  gathers. 
All  these  circumstances  are  at  least  suggestive  of  something;  if  they  are 
not,  what's  the  matter  ?  There  are  certainly  no  reasons  why  American 
barracks  should  not  be  the  largest  and  best  in  the  world. 

We  are  surely  not  deficient  in  space,  materials,  or  in  constructive 
ingenuity,  among  the  soldiers  who  are  detailed  to  build  and  fit  up  quar- 
ters. No  sane  man  would  herd  cattle  together  so  closely  as  we  are 
herded,  for  fear  of  breeding  distemper.  They  are  well-settled  facts 
that  soldiers  upon  the  march,  and  bivouacing  every  night  in  the  open 
air,  are  in  better  health  than  when  living  in  barracks  ;  and  that  march- 


ing  and  bivouacing  cure  the  colds  contracted  by  means  of  frequent  sud- 
den changes  from  close  barracks  to  the  open  air. 

In  my  last  I  gave  you  some  account  of  an  extemporized  ball  in  the 
barrack  of  Co.  D.  Since  then  a  grand  masquerade  has  been  held 
under  the  auspices  of  Co.  E,  our  nearest  left  hand  neighbor.  Only  a 
few  hours  were  given  to  preparation,  but  the  aflPair  assumed  an  extent, 
as  well  as  an  appearance  of  elegance  and  grotesque  humor  not  a  little 
surprising,  considering  the  limited  resources  of  soldiers  in  camp.  The 
members  of  the  regiment  were  forewarned  of  the  entertainment  by  the 
following  notice : 


A  Grand  Regimental  Bal  Masque  will  be  held  to-night,  Jan.  24th,  at  the  bai*- 
rack  of  Co.  E.  None  admitted  except  commissioned  officers  and  those  en  cos- 

The  restriction  was  of  little  avail.  Those  who  failed  to  pass  the 
door  keepers  entered  at  the  ventilators,  and  there  was  soon  assembled 
the  largest  audience  of  the  season.  There  were  many  masked  and 
assumed  characters,  but  the  favorite  and  prevailing  assumption  was 
that  of  a  girl.  This  was  uniformly  excellent,  showing  beyond  doubt  a 
close  and  enthusiastic  devotion  to  the  study  of  the  character  in  the 
original.  If  you  may  trust  the  taste  of  your  Jenkins,  Miss  K.,  of  Co. 
F,  was  the  belle  of  the  occasion,  although  our  public  opinion  is  divided 
between  that  lady  and  Miss  A.,  of  Co.  Gr,  Miss  R.,  of  Co.  E,  the  Misses 
H.  and  the  Misses  S.,  of  Co.  D,  Miss  H.,  of  Co.  A,  and  some  others. 
I  regret  the  poverty  of  vocabulary  that  prevents  my  describing  their 
costumes.  All  of  them  were  tasteful  and  some  elegant.  One  lady  of 
color  attracted  a  large  share  of  attention.  Several  personations  of  the 
Prince  of  Darkness  were  voted  admirable.  Not  the  worst  Satan  was  a 
young  divinity  student  of  Co.  D,  who  had  evidently  studied  his  role. 
Bird  o'  Freedom  Sawin  was  there  as  a  Pilgrim  Father.  There  were 
harlequins,  clowns,  policemen,  men  of  impenetrable  visage,  and  one 
venerable  monk  with  crucifix  and  beads.  The  barrack  was  brilliantly 
lighted  by  the  aid  of  chandeliers,  and  there  were,  of  course,  music 
and  dancing.  Nearly  all  our  officers  were  present,  including  the  field 
and  stafi",  together  with  several  officers  and  privates  from  our  excellent 
neighbor,  the  gallant  Connecticut  10th,  endeared  to  us  alike  by  their 
signal  bravery  in  the  field  of  battle,  and  their  cordial  friendship  toward 
us  as  a  regiment. 

We  are  adding  to  the  defensive  strength  of  Newbern.  Rumor  has 
it  that  the  rebels  are  in  strong  force  at  Kinston.     The  situation  of 



affairs  in  Virginia,  and  the  growing  importance  of  Gen.  Foster's  com- 
mand, render  the  report  more  than  probable.  The  feint  of  an  attack, 
or  the  probability  of  it,  has  not  prevented  the  embarkation  fi-om  this 
place  of  a  large  expeditionary  force  for  some  point  or  points  to  us  un- 
known, but  doubtless  of  vital  importance  to  the  rebels.  The  result 
of  its  operations  will  reach  you  in  good  time.  Unexpectedly  to  our- 
selves and  to  every  one  else,  our  regiment  is  left  behind  to  help  guard 
Newbern,  now  deemed  by  some  the  post  of  danger.  The  45th  is  doing 
provost-guard  duty  in  Newbern. 

Februaky  1,  1863. 

If  Leigh  Hunt,  who  discoursed  so  eloquently  of  the  comforts  of  a 
bed,  could  have  added  to  his  genius  the  experience  of  a  soldier,  his  bed 
panegyrics  would  have  been  moving  indeed.  The  leisurely  process  of 
disrobing  preparatory  for  the  smooth  comfort  of  clean  sheets  may  not 
inaptly  be  compared  to  the  change  from  the  heavy,  crawling  chrysalis 
to  the  winged  and  airy  insect  radiant  of  a  new  experience.  I  forget 
whether  or  not  Leigh  Hunt  made  some  such  comparison  as  this  ;  but  he 
did  dilate  upon  the  positive  luxury  springing  fi-om  the  contact  of  two  legs 
— to  wit,  your  own  two  legs — after  a  day's  cruel  separation  by  the 
nether  integuments  which  custom  has  rendered  indispensable.  If  we 
survive  our  term  of  service,  shall  we  not  enjoy  a  bed  ?  With  limbs 
and  trunks  that  have  not  pressed  a  sheet  for  nine  months — limbs  sub- 
jected to  an  intermitting  friction  of  coarse  flannel  night  and  day  for 
three-fourths  of  a  year,  in  frigid  bivouac  and  unyielding  bunks — we 
certainly  shall  be  prepared  to  experience  and  sing  the  pleasures  of  a 
bed  when  at  last  we  come  to  the  enjoyment  of  that  luxury. 

The  Fry  has  arrived  with  our  boxes.  Besides  the  many  containing 
good  things  to  eat  were  several  filled  with  not  less  useful  offerings  in 
the  shape  of  stockings,  wristers,  sleeping  caps,  &c.,  made  and  con- 
tributed by  some  of  our  young  friends  of  the  gentler  sex,  who  accom- 
panied their  gifts  with  anonymous  notes,  or  notes  bearing  the  signatures 
of  "Betsey  Baker"  and  other  mythical  young  women.  Contrary  to 
newspaper  rules  the  editor  of  this  paper  must  allow  me  to  take  notice 
of  these  communications. 

"  Betsey  Baker  "  writes  : 

"  May  these  socks  prove  a  safeguard  against  all  bullets.  If  they 
prove  such  inform"  &c.,  &c. 

Thank  you,  dear,  I  will. 


"  Nelly  Bly"  writes  : 

"  "Would  that  I  were  with  you  to  darn  your  socks  for  you  !  If  you 
want  me  to  come,  send"  &c.,  &c. 

"  Mary  of  the  Wild  Moor  "  writes  : 

"  Will  the  receiver  of  these  socks  please  send  me  an  account  of  the 
first  march  he  takes  with  them  ?" 

This  letter  was  commenced  on  board  the  transport  steamer  North- 
erner, an  old  lake  boat,  which  is  now  transporting  the  44th  Regiment 
from  Newbern  to  Plymouth,  N.  C.  The  Northerner  is  a  spacious,  com- 
fortable old  craft,  and  we  are  far  better  commoded  on  board  of  her 
than  we  were  on  the  ]\Ierrimac,  which  conveyed  us  from  Boston,  or  the 
George  Collins,  which  afterwards  carried  us  to  Washington  and  then 
back  to  Newbern  from  Plymouth.  Some  of  us  really  rejoice  in  the 
possession  of  staterooms,  but  the  majority  are  contented  to  stretch 
themselves  upon  the  floors  of  the  spacious  and  well-lighted  saloons, 
where  at  night  we  lie  at  every  angle,  and  sleep  like  bricks.  The  stores 
by  the  Fry  and  other  arrivals  are  serving  us  a  good  purpose  while  we 
are  away  from  the  comforts  of  the  barracks.  We  haven't  our  daily 
soft  bread,  fresh  meat  and  coffee  twice  a  day,  but  our  knapsacks  are 
filled  with  preserved  meats  and  fruits,  apples,  cakes,  cheese,  butter,  &c., 
and  the  craving  for  food  born  of  sea  air  is  more  than  satisfied.  Our 
regular  rations  of  hard  tack  and  salt  meat  at  the  bottom  of  our  haver- 
sacks will  keep  until  we  need  them. 

We  like  these  occasional  aquatic  trips.  They  are  so  good  for  the 
health  and  spirits  of  the  men,  that  we  half  suspect  our  excellent  sur- 
geon had  a  voice  in  the  planning  of  this  last  expedition.  Newbern  is 
hardly  desirable  as  a  place  of  long-continued  residence,  although  an 
admirable  and  easily-defended  military  post.  The  band  (oh;- band)  are 
with  us,  with  their  instruments.  Their  muskets  are  at  Newbern,  hence 
I  conclude  our  expedition  is  not  intended  to  be  a  very  sanguinary  one. 

February  2,  1863. 

We  arrived  at  Plymouth  about  half  past  three  this  afternoon,  and 
were  glad  to  be  informed  that  we  were  to  retain  our  comfortable 
quarters  on  board  the  steamer  until  the  next  day.  The  cooks  went  on 
shore  and  made  us  cofTee,  and  we  supped  comfortably.  The  evening 
opened  beautifully,  with  a  singularly  bright  moon,  and  the  boys  were  in 
high  spirits.  Groups  gathered  upon  the  deck  and  sung  glees.  The 
saloon  was  cleared  for  a  dance,  and  the  light  fantastic  was  tripped  to 
the  music  of  two  fifes.  The  band  took  a  position  upon  the  hurricane 
deck,  and  discoursed  their  best  strains.     About  the  fires  on  the  shore 


were  groups  of  agile  contrabands,  delighting  a  number  of  spectators 
with  their  unique  dances  and  songs.  Altogether,  a  more  cheering  and 
picturesque  scene  could  not  well  be  imagined. 

February  3,   1863. 

We  awoke  this  morning  to  find  the  ground  white  with  snow,  and 
the  air  thick  with  flakes,  driven  by  a  high  wind.  The  scene  was  de- 
cidedly New  Englandish,  and  contrasted  curiously  with  that  of  the  pre- 
ceding evening.  The  climate  of  the  "  Sunny  South"  is  certainly  not 
without  its  freaks.  We  shall  remain  on  board  to-day,  we  are  happy  to 
be  informed. 

Plymouth  shows  sad  marks  of  the  recent  rebel  raid  upon  that  town. 
Nearly  fifty  houses  were  burned  by  them,  and  the  court-house,  where 
our  little  force  rallied,  is  thickly  marked  with  their  artillery  shots.  Up- 
on our  arrival  the  place  was  garrisoned  by  two  companies  of  the 
Massachusetts  27th,  one  of  the  3d,  and  a  small  force  of  North  Carolina 
Cavalry.  Three  or  four  gunboats  are  also  here,  and  it  is  rumored  that 
we  are  to  act  in  concert  with  them  in  an  attack  upon  Rainbow  Bluff, 
where  a  North  Carolina  regiment  (the  17th,  the  same  which  we  routed 
at  Rawle's  Mill,  on  the  third  of  November,)  is  said  to  be  strongly  en- 
trenched. Rainbow  Bluff  commands  the  Roanoke  River,  a  very  few 
miles  this  side  of  Hamilton,  and  over  thirty  miles  from  Plymouth.  We 
find  here  a  North  Carolina  deserter  who  sets  the  rebel  loss  at  Kinston 
at  five  hundred.  The  rebel  skedaddle  from  that  place  was  of  the  most 
confased  description.  We  are  gratified  to  learn,  as  we  do  from  the 
same  source,  that  we  did  the  rebels  serious  detriment  at  Whitehall,  a 
fact  which  their  hidden  position  would  not  permit  us  to  know  at  the 
time.  The  enemy  had  an  excellent  view  of  us,  and  their  riflemen  were 
ordered  to  make  General  Stevenson,  whom  they  recognized,  a  particu- 
lar mark. 

February  4,   1863. 

We  remained  at  Plymouth  yesterday.  The  right  wing  of  the  regiment 
was  transferred  from  the  steamer  to  a  large  storehouse  on  the  wharf. 
It  was  a  cold  day  and  we  had  no  fires  in  the  building,  so  the  boys  wan- 
dered over  the  town,  and  made  themselves  comfortable  in  negro  cabins, 
where  they  boiled  their  coffee  and  ate  hoe-cake  and  other  luxuries. 

The  right  snug  hostelry  of  Mary  Lee,  a  free  colored  woman  and  an 
excellent  cook,  was  the  centre  of  attraction,  being  thronged  with  officers, 
naval  and  military,  all  day.  Your  correspondent  and  a  friend  or  two 
were  happy  enough  to  sit  at  a  Christian  table  for  almost  the  first  time 
since  leaving  Boston,  and  devour  fried  pork  and  eggs,  white  biscuits. 


etc.  To  make  our  happiness  complete,  our  frames  were  last  night  pil- 
lowed upon  a  Northern  feather  bed.  It  was  a  terribly  cold  night  for 
North  Carolina,  and  we  had  reason  to  bless  the  fate  which  gave  us  a 
warm  bed  in  place  of  the  cold,  cheerless  old  storehouse  where  most  of 
the  boys  shivered  the  night  through. 

Last  evening,  after  supper,  we  sat  by  the  cheerful  fireside  of  a  North 
Carolina  Unionist,  and  while  we  watched  the  blaze  between  the  jambs, 
listened  with  a  charmed  sense  to  the  tinkle  of  the  tea  things  as  they 
were  washed  and  set  away.  Our  host,  hostess,  and  two  youngest  occu- 
pied a  bed  in  the  warmest  corner  of  the  sitting  room,  "  GofF,  the  Regi- 
cide," John  and  your  correspondent  slept  in  the  opposite  corner.  We 
retired  first,  but  were  not  too  sleepy  to  watch  with  thrilling  interest  the 
series  of  comforting  preparations  before  a  domestic  couple  with  a  baby 
can  retire.  The  infant  was  in  its  happiest  mood ;  and,  while  its  little 
limbs  were  allowed  to  bask  in  the  firelight,  it  held  a  crooning  conversa- 
tion with  its  father,  who  assured  the  offspring  that  it  was  a  right  smart 
baby  and  had  slept  a  heap  since  morning. 

It  is  now  high  noon  of  Wednesday.  A  facetious  fellow,  one  of  the 
heroes  of  Tarboro',  has  just  informed  me  that  the  "  object  of  the  expe- 
dition (to  Plymouth)  is  accomplished,"  and  that  "Plymouth"  is  to  be 
put  upon  our  banner. 

February  8,  1863. 
On  our  way  back  to  Newbern,  when,  in  my  last,  I  gave  currency  to 
the  rumor  that  the  object  of  our  expedition  to  Plymouth  was  accom- 
plished, I  only  gave  echo  to  a  popular  mistake.  But  yesterday  noon 
an  order  from  headquarders,  addressed  to  our  right  wing,  directing  us 
to  put  ourselves  in  light  marching  order,  with  twenty-four  hours' 
rations  of  hard  tack  in  our  haversacks,  gave  us  a  renewed  impression 
of  the  uncertainty  of  camp  rumors,  and  told  us  unmistakably  that 
something  was  on  foot.  In  the  morning  Colonel  Lee  had  given  us  the 
liberty  of  the  town,  and  the  enthusiasm  with  which  this  favor  had  been 
received  and  enjoyed  was  not  a  little  dampened  by  the  unexpected 
order,  which  many  of  us  received  while  delectating  ourselves  at  the 
tables  spread  for  us  by  the  natives  of  Plymouth.  What  was  up  ? 
Where  were  we  to  go  ?  "  Into  the  bush  for  wood,"  remarked  our 
always  complaisant  Quartermaster,  "  and  perhaps  a  little  farther,  to 
stretch  your  legs,  if  the  roads  are  not  too  heavy."  As  though  the 
heroes  of  Tarboro'  and  Groldsboro'  needed  to  have  their  legs  stretched ! 


We  noted  suspiciously  the  twinkle  in  the  eye  of  the  Quartermaster,  but 
fell  in  at  the  word  of  command,  and  were  soon  marching  out  of  Ply- 
mouth on  the  "  Long  Acre  Road." 

A  mile  or  two  out  the  road  forked.  Here  we  left  Co.  B  and  half  of 
Co.  C  to  act  as  picket  guards  on  each  avenue.  Leaving  the  Washington 
road  on  our  right,  and  soon  after  our  wagons  by  a  pile  of  dry  wood,  we 
found  ourselves  repeating  the  old  familiar  tramp,  tramp  through  the  mud 
and  sand  and  water  of  North  Carolina,  past  weather-stained  but  comfor- 
table looking  homesteads  :  past  small  plantations,  through  pine  woods, 
through  creeks,  and  over  bi-idges.  We  were  not  long  in  ascertaining 
the  fact  that  we  were  on  a  foraging  expedition,  and  if  history  should 
call  it  a  reconnoisance,  the  misnomer  will  never  restock  the  stables  and 
storehouses,  the  bee-hives  and  hen-roosts,  that  night  depleted  along 
the  road  of  Long  Acre.  We  received  an  early  hint  that  we  were  going 
to  capture  a  lot  of  bacon,  tw^elve  miles  out  of  Plymouth,  but  if  the  res- 
idents along  the  road  this  side  that  point  managed  to  save  their  own 
bacon  and  things,  they  certainly  had  reason  to  bless  their  stars.  If  it 
would  not  be  considered  unsoldierly  and  too  sentimental,  your  corres- 
pondent might  feel  inclined  to  deprecate  this  business  of  foraging,  as  it 
is  carried  on.  It  is  pitiful  to  see  homes  once,  perhaps,  famed  for  their 
hospitality,  entered  and  robbed ;  even  if  the  robbers  respect  the  code 
of  war.  It  is  not  less  hard  for  women  and  children  to  be  deprived  of 
the  means  of  subsistence  because  their  husbands  and  sons  and  brothers 
are  shooting  at  us  from  the  bush.  But  war  is  a  great,  a  terrible,  an 
undiscriminating  monster,  and  no  earthly  power  may  stay  the  ravages 
of  the  unleashed  brute. 

Ten  miles  from  Plymouth  we  were  forced  to  wade  nearly  knee  deep 
through  a  creek  one-fourth  of  a  mile  wide  at  the  ford.  The  water  was 
ice-cold,  and  gave  our  feet  and  ankles  a  pain  more  intense  than  I  can 
well  describe.  At  last  (about  half  ])ast  ten  o'clock)  we  halted,  and 
were  happy  to  be  informed  that  tlio  object  of  the  expedition  was  accom- 
plished. The  column  was  near  a  house.  After  making  somewhat 
particular  inquiries  we  were  informed  that  we  had  captiu*ed  a  dozen 
barrels  of  pork,  and  that  the  chaplain,  as  a  temperance  measure,  had 
resolutely  knocked  in  the  head  of  a  barrel  of  sweet  cider,  but  not,  how- 
ever, until  a  few  enterprising  fellows  had  filled  their  canteens  with  the 
delicious  beverage.  We  were  now  ready  to  countermarch,  and  five 
o'clock  this  morning  found  us  again  at  Plymouth,  after  a  night  march 
of  twenty-five  miles. 

But  for  the  risk  of  being  tedious,  I  would  ask  the  reader  to  accom- 


pany  us  upon  our  return,  to  halt  with  us  at  every  house  and  listen  to 
the  voice  of  disturbed  poultry  aroused  from  sleep  to  die  an  initimely 
death  ;  to  see  the  column  halt  at  every  henery,  and  promptly  move 
again  when  the  victimized  fowls  had  given  utterance  to  their  last 
despairing  notes ;  to  see  donkey  carts  laden  with  geese  upset  in  the 
creek,  and  hear  the  eloquently  profane  protests  of  officers  and  privates 
as  they  again  floundered  through  the  ice-water  at  the  long  ford.  It 
was  a  rough  night,  but  all  experience  is  valuable. 

February  9. 
We  lay  still  a  portion  of  last  night  and  this  forenoon  in  Albemarle 
Sound,  on  account  of  fog.  This  afternoon  we  were  obliged  to  take 
coal,  and  at  nightfall,  a  mile  off  Roanoke  Island,  the  fog  was  again 
setting  in.  We  shall  probably  not  reach  Newbern  until  late  to-morrow. 
This  letter  will  be  taken  to  Roanoke  Island,  and  go  from  thence  to 
New  York. 

Neavber>',  N.  C,  Feb.  17,  1863. 
We  are  visited  occasionally  at  Newbern  by  friends  from  Boston. 
Few  things  are  more  agreeable  to  us  than  the  sight  of  forms  and  faces 
bringing  with  them  airs  of  home.  We  scan  the  dress  of  a  civilian  as 
something  almost  autre  for  its  singularity.  The  sight  of  smooth,  white 
shirts  is  positively  tantalizing.  Among  our  visitors  here  have  been  J. 
Thomas  Stevenson  and  wufe,  father  and  mother  of  General  Stevenson, 
Rev.  Mr.  Barnard,  Rev.  Mr.  Thompson,  of  Jamaica  Plain,  and  Rev. 
Dr.  Lothrop.  The  latter  gentleman  preached  to  the  regiment  on  the 
15th.  To  gaze  upon  the  goodly  rotundity  of  that  familiar  form  was 
like  being  introduced  to  a  slice  of  Boston,  whereof  the  centre  was  the 
old  church  and  cannon  ball  in  Brattle  Square.  He  favored  us  with  an 
admirable  discourse  from  the  words,  "  Keep  thy  heart  with  all  diligence, 
for  out  of  it  are  the  issues  of  life."  No  admonition  is  more  needed  by 
the  soldier  than  that  conveyed  in  this  text,  and  as  enforced  by  the  en- 
ergetic eloquence  of  Dr.  Lothrop.  We  need  frequent  reminders  of  the 
justness  and  greatness  of  our  cause  to  keep  oui-  hearts  warmly  engaged 
in  a  service  so  full  of  sacrifice  as  this.  I  fear  we  have  too  little  of  the 
martyr-spirit  which  saves  a  people,  and  that  the  North  must  make  up 
in  numbers  and  treasure  what  it  lacks  in  the  heroic  spirit  of  the  fathers 
of  the  Revolution.  If  our  nice  young  gentlemen  at  home  hope  to  keep 
clear  of  this  scrape,  I  fear  they  will  be  disappointed. 

Among  our  visitors  from  Boston,  I  should  have  mentioned  Sergeant 


Wheelwright,  who  came  out  as  supercargo  of  the  schooner  Fry.  The 
reception  which  his  friends  in  the  regiment  extended  to  him  was  of  the 
most  touching  description.  After  numerous  affectionate  embraces,  he 
was  invited  to  take  a  drink — of  (Quinine !  This  being  declined,  hard 
tack  and  salt  horse  were  severally  pressed  upon  him  with  an  urgent  hos- 
pitality difficult  to  be  refused.  Upon  our  late  expedition  from  Plymouth 
(named  the  ham-fat).  Sergeant  Wheelwright  acted  as  orderly  for  Colonel 
Lee,  and  showed  himself  a  forager  of  great  natural  ability.  As  we  wit- 
nessed him  first  mounted  upon  a  dashing  mule,  and  then  a  fleet  horse, 
we  could  hardly  persuade  ourselves  that  he  had  not  profited  by  the  rich 
experiences  of  Tarboro'  and  Goldsboro'. 

Among  the  few  deaths  which  have  recently  occurred  in  the  regiment 
is  that  of  private  Hopkinson,  of  Company  F,  who  died  of  typhoid  fever. 
He  was  a  graduate  of  Harvard  College,  and  one  of  the  brightest  intel- 
lects in  the  regiment.  A  few  years  ago  he  was  temporarily  connected 
with  the  Boston  Advertiser.  His  remains  have  been  embalmed,  and 
will  be  sent  North. 

We  are  beginning  to  feel  the  breath  of  spring.  Dandelions  are  com- 
mencing to  bloom  in  Newbern,  and  wild  onions  are  springing  up  over 
our  parade  ground.  At  night  the  neighboring  swamps  are  vocal  with 
the  voices  of  frogs. 

We  are  to  have  a  dramatic  entertainment  with  which  to  celebrate  the 
anniversary  of  Washington's  birth-day,  provided,  of  course,  we  are  al- 
lowed to  remain  in  Newbern.  At  present  our  brigade  is  a  divided  one, 
the  Connecticut  10th  and  the  Massachusetts  24th  being  a  part  of  the 
great  Southern  expedition.  General  Stevenson  is  with  the  10th  and 
24th.  The  remaining  regiment  of  our  brigade,  the  Rhode  Island  5th, 
is  with  us  at  Newbern. 

Newbekn,  N.  C,  Feb.  28,  1863. 
We  celebrated  Washington's  birthday  on  the  evening  of  the  23d  by 
a  hal  masque  in  the  barracks  of  Companies  D  and  E.  The  affair 
crowned  and  surpassed  all  our  previous  efforts  in  this  line,  and  was 
universally  decided  to  be  a  big  thing.  The  barracks,  which  had  recently 
been  whitewashed,  were  united  by  the  removal  of  a  partition,  and 
formed  a  saloon  one  hundred  and  twenty  feet  in  length.  The  fronts  of 
the  bunks  were  covered  with  shelter  tents  depending  like  curtains.  To 
these  at  proper  intervals  were  attached  scrolls  with  green  borders  bear- 
ing the  names  of  the  captains  and  lieutenants  of  the   regiment.     More 


conspicuously  appeared  the  names  of  Colonel  Lee  and  staff,  General 
Stevenson,  of  our  brigade,  General  Wessells,  of  our  division,  and 
General  Foster,  chief  of  this  army  corps.  At  the  head  of  the  saloon 
was  erected  a  platform  carpeted  with  rubber  blankets.  Back  of  this 
was  suspended  a  large  American  flag,  with  the  name  of  Washington 
upon  a  scroll.  Upon  other  scrolls  appeared  the  date  of  his  birth  and 
the  words  "  First  in  war,"  &c.  Midway  of  the  barracks  was  a  graceful 
canopy  of  flags,  and  at  various  other  points  the  national  colors  were 
appropriately  disposed  to  heighten  the  general  efi'ect.  Our  well-bur- 
nished rifles  were  crossed  on  the  front  of  the  bunks,  and  rayed  from 
centers  on  the  walls.  Chandeliers,  beautifully  trimmed  with  green  and 
moss,  lighted  up  the  long  room  and  its  decorations,  and  gave  the  apart- 
ment an  appearance  of  real  magnificence.  It  even  surpassed  the  most 
sanguine  expectations  of  those  who  had  industriously  labored  upon  the 
decorations.  Such  was  the  appearance  of  the  barracks  alone  ;  but 
when  later  in  the  evening  they  were  crowded  with  people  wearing  the 
varied  and  grotesque  costumes  of  the  occasion,  and  the  uniforms  of  a 
large  number  of  ofiicers,  the  scene  was  more  brilliant  than  I  can  de- 

But  the  chief  feature  of  the  occasion  was  the  presence  of  General 
Foster,  General  Wessells,  and  a  large  number  of  officers  from  various 
regiments  in  this  department,  all  of  whom  were  pleased  to  warmly 
commend  the  taste  and  enterprise  of  the  44th  boys.  It  is  needless  to 
say  that  the  presence  of  our  distinguished  visitors  was  enthusiastically 
recognized  by  us. 

Tne  following  was  the  order  of  dances  : — 

1.  March  and  Sicilian  Circle Lee's  Quickstep. 

2.  Quadrille Sullivan's  Double  Quick. 

3.  Les  Lancers  . Richardson's  March. 

4.  Contra Skittletop  Gallop. 

5.  Polka  Redowa Odiorne's  Choice. 

6.  Quadrille Surgeon's  Call. 

7.  Polka  .  • Mary  Lee's  Delight. 

8.  Contra Stebbins's  Reel. 


Waltz — Varsovienne — Schottische. 

9.  Quadrille Ham  Fat  Man. 

10.  Waltz Pas  de  Seul. 

11.  Quadrille Dismal  Swamp  Promenade. 

12.  Contra Our  Friends  at   Home. 

13.  Polka  Quadrille Long   Acre    Gallop. 

14.  Quadrille Dug-out  Race. 

15.  Military  do.  Newell's  March. 


Here  is  the  managerial  card  : 

Sir: — The  pleasure  of  your  company,  with  ladies,  is  respectfully  solicited  at 
a  Grand  Bal  Masque  to  be  given  under  the  auspices  of  the  -iitti    Regimental 
Dramatic  Association,  at  the  Barracks  of  Companies  D  and  E,  on 

MONDAY  EVENING,  FEB.  23.   1863. 

The  management  desire  to  state  that  nothing  will  be  left  undone  to  render  it 
the  party  of  the  season. 

Floor  Managers. 
Willard  Howard.  J.  B.  Rice,  Harry  T.  Reed. 

Committee  of  Arrangements. 

Sergeant  G.  L.  Tripp, Company  D. 

H.  A.  Homer, "  E. 

Corporal  Z.  T.  Haines, "  D. 

"         J.  B.  Gardner, »'  D. 

J.  W.  Cartwright, "  E. 

M.  E.  Boyd,             "  D. 

C.  E.  Tucker, »  E- 

Private  F.  A.  Sayer,               "  D. 

"      H.  Howard "  D. 

"      J.  H.  Waterman,  Jr., "  D. 

"      H.  Bradish «'  E. 

"      C.  H.  Demeritt "  D. 

"      D.  Howard »  D. 

"      E.  L.  Hill, "A. 

In  order  to  defray  the  expenses,  Tickets  will  be  placed  at  lU  cents  each,  to  be 
procured  of  the  Managers.  No  tickets  sold  at  the  door.  Visitors  are  expected 
to  appear  en  costume. 

Musio  by  the  New  Berne  Quadrille  Band,  five  pieces. 

The  Management  desire  to  express  their  sincere  thanks  to  the  OflBcers  of  this 
Regiment  for  the  many  favors  granted  by  them  in  aid  of  this  undertaking. 

The  hall  will  be  appropriately  decorated. 

The  Newberu  Quadrille  Band,  composed  of  (discolored  young  gentle- 
jhen,  did  not  distinguish  itself;  but  our  own  regimental  band,  under 
Major  Babcock, — which,  by  the  way,  has  received  its  splendid  new 
instruments, — came  to  the  rescue  gallantly,  and  added  largely  to  the 
eclat  of  the  aifair,  which,  by  the  way,  was  pecuniarily  successful,  leav- 
ing us  funds  which  will  enable  us  to  produce  in  good  time  an  original 
opera,  and  one  expected  to  contain  several  local  and  personal  hits. 
But  of  that  hereafter. 

The  following  deaths  have  recently  occurred  in  the  regiment : 

G-eo.  B.  Young,  Co.  G,  malarious  fever. 

Charles  A.  Bradt,  Co.  C,  malarious  fever. 

E.  N.  Fuller,  Co.  A,  measles. 

James  S.  Gilmore,  Co.  K,  diptheria  and  lung  fever. 

Sergt.  Charles  Harwood,  Co.  I,  diptheria. 


This  month  fifteen  men  have  been  discharged  for  disabihty.  The 
general  heaUh  of  the  regiment,  however,  is  quite  good — better  than  it 
was  a  short  time  ago  :  but  experience  is  convincing  all  concerned  that 
our  miserably  pinched  up  barracks  are  a  fruitful  cause  of  disease.  The 
regiments  in  tents  are  the  healthiest  ones. 

The  Boston  regiment  of  colored  men  has  excited  much  interest  here. 
Some  of  our  best  men  have  accepted  commissions  in  it.  Among  tliese 
are  Lieut.  Hartwell,  Sergts.  James  and  Russell,  of  Co.  F.  AVe  shall 
part  with  these  men  with  great  regret,  and  at  the  same  time  give  them 
a  hearty  Grodspeed  in  their  brave  and  self-sacrificing  undertaking. 
There  is  no  warmer  friend  of  the  3Iassachusetts  54th  regiment  than 
Col.  Lee ;  and  the  best  evidence  of  the  fact  is  in  the  cheerful  alacrity 
which  he  shows  in  supplying  it  with  officers  from  the  best  men  of  his 
own  command.  I  understand  that  Gen.  Foster  favors  the  scheme  of 
recruiting  regiments  of  colored  men.  Several  items  of  regimental  news 
must  lie  over. 

Newbekn,  N.  C,  March  4,  1863. 
My  last  letter  contained  a  brief  account  of  a  Washington  birth-day 
ball  in  our  barracks,  but  the  hasty  description  I  was  then  obliged  to 
give  conA^eyed  a  very  inadequate  idea  of  the  brilliancy  of  the  subject, 
and  will  be  quite  unsatisfactory  to  those  who  were  present.  I  cannot 
remember  a  ball-room  which  presented  a  finer  efi"ect  in  its  decorations 
than  ours.  It  was  remarkable  to  observe  what  a  little  taste  and  indus- 
try were  able  to  accomplish  with  our  limited  means,  not  only  as  respects 
the  decorations,  but  in  the  costumes  and  characters  assumed.  The 
young  women  who  had  stunned  aU  beholders  at  previous  masquerades, 
appeared  with  augmented  charms.  Some  were  doubtless  outstripped 
by  others,  but  I  shall  this  time  avoid  invidious  comparisons.  The 
"  Albino  Family,"  with  head-dresses  of  frayed  ropes,  was  an  exceed- 
ingly clever  take-oiF  of  Barnum's  curious  beings  at  the  Aquaria!  Grar- 
dens.  Deacon  Doolittle,  of  Vermont,  who  had  come  down  toNewbern 
to  gratify  himself  M^ith  the  spectacle  of  young  men  bleeding  for  their 
country,  was  one  of  the  richest  impersonations  of  the  evening.  The 
old  man  was  deeply  surprised  to  see  young  ladies  smoking  cigars,  and 
averred  that  such  a  thing  was  unheard  of  when  he  was  a  young  man. 
Deacon  Doolittle  got  interested  in  Deacon  Foster,  and  the  two  were 
seen  arm-in-arm.  The  white  woolly  locks  and  limp  of  the  latter  deacon 
were  unmistakable   in  the  throncr.     Deacon    Doolittle's  humanitarian 


character  having  got  noised  about  among  the  managers,  the  old  man 
was  invited  to  the  platform,  from  which  he  made  an  edifying  address, 
at  last  bringing  down  the  house  by  kissing  a  gun  which  he  held  in  his 

Among  other  assumptions  were  those  of  a  member  of  the  Howard 
street  blackleg  fi-aternity,  "  The  Press,"  a  harlequin,  several  devils, 
&e.,  &c.  "  The  Press  "  was  clad  in  newspapers,  the  Sunday  Herald 
being  conspicuous  among  a  great  variety  of  enterprising  journals  dis- 
played in  the  costume.  Several  rollicking  sailors  and  dashing  cavalry 
officers  gave  variety  to  the  costumes  and  added  life  to  the  scene.  The 
little  brigadier  of  Company  A  was  admirably  made  up,  and  the  char- 
acter was  sustained  in  a  manner  truly  artistic.  The  same  may  be  said 
of  the  little  Continental  brigadier  of  Company  E,  the  Indian,  of  the 
same  company,  the  Turk,  of  Company  F,  and  Miss  Columbia,  of  Com- 
pany C,  who,  being  the  "  Gem  of  the  Ocean,"  was  observed  to  be  on 
intimate  terms  with  one  of  the  sailors.  Some  of  our  fi'iends  will  have 
the  pleasure  of  examining  pictures  of  several  of  these  characters,  and 
will  thus  obtain  a  better  idea  of  their  appearance  than  it  is  possible  for 
me  to  give  in  words,  even  if  I  should  undertake  the  hopeless  task. 

Last  Wednesday,  the  25th,  witnessed  a  grand  review  of  the  troops 
at  Newbern.  Our  friends  may  be  pleased  to  know  that  the  44th  Regi- 
iment  was  generally  acknowledged  to  be  second  to  no  regiment  in  the 
field  for  the  excellence  of  its  marching  and  general  appearance.  The 
review  was  witnessed  by  a  large  number  of  spectators,  including  many 
ladies  in  carriages  and  on  horseback. 

Day  before  yesterday  Companies  F  and  B,  Captains  Storrow  and 
Grriswold,  were  sent  out  to  do  picket  duty  a  few  miles  up  the  railroad. 

The  last  death  in  our  regiment  was  that  of  Otis  S.  Merrill,  of  Com- 
pany C,  who  died  of  measles.  Nearly  fifty  are  on  the  sick  list.  There 
are  but  few  cases  of  malarious  fever  among  our  men,  but  the  Massa- 
chusetts 51st  has  suffered  quite  severely  from  it.  That  regiment  is 
soon  to  commence  garrison  duty  at  Beaufort  and  Fort  Macon,  the  Par- 
adise of  this  department.  The  44th  will  probably  soon  do  provost 
marshal  duty  in  Newbern. 

Newbern,  N.  C,  March  14,  1863, 
The  peaceful  quiet  of  our  life  at  Newbvirn  was  to-day  interrupted 
by  an  attack  from  the  rebels.     Gen.  Foster  had  arranged  to  celebrate 
the  day  in  a  manner  becoming  the  anniversary  of  the  capture  of  New- 


bern.  But  a  grand  march  in  review  and  other  ct  ceteras  were  unex- 
pectedly substituted  by  salutes  with  shot  and  shell  from  a  brigade  of 
rebels  on  the  eastern  shore  of  the  Neuse,  who  made  an  early  attack 
upon  our  outpost  on  that  shore.  This  outpost  force,  which  is  stationed 
directly  opposite  the  camp  of  our  regiment,  consisted  of  the  New  York 
92nd  regiment,  strongly  entrenched  near  the  shore.  Previous  to  the 
attack,  the  rebel  General  (Pettigrew)  is  reported  to  have  sent  in 
several  demands  for  a  surrender,  which  were  promptly  refused.  The 
rebels  then  commenced  a  vigorous  fire  of  grape  and  canister,  which 
passed  harmlessly  over  the  heads  of  the  little  garrison,  and  beat  the 
waters  of  the  Xeuse  into  foam.  An  occasional  shell  from  the  rebel 
lines  came  over  the  river  and  lodged  upon  our  parade  ground ;  and 
groups  of  spectators  from  our  regiment,  standing  upon  the  shore,  were 
admonished  not  to  present  too  conspicuous  a  mark  for  the  enemy's 
artillery.  After  a  while,  the  rebels,  observing  the  inefficacy  of  their 
fire,  as  the  story  goes  about  camp,  attempted  to  carry  our  works  by 
storm,  but  without  result,  save  in  a  serious  loss  from  the  volleys  which 
met  their  approach.  In  the  meanwhile,  several  of  our  gunboats  Avere 
doing  good  serAice  by  landing  shells  at  proper  places,  and  feeling  up 
and  down  shore  with  their  ii-on  fingers.  Several  field  batteries  were 
also  set  at  work  on  either  side  of  our  barracks,  and  by  noon  the  rebel 
artiUery  was  silenced. 

Of  course  the  air  is  full  of  rumors,  to  wit :  immense  force  of  rebels 
on  every  side  ;  rebel  generals  swear  they  will  dine  at  the  Gaston  House 
to-morrow;  pickets  driven  in  or  captured  on  the  Xeuse  and  Trent  roads  ; 
Beaufort  and  Roanoke  captured;  the  railroad  seized;  more  fighting 
to-night,  &;c.  &lc.  That  our  pickets  have  been  disturbed  is  doubtless 
true.  Artillery  and  infantry  have  been  sent  out  on  the  great  roads, 
and  over  the  Neuse  the  picket  force  is  augmented,  and  great  vigilance 
is  for  some  good  reason  exercised.  I  shall  not  be  able  to  send  you 
later  advices  by  this  departure.  We  are  not  much  frightened;  and,  if 
we  have  got  to  fight  the  rebels,  have  no  objections  to  doing  so  once 
with  the  advantages  on  our  side.  I  allude  to  gunboats,  plenty  of 
ammunition,  rifle  pits,  &c.,  and  no  long  marches. 

I  enclose  herewith  the  libretto  of  an  opera  written  and  produced 
by  members  of  our  regiment.  If  you  will  reprint  it,  it  may  amuse 
some  of  our  friends  in  Boston,  although  its  best  points  are  more 
apparent  to  the  members  of  the  regiment  than  to  anybody  else.  You 
will  not  find  the  music.  That  was  improvised  and  selected,  and  very 
many  appropriate  airs  and  witticisms  were  introduced  in  places  not 


indicated  in  the  printed  text.  It  has  been  publicly  produced  three 
times  before  large  audiences  (two  long  barracks  being  full  each  time), 
including  officers  of  the  highest  rank  in  this  Department.  Thursday 
night  Gen.  Foster  and  staff,  with  his  wife  and  nearly  all  the  Northern 
ladies  now  resident  in  Newbern,  were  present.  With  the  body  of  the 
house  filled  by  officers  in  full  uniform,  opera  has  rarely  been  honored 
by  a  more  brilliant  audience.  We  had  a  spacious  stage,  an  act-drop, 
and  other  scenery,  foraged  from  an  old  theatre  in  Newbern,  some 
scenery  painted  by  ovir  own  artists,  a  profusion  of  flags  and  green 
decorations,  and  a  beautiful  tableau  with  blue-lights  to  close  Avith. 
The  orchestra,  under  the  lead  of  Mr.  Hooke,  played  splendidly,  and 
with  a  truly  theatrical  effect.  Altogether,  our  distinguished  auditors 
expressed  themselves  not  only  remarkably  pleased  with  our  efforts, 
but  greatly  surprised  at  what  we  had  been  able  to  accomplish  under 
the  circumstances  of  our  position.  Last  night  we  gave  an  entertain- 
ment to  the  invalid  guards  of  the  Connecticut  10th  and  the  Massa- 
chusetts 24th,  the  two  detached  regiments  of  our  brigade,  and  one 
hundred  men  from  the  Rhode  Island  5th.  A  thousand  copies  of  the 
libretto  have  been  printed,  and  their  sale  has  added  a  handsome 
amount  to  the  charitable  fund  of  the  regiment. 

March  15. 
The  nio-ht  was  peaceful.  Our  extra  pickets  have  come  in,  and  the 
rebels  are  believed  to  have  skedaddled.  It  is  probable  that  their 
main  purpose  was  to  capture  our  outpost  on  the  east  side  of  the 
Neuse  but,  failing  in  this,  have  retreated.  The  rebels  will  always 
find  Newbern  a  hot  place. 

Washingto>%  N.  C,  March  16,  1863. 
We  bid  fair  to  get  the  name  of  the  expeditionary  regiment  of  this 
department.  You  will  observe  by  the  date  of  this  letter  that  we  have 
ao-ain  pulled  up  stakes  at  Newbern,  and  moved  to  Washington,  at  the 
head  of  Pamlico  Sound.  Our  friends  will  want  an  explanation  of  this 
new  movement.  My  last  letter  mentioned  an  unsuccessful  rebel  attack 
on  our  outpost  on  the  easterly  side  of  the  Neuse.  We  were  afterwards 
informed  by  negroes  and  deserters  that  seven  hundred  rebels  were  en- 
gaged in  this  attack,  and  that  eight  thousand  were  at  the  same  time 
moving  down  on  the  Trent  road,  where  they  were  promptly  held  in 
check  by  infantry  and  artillery  sent  out  by  General  Foster.  It  is  quite 
probable  that  these  figures  were  not  far  from  correct.     That  the  rebels 


were  in  large  force  at  Kinston  has  been  well  understood  ever  since  our 
return  from  the  Goldsboro'  raid,  and  they  probably  thought  to  make  an 
easy  conquest  of  the  little  force  over  the  Neuse,  well  knowing  that 
it  would  form  a  very  pretty  little  celebration  of  the  anniversary  of 
the  capture  of  Newbern.  Bvit  foiling  in  this  project,  as  well  as  in 
their  attempt  to  plant  batteries  with  which  to  shell  the  town,  the  rebel 
forces  withdrew.  But  it  was  a  matter  of  some  doubt  with  General  Fos- 
ter whether  the  rebels  would  return  to  Kinston  without  attempting  to 
accomplish  something  in  this  direction.  He  therefore  determined  to 
strengthen  the  garrison  at  Washington  by  sending  hither  our  regiment, 
minus  companies  F  and  B,  on  picket,  and  here  we  are.  We  left  New- 
bern last  evening  by  the  fine  new  little  steamer  Escort,  and  after  a 
pleasant  trip  arrived  here  this  afternoon.  We  came  up  to  the  wharf 
with  music  and  flying  colors,  creating  by  our  advent  no  little  sensation 
among  the  soldiers  and  contrabands  who  came  dancing  down  to  the 
river  in  flocks.  The  afternoon  sun  was  shining  briskly,  and  Washing- 
ton presented  a  very  lively  and  attractive  air.  We  find  eight  companies 
of  the  Massachusetts  27th  here,  two  companies  of  the  North  Carolina 
regiment,  a  company  of  cavalry  and  a  company  of  artillery.  The  town 
is  admirably  protected  by  earthworks,  block  houses  and  a  foi-midable 
fort,  to  say  nothing  of  three  gunboats  in  the  stream.  Neverthless,  a 
rebel  attack  seems  to  be  anticipated.  Colonel  Lee,  of  our  regiment,  in 
command  of  the  detached  brigade,  formed  by  the  Massachusetts  44th 
and  the  Rhode  Island  5th,  assumes  command  of  this  post.  Tonight 
we  bivouac  a  little  west  of  the  town  upon  the  famous  Grist  plantation. 
We  are  occupying  shelter  tents  for  the  first  time,  and  find  them  "  quite 
bully."  The  rapidity  with  which  our  canvas  village  assumed  shape  was 
amazing.  The  boys  are  assembled  about  the  bivouac  fires  in  high  sport, 
or  reading  or  writing  by  the  light  of  candles  within  the  tents.  Colonel 
Lee  has  delighted  all  hearts  by  taking  possession  of  the  Grist  mansion 
as  his  headquarters.  The  loyality  of  its  proprietor  is  said  to  be  of  such 
an  uncertain  character  that  Colonel  Lee  has  decided  to  put  a  little 
wholesome  restriction  upon  his  future  movements.  His  house  and 
grounds  are  the  most  elegant  we  have  seen  in  North  Carolina,  and  his 
cellar  is  said  to  be  well  stored  with  apple-jack.  Grist  himself  is  a  fat, 
impudent  looking  specimen  of  the  race  of  secesh. 

March  17. 
While  we  were  standing  about  the  fires  this  morning  waiting  for  our 
cofi"ee,  we  received  a  hurried  order  to  strike  tents.     We  had  no  doubt 
that,  in  consequence  of  important  news  from  the  pickets,  a   march  was 


in  contemplation,  but  were  soon  agreeably  disappointed  to  ascertain 
that  we  were  only  required  to  pitch  our  tents  so  as  to  form  company 
streets.     Upon  this  job  we  then  entered  with  alacrity. 

Grist  (who  is  profanely  misnamed  by  the  soldiers)  packed  up  his 
goods  this  morning  prepatory  to  moving  to  his  suburban  residence  out- 
side our  lines ;  but  Colonel  Lee  decided  that  he  couldn't  dispense  with 
his  fascinating  society  at  this  juncture,  especially  as  Governor  Stanley's 
passport  is  no  longer  valuable  to  Grist  or  any  other  of  the  Governor's 
rebel  favorites.  Grist  submitted  philosophically.  His  mansion  looms 
up  temptingly  among  the  trees  near  the  right  of  our  line.  The  place, 
I  am  told,  figured  in  Porte  Crayon's  North  Carolina  sketches  ;  but  the 
mansion  has  been  renovated  since  then.  It  has  doubtless  been  one  of 
many  hospitable  homes  in  Washington,  which  place  is  said  to  have  been 
famed  for  its  hospitality. 

This  afternoon  we  were  startled  from  our  siestas  by  the  metallic  crack 
of  rifled  cannon  on  one  of  the  gunboats.  It  was  a  charming  sound, — 
scarcely  less  so  than  the  dulcet  strains  of  the  44th  band,  which  at  the 
present  moment  is  discoursing  "Departed  Days"  at  Colonel  Lee's 
headquarters.  They  were  feeling  for  rebels  in  the  woods  on  the  south 
side  of  the  river.  Scouts  sent  over  the  bridge  last  night  and  to-day  re- 
port the  presence  of  the  enemy's  pickets  and  intrenchments  two  or  three 
miles  up  the  road. 

Makch  18. 

No  further  sign  of  the  enemy.  After  spending  most  of  a  very  warm 
day  in  listlessness,  we  were  marched  through  the  town  this  evening  for 
a  dress  parade  with  the  27th,  upon  the  spot  where  we  bivouaced  last 
fall.  The  dust  was  intolerable,  and  the  "  expedition"  was  generally  re- 
garded as  a  non-paying  one.  It  afforded  us,  however,  a  good  view  of 
the  town  and  its  inhabitants.  The  female  portion  of  the  latter  are  not 
remarkable  for  smiling  countenances.  As  a  rule  they  are  not  lovely, 
being  either  podgy,  with  turn-up  noses,  or  bony  and  forlorn.  They  talk 
through  their  noses. 

March  20. 

Your  correspondent  assisted  in  the  performance  of  picket  duty  last 
night.  The  weather  was  terribly  severe.  For  some  reason  or  other  an 
attack  was  momentarily  expected,  and  we  were  kept  upon  the  qui  vive. 
When  we  returned  this  morning,  benumbed  and  drenched  to  the  skin 
with  rain,  we  found  the  infantry  all  behind  the  earthworks  ready  for  ac- 
tion.    It  is  now  night,  but  there  are  no  signs  of  the  enemy. 


Washington,  N.  C,  March  20,   1863. 

Our  late  exposure  upon  picket  duty,  and  the  continued  rain,  induced 
our  officers  to  mercifully  permit  us  to  leave  our  shelter  tents,  and  occu- 
py houses  in  town,  so  to-night  we  find  ourselves  happy  in  the  enjoyment 
of  excellent  shelter  and  warm  fire.s.  What  a  contrast  with  our  situation 
last  night  out  on  the  Tarboro'  road,  drenched  to  the  skin  and  chilled  to 
the  centre  I  The  liberty  of  the  town  has  enabled  us  to  fortify  ourselves 
with  such  dainties  as  ham  and  eggs,  milk,  &c.,  and  we  are  now  as  com- 
fortable as  heart  could  wish.  Better  than  all,  we  are  not  likely  to  be 
disturbed  to-night,  for  our  cavalry  scouts  bring  intelligence  of  the  with- 
drawal of  the  rebels  from  this  vicinity. 

Near  where  our  shelter  tents  are  pitched  is  the  humble  domicil  of 
Aunt  Fanny  and  family,  members  of  the  patriarchal  household  of  Grist. 
Fanny's  fireside  was  a  great  centre  of  attraction,  and  about  it  the  sol- 
diers crowded  in  scores  to  escape  the  rain,  against  which  cotton  houses 
proved  a  slim  protection.  Aunt  Fanny  is  of  a  retiring  disposition,  and 
it  required  the  exercise  of  unusual  energy  on  her  part  to  keep  one  little 
place  at  the  fire  for  herself  and  children.  She  must  have  shared  our  joy, 
but  for  another  reason,  when  we  were  ordered  to  take  up  our  abode  in 
town.  While  we  remained  in  her  vicinity,  all  she  could  do  was  to  fortify 
herself  with  snufi",  of  which  she  is  a  veteran  "  dipper."  Our  presence 
must  have  caused  a  large  consumption  of  this  consoling  article.  She 
transferred  the  snulF  from  a  tin  box  to  her  mouth  with  a  sweet  gum 
wood  stick,  which  she  used  like  a  tooth  brush,  and  then  left  the  handle 
sticking  out  of  her  mouth.  Aunt  Fanny  afforded  me  the  first  opportu- 
nity I  ever  had  of  witnessing  the  operation  of  "  dipping,"  and  I  am  thus 
particular  in  my  reference  to  this  classic  custom,  which  is  said  to  pre- 
vail among  the  white  women  as  well  as  the  black  ones  at  the  South. 
Aunt  Fanny's  sombre  face  and  the  protruding  handle  of  the  gum  stick 
would  form  a  fit  subject  for  the  pencil  of  Porte  Crayon.  While  I  wit- 
nessed, with  a  twinge  of  sympathy,  Aunt  Fanny's  patient  sufferance  of 
the  invasion  of  her  castle,  I  could  not  but  wish  that  some  good  fairy 
would  suddenly  endow  her  with  the  momentum  and  muscular  power  of 
the  shoulder-hitting  Charity,  empress  of  the  Newbern  washerwomen, 
who  submits  to  no  nonsense,  but  lays  about  her,  right  and  left,  accord- 
ing to  the  number  of  those  who  provoke  her  just  wrath  by  unseemly 

March  21. 

Last  night  the  Thespians  of  the  27th  Regiment  performed  "  The 
Irish  Tutor  "  and  "  Michael  Earle."     They  have  fitted  up  a  little  theatre, 


and  furnished  it  with  an  act  drop,  scenery,  &c.,  of  their  own  painting. 
Our  own  dramatic  corps  are  quite  unhappy  to  find  Washington  without 
a  suitable  opera  house.  It  is  proposed  when  we  get  back  to  Newbern 
to  produce  Dr.  Jones's  "  Solon  Shingle,"  if  the  public  demand  for 
more  opera  is  not  too  clamorous.  The  musical  world  will  be  glad  to 
know  that  the  organs  of  our  principal  singers  are  as  yet  imaffected  by 
the  severe  trials  of  picket  duty;  a  fact  the  more  noticeable,  perhaps, 
considering  that  those  organs  have  not  been  lubricated  with  whisky 
rations  from  first  to  last  of  our  severe  trials  as  soldiers.  It  won't  do 
for  soldiers  to  murmur  in  public,  but  you  can  fancy  our  feelings  !  It 
is  assumed  by  our  naval  men  here  that  the  rebels  have  two  gunboats  up 
the  Tar  River.  This  is  probably  correct.  The  building  of  a  gunboat 
at  Tarboro'  was  among  the  supposed  reasons  for  our  attempted  expedi- 
tion to  that  place  last  November.  Very  little  fear  of  them,  however, 
exists.  It  is  imagined  by  some  that  the  rebels  will  come  down  upon 
this  place  in  scows.  That  route  would  please  us.  We  find  the  col- 
ored population  here  quite  fearful  of  an  attack,  and  many  of  them  with 
their  efi'ects  packed  up  preparatory  to  a  hurried  removal  to  boats. 
Among  these  is  Henrietta,  a  very  nice  young  woman,  the  slave  of  a 
.Unionist,  who  cooks  excellent  dinners  for  a  few  of  us  hungry  fellows, 
in  a  snug,  white-washed  cabin  at  the  east  end  of  the  town.  Henrietta 
is  as  neat,  intelligent  and  lady-like  as  the  average  of  white  women. 
Her  bondage,  if  such  it  can  be  called,  sits  lightly  upon  her;  but  she 
has  no  sympathy  for  rebels,  and  like  many  others  here,  severely 
denounces  the  suttlers  who,  for  the  sake  of  making  money,  furnish  the 
secessionists  of  this  region  with  food  and  clothing.  Henrietta  rejoices 
in  the  possession  of  an  excellent  cow,  a  rara  avis  in  North  Carolina. 
The  peach  trees  in  her  garden  have  put  on  their  pink  dresses,  and  the 
robins,  wooed  by  their  fragrance,  are  trapped  and  murdered  by  Hen- 
rietta for  her  table.  I  caught  the  lady  in  this  slaughtering  business, 
and  found  her  a  little  nervous  about  the  law  touching  her  case. 

A  party  of  us  strayed  into  the  old  town  hall  to-day.  The  official 
papers  and  books  were  strewn  all  over  the  building  without  the  slight- 
est appearance  of  any  attempt  at  preservation  or  order.  While  wan- 
dering through  the  maze,  an  officer  attached  to  the  permanent  garrison 
of  the  place  appeared  before  us,  and  sharply  ordered  us  away  from  the 
premises.  We  course  obeyed,  but  thought  his  exercise  of  authority 
was  in  poor  keeping  with  the  utter  neglect  and  destruction  which  had 
already  been  allowed  to  mark  the  building  and  its  contents. 


March  22,   1863. 

Went  to  a  negro  church  to-day  in  an  old  building  not  long  since  used 
as  a  theatre,  the  fresco  and  gilding  still  remaining  about  the  proscenium. 
The  preacher  and  his  chief  men  and  women  sat  upon  the  stage,  the 
bulk  of  the  audience,  including  several  soldiers,  in  front.  The  singing 
was  congregational,  and  line  by  line,  as  it  was  read  by  the  preacher. 
It  was  horrible.  The  praying  and  preaching  better  appealed  to  the 
emotions.  We  certainly  were  not  unmoved  by  the  earnest  petition  in 
behalf  of  the  "  soldiers  of  the  North  who  had  given  them  their  liberty," 
by  the  prayers  for  the  welfare  of  our  friends  at  home,  and  for  victory 
over  our  enemies.  The  sermon  was  an  invocation  for  watchfulness, 
with  copious  illustrations  from  military  experience.  It  was  rich  in  funny 
logic  and  quaint  grammar. 

After  a  three  days'  equinoctial  storm,  the  sun  is  out  cheeringly  this 


March  23,   1863. 

There  is  a  boat  in  from  Newborn  this  morning,  and  the  indications 
are  that  our  ten  days'  absence  is  to  be  indefinitely  extended.  All  the 
companies  but  D  and  H,  who  are  housed  near  our  camp-ground,  are 
ordered  back  to  the  shelter  tents.  "  Bully  for  D  and  H"  is  the  general 

Horace  P.  Tuttle,  the  soldier-astronomer  of  our  regiment,  has  been 
appointed  assistant  paymaster  in  the  nav}'.  He  has  not  fully  decided 
to  accept  the  unexpected  and  unsolicited  honor,  and  we  hope  he  may 
remain  with  his  many  friends  of  the  44th  through  its  term  of  service. 

I  think  I  have  not  mentioned  in  this  or  my  previous  letter  from 
Washington  that  but  eight  of  our  companies  are  here.  Companies  B 
and  F,  Captains  Griswold  and  Storrow,  were  left  behind  doing  picket 
duty  on  the  railroad  a  few  miles  above  Newborn. 

Washixgtox,  N.  C,  March  24,  1863. 
We  are  not  much  in  love  with  this  Washington,  N.  C.  It  seems  too 
much  like  "  some  banquet  hall  deserted."  We  suspect  it  of  insalubrity. 
We  don't  like  "  the  folks."  We  shall  be  glad  when  we  strike  tents. 
But  while  we  remain  here  we  propose  to  avail  ourselves  of  all  mitigat- 
ing circumstances.  Last  evening,  John  Smith,  banjoist,  came  to  our 
quarters  at  the  Pamlee  mansion.  His  instrument  was  made  of  an  old 
sieve  and  a  pine  stick,  but  in  volume  and  sweetness  of  tone,  I  don't 
remember  to  have  heard  it  surpassed.     Of  course  it  set  all  the  niggers 


to  dancing,  especially  our  old  friend  and  favorite,  West  Williams,  who 
earned  new  laurels  in  the  light  fantastic.  John  Smith,  besides  being 
a  splendid  banjoist,  has  a  voice  like  a  robin. 

To-day  the  lines  have  been  open,  and  the  women  of  the  suburbs 
have  been  thronging  into  town  to  buy  a  little  sugar,  coffee,  snuff,  &c., 
especially  snuff.  Our  friend  Grist  has  at  last  been  permitted  to  go 
outside  the  lines.  He  doesn't  attempt  to  disguise  a  degree  of  sym- 
pathy with  the  Southern  cause,  but  his  outward  conduct  towards  us  has 
been  gentlemanly. 

Contrabands  report  a  large  rebel  force  (seven  thousand)  within  seven 
miles  of  Washington,  one  day  last  week  ;  and  that  they  were  restrained 
from  advancing  on  the  place  by  hearing  that  the  garrison  was  rein- 
forced. If  this  is  true,  "  the  object  of  the  expedition  is  accomplished," 
and  we  may  expect  to  return  to  Newbern  very  soon.  One  of  the  ofl&- 
cers  of  the  permanent  garrison  here  has  taken  a  Southern  woman  for  a 
wife.  They  are  our  next  door  neighbors.  As  we  see  them  together, 
planting  flowers  in  the  door-yard,  we  fancy  we  might  become  reconciled 
even  to  Washington,  N.  C,  under  such  circumstances.  There  is  a 
call  now  upon  the  gardening  skill  of  the  regiment,  and  some  of  the 
boys  have  voluntarily  ornamented  the  vicinity  of  their  shelter-tents 
with  plants  in  full  bloom. 

Washington,  N.  C,  in  its  palmy  days,  is  described  as  "  a  hard  old 
place."  It  was  a  slave  market  of  some  consequence,  and  the  popula- 
tion consumed  a  good  deal  of  "  ardent  spirits,"  according  to  the  author- 
ity of  a  venerable  "  aunty  "  who  lives  in  a  cabin  attached  to  our  quar- 
ters. Street  duels  were  a  common  affair.  An  election  was  considered 
tame  without  two  or  three  attendant  rows  and  stabbings.  The  poor 
white  people  left  behind  here,  and  even  those  of  respectable  appear- 
ance, are  unable  to  read  or  write.  They  considered  it  unlawful  to  send 
their  children  to  school — so  says  a  decent  looking  woman  whose  hus- 
band is  an  unwilling  soldier  in  the  rebel  army.  The  more  we  learn  of 
the  despicable  social  condition  of  the  South,  the  stronger  appears  the 
need  of  the  purification  which,  in  the  Providence  of  Grod,  comes  of  the 
fire  and  the  sword. 

March  25. 

While  Company  K  was  quartered  in  town  they  were  directly  opposite 
a  house  inhabited  with  others  by  a  comely  young  woman,  who  so  ex- 
cited the  admiration  of  a  susceptible  young  man  in  the  company  that 
he  was  impelled  to  send  her  a  love  missive.  It  was  in  good  set  terms, 
smelling  strongly  of  "  The  Ready  Letter- Writer,"  but  the  young  lady 


was  so  little  moved  by  its  elegance,  that  she  returned  the  note  with  a 
resentful  addendum,  threatening  to  tell  the  Colonel,  and  expressing  a 
wish  to  have  no  communication  with  her  "  enemies." 

A  gunboat  came  in  from  Newbern  last  night,  increasing  the  fleet  to 
four.  We  have  a  fine  bracing  air  to-day,  and  the  health  of  the  regi- 
ment is  excellent.  We  are  also  made  happy  by  a  mail  from  the  North 
containing  bills  of  lading,  which  means  boxes  for  us  at  Newbern. 

I  learn  to-day  that  Plymouth  has  again  been  menaced  by  the  rebels, 
but  that  the  prompt  arrival  of  reinforcements  saved  the  place.  Gen. 
Foster  is  never  caught  napping.  An  increasing  confidence  is  enter- 
tained for  his  generalship. 

Washington,  N.  C,  March  30,  1863. 

Yesterday  completed  the  first  seven  months  of  our  service  as  volun- 
teer soldiers,  dating  from  the  time  we  Avent  into  camp  at  Readville  as 
a  full,  organized  regiment.  Whether  our  term  of  service  commenced 
on  the  29th  of  August  or  on  the  12th  of  September,  when  we  were 
formally  mustered  into  service,  is  not  yet  definitely  announced ;  but 
we  incline  to  the  opinion  that  we  shall  be  held  for  nine  months  from 
the  latter  date.  It  has  been  rumored  that  we  are  to  be  detained  for 
nine  months  from  the  time  that  we  received  marching  orders,  late  in 
October,  but  we  have  little  fear  of  that.  It  is  needless  to  say  that 
almost  every  man  in  the  regiment  is  looking  fondly  forward  to  his 
emancipation  from  the  restraints,  deprivations,  and  hardships  of 
military  life  to  the  reunion  of  hearts  and  the  enjoyment  of  home 

Yesterday  I  again  attended  worship  at  a  colored  church,  and  after- 
ward proceeded  with  the  congregation  to  a  baptism  in  the  river. 
The  sacred  ordinance  was  characterized  by  entire  decorum.  The 
blacks  here,  who  comprise  a  great  majority  of  the  resident  population 
of  Washington,  are  extremely  fervent  in  their  prayers  for  the  success 
of  the  Northern  cause,  and  rightly  attribute  their  enlarged  liberty  to 
the  presence  of  our  soldiers.  They  are  a  more  intelligent  and  orderly 
population  than  can  be  shown  in  the  foreign  precincts  of  our  great 
cities.  The  only  black  man  here  who  disturbs  the  peace  is  "Crazy 
Willis."  He  perambulates  the  streets  incessantly,  swearing  that  the 
war  must  be  stopped,  and  that  no  more  Yankees  shall  be  killed.  His 
harangues  present  a  curious  blending  of  profanity  and  pious  exhorta- 
tion.    He  was  formerly  a  preacher  of  more  than  usual  fluency.     He 


is  a  very  unpopular  member  of  society,  his  black  brethren  not  giving 
him  credit  for  much  insanity. 

Gen.  Foster  and  staff  arrived  here  this  morning,  and  reinforcements 
are  said  to  be  close  by.  Whether  this  means  additional  defence  or 
another  expedition  I  cannot  say  at  this  writing. 

P.  M.  This  forenoon  a  scouting  party,  consisting  of  Companies  A 
and  G,  with  a  few  cavalrymen  and  one  piece  of  artillery,  crossed  the 
bridge  and  proceeded  up  the  road  about  two  miles,  when  they  were 
suddenly  arrested  by  rebels  in  ambush.  Comjjany  G  were  acting  as 
skirmishers,  and  advanced  to  wdthin  a  few  feet  of  the  rebels'  hiding 
place  before  receiving  their  fire.  The  result  was  disastrous.  Three  of 
Co.  G's  men  were  brought  down  and  left  upon  the  ground  at  the 
narrow  defile  where  the  rebels  were  posted.  Capt.  James  Richardson, 
of  Co.  A,  received  two  bullets  in  the  left  arm.  No  bones  were  broken. 
Upon  receiving  the  fire,  our  men  were  ordered  to  seek  cover  on  either 
side  of  the  road,  which  they  did  until  they  deemed  it  safe  to  rally 
and  return  to  town. 

Those  left  dead  or  wounded  are  Orderly  Sergt.  Hobart,  Corporal 
Lawrence  and  John  Leonard,  all  of  Co.  G,  Corporal  King  of  the 
same  company  was  slightly  wounded  by  a  buck-shot  in  the  back  of 
the  head.  Lieut.  Odiorne's  clothes  were  riddled  with  bullets  and 
buck-shot,  as  were  those  of  Corporal  Priest.  One  of  the  latter's 
hands  was  grazed  by  a  projectile.  Others  had  equally  narrow 

March  31. 

We  spent  last  night  behind  the  breastworks,  sleeping  in  our 
blankets  and  watching  by  turns  It  rained  almost  incessantly,  and 
we  were  drenched  to  the  skin.  Toward  morning  we  were  allowed  to 
spend  an  hour  in  one  of  the  block-houses  with  the  boys  of  Co.  B, 
Mass.  27th;  but  we  passed  most  of  this  forenoon  in  the  mud  behind 
the  breastworks,  with  no  other  consolation  than  coffee  and  hard  tack. 
The  gunboats  and  fort  were  firing  into  the  woods  all  night,  to  prevent 
the  erection  of  batteries.  At  daylight  our  attention  was  arrested  by 
sharp  musketry  firing  over  the  river.  We  afterwards  learned  that  a 
battalion  of  North  Carolina  troops,  under  Capt.  Lyon,  had  been  sent 
over  to  prevent  the  erection  of  rebel  batteries  at  Point  Rodman,  a 
short  distance  below,  and  that  they  succeeded  in  their  purpose  by 
smart  skirmishing,  in  which  several  of  their  men  were  wounded. 

April  L 

The  rebels  lay  low  yesterday,   and  the  night  was  peaceful;    but 


before  morning  they  succeeded  in  planting  one  or  more  formidable 
batteries  commanding  the  river  below,  and  this  morning  they  opened 
on  the  town  and  our  gunboats.  To  make  matters  worse,  a  strong 
west  wind  was  driving  the  water  out  of  the  river,  leaving  our  gun- 
boats aground.  This  left  the  Hull  badly  exposed  to  the  guns  of  the 
first  rebel  fort,  and  they  played  into  her  in  a  lively  manner,  dismount- 
ing two  of  her  guns  and  wounding  two  or  three  of  her  men.  The 
guns  of  the  Hull,  however,  were  not  idle,  but  blazed  away  until  her 
ammunition  was  exhausted.  The  Louisiana  and  Eagle  were  also 
busy  during  the  day,  but  to-night  no  guns  are  heard  on  either  side. 
Numerous  rebel  projectiles  of  the  Whitworth  pattern  came  into  the 
town,  but  did  no  damage  to  speak  of.  The  wind  has  abated,  the 
water  has  risen  on  the  river,  and  the  gunboats  are  afloat  again. 
Dispatch  boats  succeeded  in  running  the  blockade  yesterday  and 

Apkil  2. 

Last  night  was  quiet,  but  we  busied  ourselves  in  strengthening  our 
defences.  There  are  well-founded  rumors  of  gunboats  and  reinforce- 
ments below  the  rebel  forts,  and  distant  firing  is  heard  from  down  the 
river,  suggesting  the  probability  of  other  rebel  forts  farther  down. 
A  rebel  flag  is  descried  down  the  river,  but  otherwise  there  is  very 
little  to  be  seen  or  heard  of  the  enemy.  The  videttes  think  the  rebels 
are  skedaddling,  and  the  boys  are  in  high  spirits. 

Yesterday  our  pickets  over  the  bridge  learned  from  the  enemy's 
pickets  that  the  wounded  men  of  Co.  G,  who  were  left  in  the  hands 
of  the  enemy  on  the  31st.  are  doing  well.  None  were  killed.  Orderly 
Hobart,  who  was  the  most  seriously  hurt,  was  shot  through  one  of  the 

In  consequence  of  the  weakness  of  our  garrison,  General  Foster  has 
organized  a  battalion  of  blacks  to  assist  us  behind  the  earthworks.  We 
have  no  such  enthusiastic  soldiers  in  the  department  as  they.  They 
begged  the  privilege  of  having  guns  placed  in  their  hands,  and  almost 
quarrelled  for  the  preference.  They  swear  they  will  sell  their  lives  as 
dearly  as  possible.  We  are  indebted,  by  the  way,  to  a  colored  servant 
of  Captain  Kendall,  who  went  beyond  the  lines  the  other  day,  for  in- 
formation of  great  value. 

Yesterday  a  boat  containing  half  a  dozen  persons  was  seen  to  cross 
the  river  a  few  hundred  yards  west  of  the  extreme  left  of  our  line  of 
earthworks,  and  land  upon  a  point  running  from  this  shore.  A  six- 
pounder  in  the  block-house  was  trained  upon  them,  and  sent  them  scat- 


tering  in  double  quick  time.  Some  of  us  have  a  troublesome  suspicion 
that  the  boat's  crew  were  deserters  or  contrabands.  If  they  were  rebels, 
their  audacity  is  unexplainable. 

To-day  one  of  our  videttes  reports  seeing  a  man  suspended  by  the 
neck  to  an  apple-tree  beyond  our  lines.  He  made  a  careful  examina- 
tion with  a  glass,  and  saw  a  rebel  officer  and  several  privates  engaged 
in  lowering  and  dragging  away  the  body,  which  was  probnbly  that  of  a 
man  suspected  of  disloyalty  to  the  rebel  cause.     Such  is  rebel  justice. 

April  3. 

Another  quiet  night  last  night,  although  in  the  evening  the  principal 
rebel  fort  down  the  river  fired  several  shots  at  what  we  surmised  was 
a  transport  or  gunboat  coming  up.  Our  conjecture  was  probably  cor- 
rect, as  to-day  we  learn  that  fresh  supplies  of  ammunition  had  been 
received.  We  are  told  that  three  regiments  and  two  gunboats,  from 
Newbern,  are  a  few  miles  down  the  river,  also  more  rebel  batteries,  and 
one  of  them  so  buried  in  the  ground  as  to  be  iinassailable  by  anything 
save  mortars.  Yesterday  the  block-house  on  our  extreme  right  was 
a  particular  mark  for  rebel  cannon.  Very  little  damage  was  done,  but 
a  large  gun  taken  from  a  gunboat  and  placed  at  the  block-house  was 
believed  to  be  doing  a  good  business.  Some  of  the  large  rebel  guns 
near  the  shore  have  been  withdrawn,  and  one  knocked  out  of  position. 
Our  gunboats  have  been  firing  at  frequent  intervals,  all  day  to-day, 
although  the  rebels  opened  the  ball  in  the  morning. 

P.  M.  We  hear  that  Jive  gunboats  are  down  the  river,  and  that 
while  they  were  engaging  the  rebel  batteries,  a  dispatch  schooner  sailed 
up  past  them.  A  contraband  who  escaped  from  the  rebels  to-day,  re- 
ports that  we  have  killed  "  a  right  smart  of  'em."  This  is  very  likely. 
A  more  uncertain  report  is  that  of  a  rebel  flag  of  truce  asking  for  time 
to  bury  their  dead. 

A  vidette  stationed  near  our  block-house  ventured  a  little  too  far  out 
to-day,  and  exchanged  shots  with  some  rebels  near  a  point  of  woods. 
He  saw  a  lot  of  horses,  mules  and  wagons  under   cover  of  the  woods. 

We  are  beginning  to  ask,  "  How  much  longer  is  this  thing  to  go  on  ?" 
What  is  the  purpose  of  the  rebels  ?  To  keep  away  reinforcements  and 
provisions  until  they  force  us  into  a  bloodless  capitulation,  or  until  they 
concentrate  troops  enough  to  carry  our  breastworks  by  storm  ?  Or  do 
they  hope  to  draw  troops  enough  fi-om  Newbern  to  leave  that  place 
exposed  to  capture  ?  Or  do  they  merely  propose  keeping  us  busy,  to 
prevent  us  from  sending  any  more  troops  from  North  Carolina  for  the 
reinforcement  of  the   army  in  the   Department   of  the  South.     Time 


only  will  show.  We  have  no  great  apprehensions  concerning  the  re- 
sult. Our  confidence  in  General  Foster  is  firm  and  unabated.  His 
timely  presence  here  we  regard  as  little  less  than  providential. 

We  are  still  stationed  close  to  the  entrenchments  which  encircle  the 
town,  in  shelter  tents  and  block-houses.  Company  J)  is  fortunately 
quartered  with  Company  B,  of  the  Massachusetts  27th,  in  block-house  No. 
1  and  its  out-buildings.  We  are  under  great  obligation  to  them  for 
their  obliging  hospitality.  Their  long  experience  has  qualified  them  to 
give  us  many  u.«eful  lessons  in  camp  life.  We  watch  their  culinary 
operations  with  great  interest,  and  are  not  a  little  tantalized  by  the 
sight  of  wai-m  bread,  flap-jacks,  fried  fish,  &c.,  especially  as  we  are 
now  chiefly  confined  to  hard-tack  and  miserable  coffee. 

Our  black  recruits  are  industriously  drilling  in  marching  and  the 
manual.  The  favorite  servants  of  our  company,  whom  some  of  my 
readers  will  remember  by  the  names  of  America  and  West,  are  exhib- 
iting their  talents  as  drill  officers,  to  excellent  effect.  Our  colored  re- 
cruits are  already  winning  golden  opinions  for  their  soldierly  qualities. 
Our  most  bitter  negropholists  admit  that  they  will  fight,  and  one  of  their 
sincere  haters  has  been  detailed  to  officer  them.  Some  of  the  poor 
fellows  lie  behind  the  breastworks  with  a  spelling  book  in  one  hand  and 
a  musket  in  the  other. 

April  4. 

Last  night  was  tolerably  quiet,  although  the  gunboats  occasionally 
woke  the  echoes.  This  morning  a  gunboat  passed  the  rebel  batteries, 
and  came  to  anchor  opposite  the  town.  She  was  not  fired  at,  but  eight 
rebel  guns  were  seen  in  position.  There  is  a  growing  suspicion  that 
the  rebels  have  abandoned  the  siege. 

9  P.  M. 

"  A  growing  suspicion  "  has  not  been  sustained.  A  reconnoisance 
was  attempted  to-day  with  a  view  of  sounding  the  rebels  in  the  vicinity 
of  the  battery  on  the  point,  but  our  boats  were  fired  upon,  and  another 
artillery  duel  occupied  the  afternoon.  We  were  again  ordered  behind 
the  breastworks,  but  to-night  are  permitted  to  share  the  comfortable 
quarters  of  Company  B,  27th.  When  we  get  home  we  propose  to 
print  in  the  Herald  a  card  of  thanks  to  Company  B,  after  the  style  of 
the  boys  of  Extinguisher  20,  to  the  boys  of  Cataract  11 — "We  owe 
you  one." 

April  5. 

The  quiet  of  last  night  and  this  forenoon  has  been  unbroken  by  the 
sound  of  guns ;  but  this  afternoon  the  Sunday  stillness  is  interrupted  by 


the  solemn  boom  of  heavy  artillery  clown  the  river.  Whether  it  pro- 
ceeds from  the  rebel  forts  or  our  gunboats  we  do  not  know.  Yesterday 
it  was  rumored  that  the  spades  were  collected  and  sent  down  the  river 
to  be  used  in  intrenching  our  reinforcements  held  back  by  the  blockade. 
Certain  it  is,  we  could  get  no  spades  for  our  own  use  last  night.  It 
was  rumored  yesterday  that  the  rebels  were  feeling  about  Newborn. 

April  6. 

The  rebels  have  been  throwing  up  additional  earthworks  down  the 
river,  and  seem  to  have  entered  upon  the  siege  in  earnest.  The  smoke 
of  their  bivouac  fires  increases  from  night  to  night,  and  it  is  highly 
probable  that  they  are  receiving  reinforcements  of  infantry. 

April  8. 

An  attack  was  strongly  expected  night  before  last,  and  a  heavy  pick- 
et force  was  stationed  all  along  our  line  of  defence.  In  the  edge  of  the 
evening  a  boat  with  two  black  fugitives  came  down  the  river.  They 
had  escaped  from  the  rebels,  but  brought  us  very  little  useful  intelli- 
gence regarding  their  numbers  or  pos^ition.  Yesterday  a  black  boy 
came  in  from  the  enemy's  lines  with  large  stories  about  their  force,  size 
of  their  guns,  &c.  The  rebel  general  had  made  his  men  a  speech,  and 
they  were  to  attack  us  yesterday  morning.  General  Foster  thinks  the 
boy  was  sent  in,  and  so  has  quartered  him  in  the  guard  house.  At  all 
events,  the  rebels  did  not  appear  this  morning.  In  fact  they  seem  in- 
clined to  give  us  plenty  of  time,  which,  of  course,  we  are  improving  to 
the  best  of  our  ability,  by  the  erection  of  traverses,  additional  breast- 
works and  forts.  We  have  also  placed  upon  the  top  of  our  earthworks 
three  or  four  thicknesses  of  turf.  The  block-house  where  our  company 
is  stationed  is  on  the  extreme  left  of  our  line  of  defence,  and  is  conse- 
quently most  exposed  to  an  attack  from  up  the  river,  which  is  among 
the  strong  probabilities  of  this  siege.  Flat  boats  and  steamers  provided 
with  guns  and  armor  of  cotton  bales  are  reported  above,  and  are  ex- 
pected to  join  in  the  attack  when  the  land  forces  get  ready,  provided 
they  escape  certain  formidable  river  obstructions  intended  for  their 

We  are  strongly  posted,  but  are  few  in  numbers.  Our  entire  garri- 
son, armed  contrabands  included,  scarcely  amounts  to  two  thousand 
men.  The  gunboats  have  failed  in  silencing  the  rebel  shore  batteries, 
and  we  know  not  but  the  river  is  substantially  blockaded.  Of  course 
we  shall  soon  be  short  of  provisions.  Our  chief  ground  of  hope  for  re- 
lease, in  case  the  rebel  attack  is  longer  deferred,  is  in  the  arrival  of 
forces  from  Newbern,  or  from  Sufi"olk  overland.     General  Foster  was 


looking  for  aid  from  General  Dix  yesterday.     Of  course  the  aid  did 
■not  arrive, — it  never  does. 

We  had  a  strong  picket  out  again  last  night,  but  everything  was 
remarkably  quiet.  Our  incorrigible  Jo  says  the  pickets  of  the  two 
forces  were  so  near  together  that  they  distinctly  heard  each  other  eat- 
ing hard  tack !  To-day  the  rebel  pickets  on  the  north  side  are  repoi-ted 
to  have  disappeared,  but  this  morning  the  rebels  on  the  south  side  of 
the  river  are  sending  their  Whitworth  "cucumbers"  into  town  in  a 
very  lively  manner. 

A  rebel  deserter  who  came  in  a  day  or  two  ago  reports  that  he  was 
one  of  the  squad  that  was  unfortunately  fired  upon  by  one  of  our  how- 
itzers a  few  days  ago,  under  the  supposition  that  they  were  rebels. 
He  also  reports  that  the  man  whom  one  of  ovir  videttes  saw  suspended 
to  an  apple-tree  was  one  of  his  companions  who  had  been  captured  by 
a  rebel  cavalryman  and  summarily  executed. 

Apkil  9. 

The  rebel  batteries  kept  pretty  busy  yesterday,  but  attracted  little 
notice  from  the  gunboats.  Four  new  rebel  batteries  were  discovered 
on  this  side  the  river,  about  twelve  hundred  yards  east  of  our  most 
eastern  blockhouse.  They  are  intended  to  command  our  fort.  Two 
of  them  are  thought  to  contain  one  small  gun  each,  the  third,  a  twelve- 
pounder,  and  the  fourth  a  siege  gun.  The  enemy  have  one  thirty-two- 
pounder  on  the  other  side  of  the  river,  but  we  doubtless  outnumber 
them  in  heavy  artillery.  They  wiU  find  Fort  Washington  a  hard  nut, 
and  there  are  heavier  pieces  on  board  the  gunboats  than  have  yet  dis- 
turbed the  echoes  hereabout.  All  Commodore  Eenshaw  asks  is  a  land 
force  to  capture  the  rebel  guns  after  he  has  dismounted  them.  Such  a 
force  we  hope  is  not  far  distant.  The  music  of  their  artillery  is  re- 
ported to  have  been  heard  yesterday  and  last  night. 

Yesterday  we  witnessed  the  affecting  scene  of  a  soldier's  funeral  at 
our  blockhouse.  The  deceased  was  Isaac  Powers,  of  Co.  B,  Mass. 
27th,  who  met  his  death  by  falling  down  a  flight  of  stairs  in  the  block- 
house. At  the  close  of  the  services,  the  deep  boom  of  the  rebel  siege 
gun  came  across  the  water  with  thrilling  effect.  The  peculiarity  and 
danger  of  our  situation  were  earnestly  alluded  to  by  Chaplain  Wood- 
worth,  as  an  incentive  to  preparation  for  the  great  change  which  in  the 
fortunes  of  war  so  soon  might  visit  a  large  number  of  us. 

This  morning  (and  this  is  to  be  the  rule  during  the  present  condition 
of  affairs)  we  were  called  out  for  roll-call  between  three  and  four  o'clock, 
and  then  stationed  behind  the  breastworks  until  sunrise.     We  are  living 


upon  three-quarters  rations,  but  thus  far  have  kept  hunger  well  at  bay. 
Gren.  Foster  has  taken  possession  of  all  provisions  for  sale  in  Washing-- 
ton,  and  says  we  can  subsist  on  them  thirty  or  forty  days.  We  have 
despatched  a  few  cattle,  but  the  meat  is  poor  stuff — lean  and  garlicy — 
barely  fit  to  eat. 

April  10. 

Our  prospects  are  brightening.  Last  night  two  schooners  from  New- 
born, loaded  with  ammunition  and  forage,  passed  the  blockade,  and 
arrived  here  safely.  Those  in  charge  of  the  vessels  inform  us  that  a 
large  force  of  infantry  is  on  the  way  by  land  from  Newbern. 

Contrabands  who  came  in  yesterday,  report  the  rebels  confident  of 
having  us  in  their  power,  and  as  saying  that  they  can  keep  back  any 
reinforcements  which  may  be  sent  to  us. 

The  44th  Regiment  has  met  with  an  irreparable  loss  in  the  death  of 
its  excellent  surgeon.  Dr.  Ware,  who  expired  this  morning,  after  a 
painful  sickness  of  several  days.  His  disease  is  supposed  to  have  been 
the  malarious  fever  peculiar  to  this  locality,  but  it  is  suggested  that 
death  was  hastened  by  the  heavy  artillery  firing  this  morning  incident 
to  the  opening  of  new  rebel  batteries  on  a  hill  east  of  the  town.  One 
week  ago  no  event  could  have  been  more  unexpected  by  us.  With  a 
frame  compact,  sinewy  and  nervous,  Dr.  Ware  was  the  apparent  em- 
bodiment of  physical  health.  His,  surely,  we  thought,  was  a  constitu- 
tion firm  and  elastic  enough  to  withstand  not  only  the  efi*ects  of  the 
climate  but  of  professional  labors  made  doubly  severe  by  an  assiduity 
and  tenderness  which  had  won  the  afi"ection  and  the  reverence  of  the 
whole  regiment.  But  death,  mindless  of  all  human  calculations,  has 
ended  the  life  and  usefulness  of  Dr.  Ware  at  a  time  which  adds  peculiar 
providential  mystery  to  the  event,  inasmuch  as  the  necessity  of  his  skillful 
ministrations  was  perhaps  never  more  imminent  than  at  the  moment  of  his 
death.  This,  however,  is  not  the  chief  reason  why  we  lament  his  death. 
We  mourn  the  loss  of  the  true,  inestimable  man,  more  than  that  of  the 
able,  experienced  surgeon.  Dr.  Ware  was  the  son  of  the  venerable  Dr. 
Robert  Ware,  of  Boston. 

April  11. 

For  the  last  two  mornings  the  rebel  batteries  to  the  east  have  per- 
formed lively  reveilles.  Fort  Washington,  in  the  centre  of  our  out- 
ward line  of  entrenchments,  was  the  object  of  their  attention  ;  but  sev- 
eral shells  have  reached  our  extreme  left,  a  piece  of  one  striking  close 
to  the  shanties  of  Company  D's  boys,  bounding  thence  into  the  river. 
The  fort  replies  to  these  sallies  with  excellent  efi'ect,  and  always  has  the 


last  word,  the  rebels  withdrawing.  Thus  far  the  number  of  our  wounded 
is  extremely  small,  and  the  gratifying  fact  is  doubtless  in  a  measure  due 
to  the  traverses  which  intersect  the  outer  breastwork,  thereby  prevent- 
ing the  unpleasant  effects  of  a  raking  fire  parallel  with  the  entrench- 
ments. Yesterday  some  of  Company  A's  shelter  tents  were  riddled 
while  the  boys  were  safe  behind  their  traverse.  Besides  this  defence, 
we  are  still  more  securely  guarded  against  the  rebel  artillery  from  the 
east  by  bomb-proofs  on  the  western  side  of  the  traverses.  We  found 
it  practicable  to  avail  ourselves  of  their  protection  this  morning,  but  we 
enlivened  the  chilly  gloom  of  the  retreat  by  singing  various  choice  ari«s 
from  II  Recruitio. 

Between  the  building  and  turfing  of  earthworks,  bomb-proofs,  stand- 
ing guard  and  doing  nightly  picket  duty,  we  are  kept  pretty  hard  at 
work,  and  are  beginning  to  feel  the  combined  effects  of  hard  knocks 
and  poor  rations.  We  have  considerable  use  for  lumber,  and  Grist's 
cotton  mill  and  other  out-buildings  are  levied  upon  accordingly.  Hav- 
ing secured  the  boards  and  joists,  we  transport  them  to  the  fortifica- 
tions upon  the  wheels  of  Grist's  old  family  carriage.  Since  this  man 
left  town,  renewed  suspicions  of  thorough  treachery  have  taken  posses- 
sion of  the  soldiers,  and  the  Grist  mansion  itself  would  hardly  be  safe 
if  the  red  hospital  flag  did  not  wave  over  it. 

This  morning  the  music  of  a  rebel  band  floated  to  our  ears  from  over 
the  river.  This  afternoon  we  have  had  the  thorough  bass  of  their  big 
guns  on  the  same  side,  sending  bomb-shells  into  town.  And  no  rein- 
forcements yet!  We  are  very  anxious  to  see  them,  but  not  greatly  sur- 
prised at  their  non-arrival,  considering  the  lions  they  will  find  in  their 
way,  in  the  shape  of  unbridged  streams,  fallen  trees,  and  rebel  forts 
and  rifle-pits. 

Attached  to  some  of  the  oblong  shells  which  were  sent  into  town  this 
morning,  were  some  of  the  Shenckl  percussion  fuses,  bearing  the  mark 
of  George  H.  Fox  &  Co.,  of  Boston,  manufacturers.  Perhaps  the  gen- 
tlemen of  this  firm  will  be  interested  in  the  fact.  Boston  boj^s  think  it 
a  little  funny  to  meet  such  specimens  of  home  manufacture  in  North 

A  night  or  two  ago  our  pickets  on  the  Jamesville  road  got  beyond 
the  outposts  of  the  enemy,  and  had  an  unexpected  rencounter  with  the 
rebel  pickets.  The  interview  was  quite  cordial,  but  our  boys  were 
assured  that  the  rebs  had  Washington  in  a  vice.  Many  inside  are  of 
the  same  opinion,  but  of  course  this  depends  upon  the  success  we  may 
have  in  getting  reinforcements  through. 

100  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

April  13. 

Night  before  last  it  was  reported  that  the  rebels  were  crossing  the 
river  above  and  below  us,  on  flat-boats,  with  a  view  of  strengthening 
themselves  on  the  south  side,  to  meet  oui-  reinforcements  from  Newbern. 
We  also  have  rumors  of  fights  on  the  Newbern  road. 

April  14. 

Last  night  steamers  from  below  with  reinforcements  of  men  and  pro- 
visions ran  by  the  rebel  batteries  under  a  hot  fire,  and  arrived  safely  at 
Washington.  Our  garrison  is  now  strong,  and  our  friends  need  have 
no  fears  concerning  us.  We  are  in  the  receipt  of  letters  and  papers  to 
the  3d  inst. 

It  is  said  that  the  long  delay  in  sending  us  reinforcements  was  caused 
by  their  repulse  by  the  rebels  on  the  Newbern  road.  But  of  this  mat- 
ter I  can  only  give  you  rumors.  You  can  imagine  that  the  loyal  part 
of  Little  Washington  is  jubilant  to-day. 

Washington,  N.  C,  April  16,  1863. 

My  diary  of  the  siege  of  Washington,  forwarded  to  you  by  a  steamer 
which  left  on  the  14th,  closed  on  the  13th,  when  I  announced  the  grat- 
ifying intelligence  of  the  arrival  of  reinforcements.  Yesterday  morning 
General  Foster  departed  for  Newbern,  leaving  behind  the  following 
general  order : 

Headquarters  18th  Army  Corps,  > 

Washington,  N.  C,  April  I^th,  1863.  j 

The  Commanding  General  announces  to  the  garrison  of  this  town  that  he  is 
about  to  leave  for  a  brief  space  of  time  the  gallant  soldiers  and  sailors  of  this 
garrison.  Brigadier  General  Totter  will  remain  in  command,  and  in  him  the 
Commanding  General  has  the  most  perfect  confidence  as  a  brave  and  able  sol- 
dier. The  command  of  the  naval  forces  remains  unchanged  ;  therefore  that  arm 
of  the  service  will  be  as  effective  and  perfect  as  heretofore.  The  Commanding 
General  leaves  temporarily,  and  for  the  purpose  of  putting  himself  at  the  head 
of  a  relieving  force.  Having  raised  the  siege,  he  expects  soon  to  return  ;  but 
before  leaving  he  must  express  to  the  naval  force  here,  and  to  the  soldiers  under 
his  command,  the  27th  and  44th  Massachusetts  Regiments,  detachments  of  the 
3d  New  York  Cavah'y  and  1st  North  Carolina  Volunteers,  his  thanks  for  and 
admiration  of  the  untiring  zeal,  noble  emulation  and  excellent  courage  which 
have  distinguished  them  during  the  sixteen  days  of  the  enemy's  attack  on  this 
post;  and  he  feels  confident  that  the  display  of  those  qualities  under  General 
Potter  will  hold  the  place  till  the  siege  be  raised. 

J.  G.  FOSTER, 
Gen.  Commanding  18th  Army  Corps. 

Regimental  glorification  is  so  prevalent  a  weakness  on  the  part  of 
newspaper  correspondents  in  the  army,  that  I  am  almost  ashamed  to 
state  a  fact  which  I  know  will  be  pleasing  to  our  friends  at  home.     I 


allude  to  a  marked  unofficial  compliment  from  General  Foster,  who  ob- 
served to  Colonel  Lee  that  the  44th  regiment  has  performed  more  ser- 
vice than  any  other  nine  months'  regiment  in  liis  department,  and 
probably  more  than  any  other  nine  months'  regiment  in  the  field ;  that 
the  conduct  of  the  regiment  had  been  in  every  respect  spirited,  honor- 
able and  gratifying  to  him.  I  offer  this  as  a  most  thorough  refutation 
of  the  villainous  libels  which  the  low  enmity  of  a  few  men  in  the  other 
Massachusetts  regiments  have  dictated  and  set  afloat. 

The  air  is  fidl  of  rumors  discreditable  to  the  generalship  and  bravery 
of  General  Spinola,  who  was  last  week  sent  from  Newbern  to  relieve 
this  garrison,  in  which  attempt,  it  is  reported,  he  miserably  failed,  and 
then  fell  back  without  a  sufficient  cause.  If  he  has  not  done  his  duty. 
General  Foster  will  be  the  last  man  to  excuse  the  omission.  He  has 
chafed  like  a  caged  lion  during  the  siege,  and  is  said  to  have  gone  away 
mad  as  a  March  hare.  The  rebels  did  not  omit  the  customary  salute 
when  his  steamer  passed  down  the  river,  and  it  is  thought  one  or  more 
cannon  balls  went  through  the  upper  works  of  the  vessel.  At  the  s&me 
time  the  rebel  batteries  to  the  east  of  the  town  played  upon  us  in  a 
lively  manner,  and  sent  us  into  our  bomb-proofs  upon  the  double-quick. 
The  rebels  amused  themselves  in  the  same  manner  on  the  previous 
morning,  about  the  time  the  band  was  giving  expression  to  our  joy  at 
receiving  reinforcements,  and  in  fact  this  has  been  the  order  of  the  day 
for  a  long  time.  But  it  has  been  no  boys'  play.  Shot  and  shell  have 
rained  all  along  our  line.  Several  of  our  shelter  tents  have  been  cut  to 
pieces  by  them.  I  could  recount  scores  of  "  miraculous  escapes."  Our 
bomb-proofs  have  probably  been  the  means  of  saving  many  lives.  It 
certainly  seems  scarcely  short  of  Providential  interposition  that  a  bom- 
bardment extending  over  sixteen  days  has  not  resulted  in  the  loss  of  a 
single  life  or  limb  on  our  side. 

This  morning  five  deserters  have  come  in  and  report  the  rebels  falliuf 
back  on  Greenville.     The  indications  confirm  the  report. 

Cavalry  and  infantry  scouts  find  their  breastworks  this  side  of  the  river 
abandoned,  and  the  rebs  have  not  fired  a  gun  to-day  on  either  side. 
A  thunder  tempest  raged  last  night,  and  it  is  highly  probable  that  thty 
skedaddled  under  the  protection  which  the  noise  of  the  elements  afford- 
ed them.  Finding  the  blockade  inefi"ective,  they  despaired  of  starving 
us  out,  and  so  have  retired  with  great  loss — of  ammunition.  In  this  re- 
spect it  has  been  a  very  expensive  siege  to  them ;  and  it  is  believed 
that  their  loss  in  lives  has  not  been  inconsiderable.  They  have  found 
Little  "Washington,  under  the  engineering  of  General  Foster,  a  hard  nut 
to  crack,  and  will  scarce  try  the  experiment  again. 

102       '  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

P.  M.  Our  gunboats  hammered  away  at  the  positions  lately  held  by 
the  rebels  on  the  south  side  of  the  river,  until  being  satisfied  that  they 
were  no  longer  there,  boats  were  sent  to  reconnoitre  about  Rodman's 
Point.  It  happened  that  a  few  of  the  enemy,  probably  their  rear  guard, 
were  still  on  the  ground.  They  rose  and  fired  on  our  boats  with  fatal 
efi"ect.  An  engineer  of  the  gunboat  Ceres  was  killed.  Frank  Tripp, 
of  Company  E,  43d  regiment,  in  another  boat,  was  very  severely  wound- 
ed.    The  boats  then  withdrew. 

This  morning  our  scouts  visited  the  scene  of  the  principal  rebel 
bivouac  this  side  the  river,  and  came  to  the  conclusion  that  about  two 
thousand  men  had  encamped  there. 

Towards  night  the  gunboats  Hunchback,  Southfield  and  two  or  three 
others,  which  during  the  siege  had  been  hanging  ten  miles  below,  came 
up  in  range  of  Rodman's  Point,  and  commenced  shelling  the  woods 
with  great  vigor.  The  same  amount  of  firing  in  the  same  places  yes- 
terday or  day  before  would  have  placed  the  rebels  in  great  danger  of 
their  limbs  and  lives ;  but  before  opening  his  fire  the  magnanimous 
commander  of  the  down  river  fleet  waited  until  our  erring  brethren  had 
got  beyond  the  reach  of  the  Hunchback's  hundred  pounders,  and  then 
blazed  away,  to  the  mingled  admiration  and  terror  of  the  contraband 
population  of  Washington  and  vicinity.  I  am  informed  that  the  timely 
arrival  of  the  Rhode  Island  5th,  which  gallantly  ran  the  blockade  on  the 
night  of  the  13th,  was  solely  due  to  the  energetic  determination  of  Col- 
onel Sisson,  in  opposition  to  the  naval  authorities  down  the  river.  In 
other  respects  a  night-mare  retardation  has  seemed  to  characterize  all 
attempts  to  relieve  this  garrison. 

Hill's  Point,  8  Miles  below  Washington,  N.  C,  ( 
South  Side  of  Sound,  April  17,  1863.  ^ 
Companies  C,  D,  and  I  were  ordered  on  board  the  gunboat  Eagle 
last  evening,  where  we  slept.  This  morning  we  landed  in  small  boats 
at  this  place.  It  was  the  strongest  point  of  the  rebel  blockade.  Be- 
hind the  earthworks,  which  were  mostly  erected  at  an  early  day  in  the 
rebellion,  are  a  plenty  of  bomb-proofs.  The  natural  defences  of  the 
place  are  remarkable  for  this  flat  vicinity.  Behind  the  earthworks  is  a 
pleasant  piece  of  table-land,  which  we  now  occupy.  Between  the  shore 
and  the  woods  is  a  rebel  rifle-pit.  This  forenoon  we  skirmished  out  a 
a  mile  or  so,  encountering  an  old  rebel  camp  and  the  one  the  rebels 
have  recently  occupied.     We  picked  up  one  butternut  gentleman  with 


a  carpet  bag  contaiuing  a  rebel  uniform,  and  the  idcture  of  a  rebel  offi- 
cer. Butternut  said  he  picked  up  the  carpet  bag  in  the  woods  as  he  was 
going  home  from  mill.  He  said  the  rcbs  were  robbing  the  population 
of  their  provisions  and  had  nearly  cleaned  him  out.  There  was  a 
"  right  smart"  of  rebs  here,  but  they  left  in  a  hurry  night  before  last. 
Three  companies  of  the  43d,  C,  D  and  H,  landed  here  from  schooners 
about  noon.  They  had  been  lying  below  the  blockade  for  a  week  or 
so,  with  the  other  companies  of  their  regiment,  who  had  been  suddenly 
called  back  to  Newbern.  The  43d  formed  part  of  Spinola's  late  expe- 
dition, and  the  boys  of  that  regiment  are  emphatic  in  their  denunciation 
of  the  conduct  of  the  General  in  retreating  without,  as  they  say,  suffi- 
cient cause.  Their  march  back,  after  getting  within  ten  miles  of  New- 
bern, was  of  the  most  forced  and  exhausting  description.  The  affair 
will  probably  be  investigated  by  a  court  martial. 

The  excellent  sketch  of  our  situation  and  defences  at  Washington, 
which  accompanies  this  letter,  was  drawn  by  George  W.  Hight,  of 
Company  D.  I  have  no  doubt  you  will  take  pleasure  in  .showing  it  to 
any  friend  of  the  44th  regiment  who  may  call  for  that  purpoge, 

Apkil  18,  1863. 

The  detachment  of  the  44th  Regiment  stationed  at  this  point  are 
quite  delighted  with  their  situation.  We  have  seen  nothing  so  pleasant 
in  North  Carolina.  The  Tar  river  here  widens  into  Pamlico  Sound, 
and  from  our  position  on  this  bluff  or  table  land,  it  spreads  out  l^efore 
us  like  a  beautiful  lake  in  the  woods.  This  morning,  one  of  the  love- 
liest of  Spring,  the  air  is  fi-agrant  with  pines  and  flowers,  and  melo- 
dious with  the  songs  of  birds.  The  field  is  dotted  with  fi'uit  trees  in 
bloom.  Yesterday  we  found  the  woods  spangled  with  jasmine,  violets, 
box  and.  dog-wood,  and  our  skirmishers  with  their  hands  full  of  flowers 
looked  more  like  a  Maying  party  than  soldiers  expecting  a  foe  in  every 
bush.  A  rebel  soldier  lies  buried  beneath  a  branching  cedar  close  to 
our  bivouac,  the  living  and  the  dead  sleeping  together.  Upon  the 
headboard  of  the  latter  we  read  "  Henry  Davenport,  o2d  North  Caro- 
lina Regiment."  His  resting  place  was  selected  with  true  refinement 
of  taste. 

April  20. 

From  our  picket  post  yesterday  we  caught  the  sound  of  wild  cheer- 
ing, which  we  soon  learned  was  given  to  the  advance  of  our  army  from 
Newbern,  headed  by  General  Foster.  To-day  we  learn  that  three  of 
our  brigades  are  in  Washington,  another  in  the  vicinity  of  Kinston, 
and  another  between  here  and  Newbern.     Feint  movements  are  per- 

104  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

haps  involved  in  this  disposition  of  troops,  but  we  have  no  idea  of  what 
G-eneral  Foster  is  about.  He  is  reinforced  by  the  return  of  part  of  his 
troops  from  the  Department  of  the  South,  including  the  Massachusetts 
23d  and  the  New  Jersey  9th.  The  Massachusetts  24th  and  the  Con- 
necticut 10th  are  still  with  General  Hunter. 

We  are  in  receipt  to-day  of  letters  from  the  North,  containing  news- 
paper slips  devoted  to  late  affairs  in  this  vicinity.  The  letter  of  a  cor- 
respondent at  Newbern,  which  the  Boston  Journal  accepts  as  "  the 
clearest  account  of  affairs  at  Washington  and  Newbern,"  is  a  complete 
tissue  of  errors,  of  a  character  so  serious  that  the  regiment  has  been 
excited  to  indignation  by  their  unfortunate  publicity. 

The  statement  that  Companies  A  and  D  went  outside  the  earthworks 
and  had  their  retreat  cut  off,  contains  two  errors.  Company  D  did  not 
go  out  at  all  until  after  the  blockade  was  raised,  and  the  retreat  of  Com- 
pany A  was  not  cut  off.  The  "  cutting  their  way  through  with  the  loss 
of  sixteen"  is  also  a  pure  fiction,  as  is  the  announcement  of  the  death 
of  Orderly  Sergeant  Edmands.  Our  total  loss  in  the  affair  alluded  to 
was  three  wounded,  who  were  taken  prisoners.  Orderly  Sergeant  Ed- 
mands was  not  one  of  these,  but  the  careless  statement  of  his  death  has 
doubtless  plunged  a  circle  of  friends  into  mourning  as  sorrowful  and 
deep,  for  a  time,  as  the  event  itself  could  produce.  Then  who  shall 
undertake  to  estimate  the  anxiety  and  torture  of  suspense  in  the  minds 
of  the  friends  of  Companies  A  and  D  before  they  shall  find  out  the 
falsity  of  the  story  of  "  sixteen  killed  r"  Our  laws  are  defective  in 
their  want  of  penalties  for  such  outrageous  sins  against  the  tenderest 
and  sacredest  feelings  of  nature  as  those  perpetrated  bv  a  class  of  irre- 
sponsible correspondents,  who  seize  upon  and  circulate  rumors  for  facts, 
and  who  mutilate  the  king's  English  and  human  feelings  with  about 
equal  facility  and  sang  froid. 

In  Tow  of  Steamer  Thomas  Collyer,  | 
Wednesday,  April  23,  1863.  S 
Having  contributed  to  the  salvation  of  Little  Washington,  we  are 
now  on  our  way  back  to  the  "home  camp  "  at  Newbern,  leaving  Hill's 
Point  garrisoned  by  a  portion  of  the  43d,  and  Washington  by  several 
New  Yoi'k  and  Pennsylvania  regiments,  together  with  the  Massachu- 
setts 27tli  and  part  of  the  43d.  Accompanying  us  on  our  way  backto 
Newbern  are  five  companies  of  the  Rhode  Island  5th,  and  two  compa- 
nies of  the  Massachusetts  46tli.  We  have  been  absent  from  Newbern 
over  five  weeks,  and  now  the  near  prospect  of  getting  into  our  barracks 


again  has  elated  every  heart.  Lots  of  boxes  for  us  have  accumulated 
in  our  absence,  and  our  anxiety  to  be  at  them  is  quite  intense.  We 
have,  to  teU  the  truth,  a  harrowing  suspicion  that  the  invalid  guard,  ac- 
tuated by  an  unselfish  purpose  to  keep  them  from  spoiling,  will  save  us 
the  trouble  not  only  of  opening  the  boxes  but  of  eating  the  contents. 
Heaven  forbid,  however  !  In  our  present  half-famished  condition  this 
is  no  trifling  thought. 

Newbern,  Apkil  24. 

Here  we  are  at  old  Newbern  again,  but  not  at  "home,"  as  we  fondly 
call  our  old  barracks  while  absent  on  expeditions.  We  found  the  New 
Jersey  9th  in  our  old  quarters,  so  we  betook  ourselves  to  the  barracks 
of  our  old  and  beloved  neighbors,  the  Conn.  10th.  But  we  are  to  stay 
here  only  a  short  time.  Saturday  we  are  going  down  into  the  city  to 
do  provost-guard  duty,  and  shall  probably  continue  in  that  capacity  the 
remainder  of  our  term  of  service.  We  shall  there  be  quartered  in 
houses,  and,  except  in  extreme  cases,  be  excused  from  participating  in 
expeditions.  This  will  please  those  of  our  timorous  friends  who,  when 
we  left  home,  gravely  and  affectionately  admonished  us  not  to  get  shot. 
There  is  now,  dear  friends,  a  right  smart  chance  for  us  to  escape  rebel 
bullets,  "  except,"  as  Sparrowgrass  once  remarked,  "  in  case  of  inva- 

April  25. 

To-day  we  were  formally  installed  as  provost-guard  of  Newbern, 
thereby  relieving  the  45th  regiment,  which  has  for  a  considerable  time 
been  acting  in  the  same  capacity.  The  45th  received  us  with  all  the 
honors,  and  we  stood  at  present  arms  as  they  marched  past  us  in  going 
out  of  the  city.  Each  regiment  bore  its  regimental  colors  and  was 
headed  by  its  band. 

Our  company  (D)  are  put  in  possession  of  a  commodious  wooden 
mansion  and  its  out-buildings  on  Pollock  street,  lately  occupied  by  Co. 
A,  of  the  45th.  We  found  the  rooms  in  neat  condition,  and  decorated 
with  wreaths  and  bouquets  of  flowers,  accompanied  by  the  pleasant 
salutatory  words,  "  Welcome  44,"  several  times  inscribed  on  the 
walls.  The  "  Jolly  Five "  have  the  thanks  of  "  Corporal,"  and  his 
mess  for  their  part  in  a  greeting  so  graceful  on  one  side  and  so  grate- 
ful to  the  other. 

The  54th  regiment  has  made  another  draft  upon  the  44th  for  officers, 
Charles  E.  Tucker,  Co.  E,  Willard  Howard  and  Henry  W.  Littlefield, 

106  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

of  Co.  D,  having  just  received  their  commissions  as  lieutenants  in  the 
former.     They  will  leave  for  Boston  to-morrow. 

I  learn  that  the  officers  of  our  regiment  have  decided  to  present  to 
the  Fifth  Regiment  of  Rhode  Island  a  stand  of  colors  as  a  slight 
acknowledgment  of  the  gallantry  of  that  regiment  in  running  the  rebel 
blockade  and  coming  to  our  relief  at  Washington.  The  Mass.  27th, 
with  whom  we  were  blockaded,  is  now  in  Newbern. 

April  26. 

To-day  the  regiment  have  attended  the  obsequies  of  our  late  lamented 
and  beloved  Surgeon,  Dr.  Ware,  to  whose  unexpected  death  we  are 
none  of  us  quite  reconciled.  His  remains  will  be  carried  to  Boston  by 
the  steamer  Ellen  S.  Terry,  which  leaves  Newbern  to-day. 

This  letter  is  carried  to  Boston  by  H.  P.  Tuttle,  late  of  the  Cam- 
bridge Observatory,  who  has  just  been  discharged  from  the  44th  regi- 
ment on  account  of  having  received  a  commission  as  Assistant  Pay- 
master in  the  Navy. 

Newbern,  N.  C,  May  12,  1863. 

Our  life  as  provost  guard  at  Newbern  is  too  uneventful  to  call  for 
much  letter  writing.  We  have  been  joined  by  companies  B  and  F, 
who  have  been  a  long  while  on  picket,  and  we  are  now  a  regiment  of 
policemen.  The  rank  and  file  are  on  guard  almost  every  other  day, 
and  the  duty  is  found  at  once  severe,  irksome,  and  often  abhorrent. 
I  am  rather  glad  that  our  present  reputation  as  policemen  is  not  to  be 
the  measure  of  our  characters  as  soldiers.  I  am  loath  to  confess  that  we 
were  getting  to  be  beloved  by  the  tough  ones  of  the  old  regiments, 
who,  since  pay-day,  which  occurred  recently,  found  three  dollars  a 
bottle  for  whisky  no  bar  to  indulgence  in  that  popular  stimulant,  and 
who  have  an  acquired  loathing  of  the  guard-house.  HoAvever,  we  are 
becoming  very  exemplary  policemen,  if  I  may  judge  from  the  curses 
(both  loud  and  deep)  which  are  showered  upon  the  devoted  heads  of 
the  44th  regiment,  and  nine  months'  men  generally. 

Newbern  is  looking  very  attractive.  The  gardens  are  still  rich  with 
roses  of  every  hue.  I  wish  the  paper  May-flower  girls  of  Boston 
pould  be  turned  amongst  them  for  a  day. 

We  have  small  time  or  opportunity  for  amusement,  although  I  have 
no  doubt  that  the  shoulder  straps  find  provost-guard  life  extremely 
bully,  setting  aside  some  of  the  severe  duties  which  belong  to  them  as 
moral  conservators.      They  are  treated  to  concerts,   attend  private 


music  parties,  and  regale  themselves  with  ice  water, — very  good  in  this 
latitude  at  this  season.  The  privates  are  solicited  to  produce  another 
opera ;  and  an  entertainment  of  that  character,  founded  upon  the  siege 
of  Washington,  together  with  a  regimental  concert,  a  dramatic  per- 
formance, and  a  hal  masque,  is  upon  the  tapis. 

Weddings,  white  and  colored,  are  just  now  the  subject  of  gossip. 
One  of  our  own  corporals  has  been  and  gone  and  done  it,  and  one  of 
the  pretty  natives  of  Newbern  is  now  Mrs.  Lawrence.  Last  night 
seme  of  our  boys  assisted  at  a  darkey  wedding,  putting  the  happy  pair 
to  bed  in  true  traditional  style. 

Our  nights  are  rendered  musical  by  the  plaintive  choral  hymnings 
of  devotional  negroes  in  every  direction,  alone  and  in  groups.  From 
their  open  cabins  come  the  mingled  voices  of  men  wrestling  painfully 
and  agonizingly  with  the  spirit,  and  those  uttering  the  ecstatic  notes 
of  the  redeemed. 

Newbern,  N.  C,  May  16,  1863. 

We  are  in  a  state  of  stagnation.  We  have  not  been  so  unhappy 
since  the  date  of  our  enlistment  as  we  have  since  we  entered  upon  the 
police  business  at  Newbern.  We  have  almost  forgotten  the  toil  and 
misery  of  long  marches  and  sieges,  and  revert  with  something  like 
regret  to  the  days  of  active  campaigning.  I  have  no  doubt  that  many 
of  us  wiU  voluntarily  return  to  the  army  should  the  state  of  the  country 
call  for  more  service  at  our  hands.  We  rejoice  that  we  have  had  a 
hand  in  this  glorious  contest  for  the  integrity  of  our  country.  No 
sacrifice  or  hardship  we  have  endured  balances  the  gratification  of 
having  done  our  country  some  service,  however  small  or  humble  that 
service  may  have  been.  If  we  had  but  one  word  of  advice  to  give  the 
young  men  of  our  acquaintance,  it  would  be  to  e^ilist  voluntarily 
while  a  chance  remains  to  identify  yourselves  in  a  glorious  warfare 
which  is  evidently  drawing  to  such  a  termination  as  every  patriot  must 
pray  and  fight  for.  Do  not  stand  back  because  you  think  the  danger 
is«past.  We  may  safely  calculate  that  much  work  remains  to  be  done. 
The  serpent  of  secession  is  only  scotched,  not  killed.  The  clouds 
may  yet  again  lower  over  us,  and  every  strong  arm  may  be  needed  to 
sweep  them  away. 

How  well  the  magnificent  strategy  and  the  more  magnificent  fighting 
of  our  New  England  General  comports  with  his  clear,  ringing  testimony 
before  the  Committee  on  the  Conduct  of  the  War! 

108  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

How  stands  McClellan  presidential  stock  at  the  North?  "Who  will 
heal  up  the  Avounds  of  the  copperheads  ?  Nothing  will  keep  them 
from  despair  but  the  injudicious  arrest  and  imprisonment  of  blatant 
politicians  who  hunger  and  thirst  after  martyrdom,  and  who  do  not 
know  that  their  advocacy  of  a  cause  is  its  most  effective  condemnation. 

May  18. 

A  "trance  medium"  by  the  name  of  James  Richardson,  of  Athol, 
in  Co.  B,  27th  regiment,  assures  the  members  of  his  regiment  that 
they  will  be  discharged  from  the  service  in  less  than  a  year  from  this 
time,  and  that  the  war  will  be  brought  to  a  close  before  that  time. 
His  associates,  although  professing  to  have  no  faith  in  asserted  revela- 
tions of  this  kind,  are  forced  to  confess  that  Richardson  has  proved  to 
be  a  true  prophet  in  several  important  instances.  He  foretold  the 
battles  of  Roanoke  and  Newbern,  and  with  so  many  of  their  particu- 
lars as  to  prove  his  possession  of  a  power  altogether  unexplainable. 
He  foretold  the  siege  of  Washington  by  stating  that  the  27th  regiment 
would  take  part  in  a  long  but  not  very  bloody  battle,  and  that  a 
certain  man  would  be  killed.  Following  this  came  the  seventeen  days' 
siege,  and  the  death  of  the  man  alluded  to.  After  this  battle  he  said 
the  regiment  would  soon  remove  to  another  place  in  transports.  That 
has  also  happened.  From  that  place,  in  two  or  four  months,  they 
were  to  embark  in  transports  for  the  North. 

Orderly  Sergeant  Stebbins  of  Co.  F  has  been  commissioned  as 
second  lieutenant  in  place  of  Lieut.  Hartwell,  now  a  captain  in  the 
54th.  Lieut.  Stebbins  is  a  much  esteemed  officer,  capable  and  prompt, 
without  being  a  tyrant  or  a  martinet. 

Private  Melville,  of  Co.  A,  died  on  Friday  of  inflammation  of  the 
bowels.  Since  our  return  from  Washington,  most  of  the  regiment 
have  been  much  troubled  with  diarrhoea,  which,  however,  is  now 
subsiding.  The  average  health  of  the  regiment  is  good.  Dr.  Fisher, 
assistant  surgeon  with  the  late  Dr.  Ware,  is  now  surgeon  of  the 
regiment.  He  is  a  man  of  much  professional  skill  and  faithfulness. 
His  assistant.  Dr.  McPhee,  is  winning  golden  opinions  for  the  same 
qualities,  united  with  great  complaisance  to  everybody  but  "niggers.^' 
He  was  with  the  English  army  during  the  Sepoy  rebellion. 

At  dress  parade  this  evening  an  order,  suitably  acknowledging  the 
generous  gift  of  $500  at  the  hands  of  Mr.  Gilmore,  for  the  benefit 
of  the  44th  regiment,  was  read. 


Newbern,  N.  C,  May  23,  1863. 

The  Newbern  markets  are  points  of  some  interest.  What  native 
products  are  offered  for  sale  here  are  chiefly  brought  in  small  sail  ves- 
sels from  up  and  down  the  river,  their  place  of  rendezvous  being  at  the 
foot  of  Pollock  street.  Due  notice  of  the  arrival  of  produce  being 
given  at  the  oflice  of  the  Provost-Marshal,  the  sale  commences,  under 
such  restriction  as  this  functionary  may  have  been  pleased  to  prescribe. 
If  the  cargo  is  of  eggs,  the  hospitals  and  certain  functionaries  must 
first  be  provided  for.  After  this,  private  soldiers  and  negroes  may  be 
allowed  to  buy  one  or  two  dozens  each.  The  scenes  about  these  mar- 
ket boats  are  sometimes  quite  animated  and  interesting.  This  morning 
a  boat  lay  at  the  wharf  with  eggs,  sweet  potatoes  and  green  peas.  The 
butternut  skipper  and  his  son  were  beset  in  a  very  confusing  manner. 
First  went  the  green  peas,  half  grown,  at  fifty  cents  a  peck.  Then  the 
eggs  at  twenty-five  cents  a  dozen.  Anxious  but  patient  darkeys  of  both 
sexes,  ancient  and  lean  Carolinians  of  the  white  "persuasion"  and 
doubtful  loyalty,  eyed  the  sweet  potatoes  and  bided  their  doubtful 

The  only  cheap  thing  in  Newbern  is  fish — drum,  sheepshead,  trout, 
herring,  &c.,  caught  down  the  sound.  Trout  enough  for  a  family  din- 
ner can  be  bought  for  twenty-five  cents.  It  is  very  good,  and  the 
staple  article  of  food  at  the  restaurants. 

A  few  farmers  who  were  so  fortunate  as  not  to  live  on  the  line  of 
our  expeditionary  raids,  send  in  a  little  honey.  Strawberries,  also,  are 
occasionally  received. 

Recruiting  for  the  African  brigade  is  progressing  lively  and  enthu- 
siastically. Quite  a  recruiting  fever  has  seized  the  freedmen  of  New- 
bern. Recruiting  ofiices  will  soon  be  opened  at  Washington  and 
Plymouth.  Four  thousand  colored  soldiers  are  counted  upon  in  this 
department.  There  is  likely  to  be  one  item  of  compensation  to  the 
Government  for  holding  these  posts  upon  the  enemy's  soil.  It  is, 
indeed,  due  to  the  freedmen  that  we  provide  these  harbors  of  refuge 
for  those  who  escape  from  the  rebel  lines.  There  is,  perhaps,  not  a 
slave  in  North  Carolina  who  does  not  know  that  he  may  find  freedom 
in  Newbern,  and  thus  Newbern  may  be  the  Mecca  of  a  thousand  noble 
aspirations.  Leave  Newbern  to  the  rebels  and  hope  would  die  out 
altogether  in  many  a  poor  trembling  heart.  Thank  God  that  the  noble 
inspiration  of  human  liberty  is  with  us  in  this  war.  It  helps  us  to  abide 
temporary  disaster,  and  is  our  pledge  of  final  success.  But  we  shall 
find  a  path  stony  and  blood-moistened  so  long  as  we  fail  to  have  mercy 

110  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

and  deal  justly  with  the  unoffending  people  who  are  the  innocent  cause 
of  this  war. 

The  regimental  band  of  the  44th  has  grown  into  a  j5ne  institution 
under  the  combined  labors  of  our  chief  musician,  Mr.  Babcock,  and 
the  leader,  Mr.  N.  H.  Ingraham.  Their  repertory  of  music  is  large 
and  fine  and  played  with  expression.  Much  of  it  was  arranged  by  A. 
W.  Ingraham,  a  brother  of  the  leader,  who  has  recently  visited  us.  A 
third  brother,  also  a  member  of  the  band,  died  in  hospital  last  winter. 
Very  much  is  due  to  this  musical  trio,  and  perhaps  not  less  to  the  fine 
orchestral  taste  of  Mr.  Babcock,  for  the  striking  proficiency  attained 
by  the  band.  Considering  the  excellent  moral  effect  of  good  music  in 
camp,  we  can  hardly  overestimate  the  thoughtful  generosity  of  those 
friends  who  provided  us  with  musical  instruments.  If  "  sounds  of 
home  "  by  them  invoked  have  kept  a  single  heart  from  going  astray, 
the  gift  could  not  have  been  amiss. 

Two  hundred  rebel  prisoners,  including  a  Colonel  and  several  line 
officers,  have  just  been  captured  near  Kinston,  by  a  brigade  under 
command  of  Col.  Jones,  of  the  Pennsylvania  58th.  Beside  the  58th, 
the  Mass.  5th  and  27th  took  part  in  the  expedition.  We  had  a  fbw 
men  wounded.     The  rebels  suffered  much  more. 

Newbern,  N.  C,  May  20,  1863. 
Your  correspondent  with  the  Eighteenth  Army  Corps  proposes  to 
deliver  a  series  of  "  lectures  upon  the  war  "  after  he  shall  have  re- 
turned to  Boston.  The  topics  to  be  embraced  in  the  proposed  series 
will  include  not  only  operations  in  the  Department  of  North  Carolina, 
but  in  those  of  the  South  and  Grulf,  if  not  in  Virginia  and  the  South- 
west, his  observations  having  convinced  him  that  it  is  by  no  means 
necessary  to  see  a  battle  to  describe  it  with  all  desirable  particularity 
and  enthusimoosy.  Tickets  will  be  placed  at  one  dollar.  Your  cor- 
respondent undertakes  this  disinterested  and  benevolent  enterprise  in 
consequence  of  the  great  dearth  of  information  with  reference  to  the 
war ;  but  preliminary  to  his  appearance  he  wishes  to  engage  the  ser- 
vices of  the  experienced  dramatic  editor  of  the  Boston  Herald  for  a 
proper  introduction  in  his  new  capacity  to  the  Athenian  world.  He 
wiU  understand  the  importance  of  a  suitable  invitation,  and  will  please 
allow  your  correspondent  to  refer  him  to  a  formula  among  the  adver- 
tisements in  Boston  papers  of  a  late  date.  To  the  document,  modelled 
according  to  this  suggestion,  he  will  then  secure  the  autographs  of 


Honorable  Edward  Everett,  Honorable  Robert  C.  Winthrop,  et  id  omnes 
genus,  by  means  of  which  those  eminently  respectable  gentlemen  will 
be  made  to  express  the  deep  interest  with  which  they  have  perused  the 
letters  of  "  Corporal"  in  the  Boston  Herald,  and  their  burning  anxiety 
to  hear  him  continue  his  elucidation  of  such  noble  themes  as  bal  masques, 
hard  tack,  camp  opera,  salt  horse,  &c.,  &c.  The  dramatic  editor,  after 
reference  to  another  formula  among  the  advertisements  of  late  Boston 
papers,  will  then  indite  a  noble  reply  to  the  invitation,  expressing  the 
willingness  of  "Corporal"  to  give  a  public  recital  of  his  experience 
with  hard  tack,  musty  rice  and  shrivelled  beans,  during  the  period  that 
he  stood  up  for  his  country.  He  may  mention  June  17th  as  the  time, 
and  Faneuil  HaU  as  the  place.  This  "  Interesting  Correspondence  " 
must  then  be  published  in  all  the  Boston  papers,  free,  if  possible,  but 
if  not  possible,  regardless  of  expense.  It  is  not  expected  that  Faneuil 
HaU  will  contain  the  crowd  which  will  be  attracted  to  its  portals  ;  but 
the  public,  being  a  capricious,  theatre-going  monster,  may  not  turn  out 
as  anticipated,  so,  Mr.  Dramatic  Editor,  I  charge  you  to  secure,  by  a 
bribe,  the  attendance  of  a  reporter  from  each  Boston  paper,  so  that  the 
aforesaid  monster  shall  not  go  unlightened  by  the  oral  disquisitions  of 
your  correspondent. 

The  fly-statistics  of  your  Port  Royal  correspondent  must  not  lead 
your  readers  to  suppose  that  the  Department  of  the  South  enjoys  a 
monopoly  of  this  interesting  insect.  I  aUude  to  common  house  flies. 
Fleas  and  musquitoes  do  not  greatly  abound  at  Newbern,  but  house 
flies  swarm  like  the  locusts  of  Egypt.  The  wood-ticks  of  Hill's  Point, 
which  adhered  to  the  cuticle  with  a  death-grasp,  deserved  a  paragraph, 
but  the  house  flies  of  Newbern  are  even  a  greater  nuisance.  The  print- 
er will  not  fail  to  notice  the  peculiar  manner  in  which  they  have  punct- 
uated this  sheet  of  manuscript.  Their  tracks  are  visible  upon  every 
object  which  they  can  touch — upon  our  plates,  dippers,  knives,  forks, 
bread.  They  attack  us  with  desperation  at  meal  times,  and  if  we  have 
anything  better  than  usual  they  are  sure  to  find  it  out,  and  rally  upon 
the  sweet  point,  so  that  while  we  convey  the  food  to  our  mouth  with 
one  hand,  we  are  forced  to  fight  flies  with  the  other.  "  Tempus  fugit," 
commences  a  letter  of  your  Newbern  correspondent,  "  Tiger."  "  Fly 
time — very  appropriate,"  parenthetically  remarked  the  free  translator 
Frederick,  as  he  read  and  described  curves  in  the  air. 

Among  recent  visitors  here  have  been  Hon.  Mr.  Comins  and  wife, 
of  Roxbury.  General  Wild  and  staff,  of  the  African  brigade,  in  pro- 
cess of  formation,  are  here. 

312  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

Newbern,  N.  C,  May  26,  1863. 

The  recent  dash  by  one  of  our  brigades  near  Kinston,  which  resulted 
in  the  capture  of  about  two  hundred  rebel  soldiers,  was  followed  by  an 
angry  spite  on  the  part  of  the  rebels  in  that  direction,  who  gave  our 
pickets  some  trouble,  and  who,  by  the  agency  of  a  sharpshooter,  suc- 
ceeded in  killing  Colonel  Jones,  of  the  Penn.  58th  —  one  of  the 
most  brave  officers  and  excellent  men  in  the  service  ;  one  of  the  Jack- 
son type  of  soldiers,  fighting  heart  and  hand,  and  praying  also  for  the 
success  of  the  Union  cause.  We  hate  to  lose  such  men.  We  have 
none  such  to  spare.  We  wonder  that  a  good  cause  is  bereft  of  such 
auxiliaries,  and  are  perhaps  too  slow  to  learn  the  lesson  that  individual 
men  are  of  little  account  in  eliminating  the  grand  designs  of  Providence. 
We  need  to  be  cured  of  hero-worship.  It  has  been  one  of  the  banes 
interfering  with  the  due  progress  of  the  war.  We  may  safely  put  faith 
in  men  collectively,  and  in  the  principles  which  prevade  the  masses  of 
the  North,  but  never  in  any  single  man  or  set  of  men. 

Company  F,  Captain  Storrow  has  gone  to  Fortress  Monroe,  having 
in  charge  a  lot  of  rebel  prisoners.  We  expect  the  company  will  come 
back  to  Newbern  and  accompany  the  regiment  home. 

Another  levy  has  been  made  upon  us  for  officers  in  regiments  of  colored 
men.  Privates  W.  D.  Crane  of  Company  D,  Goodwin,  Woodward,  and 
Sergeant  Weld,  of  Company F,  are  among  those  who  propose  leaving 
Newbern  for  Boston  to-day  to  take  commisions  as  line  officers  in  one 
or  more  of  these  regiments. 

Some  of  the  more  festive  of  the  line  officers  in  this  department  have 
recently  assisted  at  a  variegated  affair  called  a  nigger  ball,  which  tran- 
spired at  the  house  of  Black  Lovinia,  one  of  the  Skittletop  sisterhood. 
Not  the  least  interested  and  observant  spectators  of  this  recherche  affair 
were  one  or  two  sentinels  in  the  vicinity,  who  tell  curious  stories  of  the 
carryings-on.  The  assemblage  occupied  two  stories  of  the  building, 
the  lower  rooms  being  partly  devoted  to  dancing ;  but  some  of  the 
movements  were  not  recognized  in  any  of  the  modern  schottisches, 
waltzes,  or  polka-redowas.  It  was  a  marbled  crowd,  the  upper  stratum 
being  described  as  yellow  and  white,  and  the  lower  one  pure  black  and 
white.  So,  with  strange  indifference  to  the  articles  of  war,  say  those 
prying  fellows,  the  nocturnal  sentinels. 

The  rebel  guerrillas,  who  are  always  prowling  around  Newbern, 
succeeded  recently  in  catching  a  couple  of  schooners  becalmed  down  the 
river,  and  burned  them  to  the  water's  edge. 

Our  convalescents  are  sent  down  to  Beaufort  and  Morehead   City 


for  the  benefit  to  be  derived  fi-om  sea  air.  The  principal  hospital  was 
formerly  a  large  hotel.  It  stands  upon  piles,  and  the  tides  flow  beneath 
it.  The  patients  ride  in  sail  boats,  eat  strawberries,  and  disport  with 
the  fair  secesh  of  Beaufort,  who  are  quite  an  improvement  upon  the 
tallow-faced  damsels  of  the  interior. 

Newbern,  N.  C,  May  29,  1863. 

As  our  nine  months'  service  draws  to  its  close,  time  drags  its  slow 
length  along  in  the  most  irritating  manner  possible.  This  police  life 
would  soon  demoralize,  if  it  did  not  kill  us  quite.  We  have  already 
lost  not  a  little  of  our  former  excellency  in  drill,  and  we  have  dubious 
anticipations  as  to  the  figure  we  shall  cut  on  Boston  Common. 

If  we  arrive  in  Boston  before  the  expiration  of  our  term  of  service, 
there  is  a  probability  of  our  spending  a  few  days  in  camp  at  Readville, 
where  we  hope  to  recover  our  military  stamina,  and  where  we  shall  be 
at  home  to  our  old  friends  of  blessed  memory. 

In  a  recent  letter  containing  a  reference  to  the  band,  I  said  that  we 
had  been  visited  by  A.  W.  Ingraham,  to  whose  skillful  arrangement  of 
music,  much  of  the  excellency  of  the  band  was  due.  Mr.  Ingraham 
has  since  the  assumed  the  leadership,  and  his  splendid  bugle  playinor  is 
now  a  marked  and  attractive  feature  of  the  music  at  serenades  and  dress 

On  the  27th  our  regiment  being  formally  mustered  agreeable  to  an 
order  from  headquarters,  we  were  addressed  by  General  Foster  and  so- 
licited to  join  the  new  heavy  artillery  regiment.  The  General  was 
heartily  cheered,  but  I  think  very  few  of  the  boys  will  care  to  re-enlist 
until  they  have  seen  Massachusetts  once  more,  although  furloughs  and 
other  inducements  are  tendered.  The  artillery  branch  of  the  service, 
the  Department  of  North  Carolina,  and  General  Foster  are  all  to  the 
liking  of  our  regiment,  and  many  of  its  members  are  likely  to  return 

The  27th  was  General  Foster's  birthday.  In  the  evenincr  his  resi- 
dence was  brilliantly  lighted  and  crowded  with  guests.  Music,  gaiety 
and  splendid  hospitality  graced  the  occasion — contrasting  strangely  with 
the  impressive  ceremonials  of  the  preceding  day  attending  the  removal 
of  the  remains  of  Colonel  Jones  to  the  steamer. 

Captain  Smith,  of  Company  H,  Lieutenants  Newell,  of  Company 
E,  and  Odiorne,  of  Company  G,  Orderly  Sergeant  AVbite,  of  Company 
E,  Orderly  Sergeant  Cunningham,  of  Company  C,  and  private  Curtis, 

114  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

of  Company  F,  are  to  take  commissions  in  a  new  regiment  of  heavy 
artillery  recruiting  for  this  garrison,  and  to  be  under  the  command  of 
Major  Frankle,  of  the  Massachusetts  17th  regiment,  as  Colonel. 

Orderly  Sergeant  Mulliken,  of  Company  H,  has  been  elected  Second 
Lieutenant,  in  place  of  Lieutenant  Howe,  promoted  to  be  First  Lieu- 
tenant, in  place  of  Lieutenant  Johnson,  appointed  Adjutant,  in  place 
of  Lieutenant  Ilinkley,  who  is  to  be  Adjutant  of  the  artillery  regiment. 
Since  writing  the  above,  I  learn  that  a  number  of  our  regiment,  as  well 
as  a  number  in  the  43d  and  45th,  have  decided  to  join  as  privates. 

Newbern,  N.  C,  June  1,  1863. 

By  a  blunder  of  the  printer,  I  was  made  in  a  recent  letter  to  allude 
to  Lieut.  Col.  Hartwell,  of  the  Mass.  55th,  as  a  former  second  lieuten- 
ant of  Co.  F.  He  was  first  lieutenant  of  that  company,  and  much  dis- 
tinguished as  a  disciplinarian,  as  well  as  for  his  moral  qualities. 

Intelligence  has  just  been  received  here  of  the  death  in  a  rebel  hos- 
pital of  Orderly  Sergeant  Hobart,  of  Co.  G,  who  was  wounded  and 
captured  near  Washington,  March  30,  at  the  commencement  of  the 
siege  of  that  place.  This  intelligence  comes  by  way  of  Washington, 
D.  C,  through  official  sources.  Nothing  is  known  here  of  the  fate  of 
private  Leonard,  who  was  severely  wounded  and  captured  at  the  same 

Some  objection  is  made  to  the  use  of  the  word  "police,"  as  descrip- 
tive of  our  duties  in  Newbern.  I  have  used  it  in  the  civil  and  not  in 
the  military  sense  of  the  word.  Police  duty,  in  a  military  sense,  is 
the  duty  of  cleaning  up  the  camp.  As  provost-guard  of  Newbern,  our 
duty  is  to  "clean  out"  disreputable  places,  to  see  that  soldiers  in  town 
are  not  absent  from  their  regiments  without  leave,  and  to  attend  to 
moral  publicans  generally. 

The  negroes  here  honor  the  Hibernian  custom  of  "waking"  their 
dead.  On  occasions  of  this  sort,  they  sometimes  render  night  so 
hideous  by  their  songs  and  shoutings  that  the  guard  is  attracted  to  the 
scene  of  their  spiritual  orgies,  to  enforce  order.  At  midnight,  the 
revellers  solemnly  refresh  themselves  with  cofi"ee,  and  then  resume 
their  howling,  reciting  and  chanting  simple   hymns,  line  by  line. 

Several  transports  are  lying  here  and  at  Morehead,  in  one  of  which 
a  cavalry  company  arrived  on  the  29th  ult.  On  the  same  day,  Co.  F 
returned  from  Fortress  Monroe,  whither  they  had  been  sent  to  guard 
prisoners  sent  from  Newbern.  Another  transport  arrived  yesterday 
with  more  cavalry. 


Lleuts.  Briggs  and  Field,  detached  from  the  regiment  some  months 
ago  to  serve  on  the  signal  corps  in  the  Department  of  the  South,  have 
returned  to  Newbern,  and  will  go  home  with  the  regiment.  Detailed 
men  are  ordered  to  report  to  their  companies  on  or  before  the  8th, 
about  the  time  we  are  expected  to  leave  for  home.  It  is  said  all  our 
sick  will  be  taken  with  us.  Even  the  most  protracted  cases  of  "  con- 
valescence" at  Beaufort  will  hardly  forego  the  glory  of  "  marching  up 
State  street,"  ^the  only  avenue  to  Boston  by  which  a  returning  regiment 
could  possibly  get  into  the  city.  Will  the  great  army  of  quidnuncs, 
the  men  with  green  spectacles,  umbrellas  and  towering  shirt  collars, 
coatless  quill-drivers,  the  breechless  admirers  of  brass  bands,  and  the 
floating  population  generally  take  the  hint  ?  What  avails  going  to  the 
war  if  there  can  be  no  State  street  finale  with  the  customary  remarks 
of  the  reporters  so  nicely  adjusted  to  the  merits  of  each  individual 
corps  ?  How  inscrutable  are  the  judgments  of  reporters  until  their 
impressions  come  to  light  in  good  fair  type,  when  we  find  that  the  last 
regiment,  like  all  the  preceding  ones,  "  looked  finely  and  marched  like 
veterans ! "  Of  course  we  shall  be  proud  to  be  noticed ;  and  if  the 
great  army  of  sight-seers,  (without  whom  "marching  up  State  street" 
would  be  as  apples  of  Sodom,)  shall  really  enjoy  the  coming  novelty  of 
a  regiment  marching  up  State  street,  will  voluntarily  swell  the  number 
of  those  soon  to  march  down  street,  we  shall  feel  more  than  paid  for 
having  aff'orded  them  a  sensation,  at  the  expense  of  our  blushing 

June  6,  1863. 

At  this  writing  (half  past  one  o'clock  r.  m.)  the  44th  regiment, 
pleasantly  quartered  on  board  the  transport  steamers  "  Guide"  and 
"George  Peabody,"  is  steaming  out  of  Beaufort  (N.C.)  harbor,  bound 
for  dear  old  Boston.  Just  as  the  train  of  open  cars  which  bore  us 
from  Newbern  to  Morehead  City  this  morning  was  getting  under  way, 
the  clouds  opened  with  rain  as  though  determined  to  treat  us  with  a  part- 
ing baptism,  as  w-ell  as  the  introductory  one  by  which  we  were  drenched 
through  and  through  on  our  w^ay  from  Morehead  City  to  Newbern  last 
October.  But  in  this  respect  we  w-ere  agreeably  disappointed.  It 
rained  but  little,  and  the  sunbeams  came  through  so  many  vapory 
clouds  that  the  weather  was  delightful.  Nine  months'  absence  from 
the  sea  coast  had  sharpened  an  old  love  for  ocean  breezes ;  and  as  we 
neared  INIorehead,  the  sweet  smells  of  the  beach  mingled  with  the 
refreshing  coolness  coming 

"From  where  old  Triton  blows  his  wreathed  horn," 
were  inhaled  wdth  delight  and  gratitde. 

116  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

The  right  wing  of  our  regiment  is  on  board  the  Guide.  The  right 
wing  includes  companies  A,  G,  H,  K,  and  E.  The  Colonel,  Lieut. - 
Colonel,  and  Major,  the  regimental  band,  the  surgeon,  and  the  sick, 
are  also  on  board  the  Guide. 

The  left  wing  is  upon  the  George  Peabody.  We  consist  of  com- 
panies F,  B,  D,  C,  and  I,  under  command  of  senior  Captain  Storrow. 

Being  the  slower  boat,  we  have  the  start.  The  weather  continues 
delightful;  the  sea  is  azure:  and,  as  we  turn  our  prow  northward, 
satisfaction  and  joyful  anticipations  hover  over  us  beautiful  as  birds 
of  paradise. 

I  believe  we  carry  with  us  from  the  department  of  North  Carolina 
the  cordial  good  will  of  Gen.  Foster.  That  this  sentiment  is  fully 
reciprocated  by  our  regiment  the  enthusiasm  in  its  ranks  always 
excited  by  the  presence  of  the  General  is  abundant  proof.  He  hon- 
ored the  occasion  of  our  departure  by  coming  out  to  the  depot  with 
his  full  staff.  He  was  greeted  with  a  storm  of  cheers,  which  he  and 
staff  heartily  returned.  Last  night  he  received  our  ofhcers  at  his 
residence  in  a  very  complimentary  manner.  In  the  meantime  the 
quarters  of  several  of  the  companies  were  illuminated,  the  boys  ex- 
changed visits  in  a  very  unceremonious  and  jubilant  manner,  and 
cheered  everybody  and  everything  without  regard  to  sex  or  condition. 
So  passed  the  eve  of  our  departure  from  Newbern.  This  morning  the 
Mass.  3d  regiment.  Captain  Richmond,  honored  us  by  escorting  the 
44th  to  the  depot. 

We  are  succeeded  as  provost  guard  by  the  Mass.  27th,  one  of  the 
noblest  bodies  of  men  in  the  service. 

June  7,  1863. 

We  had  heavy  showers  and  a  high  wind  last  night.  Many  of  the  deck 
sleepers  were  driven  below.  Those  who  remained  found  their  clothes 
and  blankets  saturated  with  water  this  morning.  Our  guns,  late  the 
pride  of  the  regiment,  were  covered  with  rust.  A  stiff  wind  was 
blowing  from  the  northwest,  and  the  unsteady  motion  of  the  boat  was 
beginning  to  have  the  customary  effect  on  landsmen.  We  turned  out 
this  morning  a  dismal-looking  set;  but,  as  the  day  advanced,  we 
presently  discovered  blue  sky  enough  to  make  a  pair  of  breeches  for  a 
Dutchman,  and  then  we  knew  we  were  safe,  according  to  the  best 
marine  logic.  Still  later  the  sun  struggled  into  view,  cheering  our 
hearts  and  drying  our  blankets  at  the  same  time.  Contrary  to  the  gen- 
eral impression,  I  find  that  there  was  but  little  sea-sickness  last  night. 
It  Avas  something  else, — sourness  of  the  stomach,  sickness  of  the 
stomach,  headache,  &c.,  but  the  symptoms  were  wonderfully  uniform. 


On  board  the  George  Peabody,  with  our  left  wing,  are  about  one 
hundred  men  from  the  46th,  43d,  8th,  and  other  Massachusetts  nine 
months'  regiments,  going  home  on  a  furlough,  having  enlisted  in  Col. 
Frankle's  regiment  of  heavy  artillery,  at  Newbern. 

JuxE  9. 

The  interim  indicated  by  my  last  two  dates  was  covered  by  indispo- 
sition— not  sea-sickness,  of  course,  but  something  mightily  like  it  in  all 
its  external  indications.  I  may  here  mention  that  we  have  had  a  pretty 
rough  trip,  steaming  for  most  of  the  time  directly  against  a  northeaster. 
As  a  natural  result,  thirteen  were  in  the  hospital  last  night,  and  the  ven- 
erable captain  of  the  Peabody  was  forced  to  retire  to  his  cabin  and  sol- 
emnly take  an  observation  through  the  skylight  every  thirty  minutes. 

We  have  been  cheered  by  one  reminiscence  of  camp  life,  to  wit, 
roll-call.  The  homeward-bound  citizen  soldiery,  thinking  routine  about 
played  out,  answered  en  masse  for  every  name  as  it  was  called,  and 
found  it  impossible,  in  consequence  of  the  roughness  of  the  sea,  to  keep 
from  tumbling  over  each  other,  to  the  great  detriment  of  the  proper 
company  rectilinear.  Roll-call  on  shipboard  was  thenceforward  dis- 
pensed with  as  impracticable,  if  not  impossible.  It  was  with  no  small 
satisfaction  that  our  eyes  opened  this  morning  to  find  the  Peabody 
making  its  way  up  Vineyard  Sound,  between  beautiful,  bold,  green 
shores  dotted  with  villages  and  more  scattered  white  cottages,  eloquent 
of  thrift  and  industry  which  cannot  live  with  slavery  and  rebellion. 

7  o'clock,  p.  M. 

We  were  steaming  up  in  the  track  of  a  golden  sunset  this  evening 
toward  dear  old  Boston,  when  our  progress  was  arrested  by  a  terrible 
being  on  a  tug-boat,  who  first  demanded  the  name  of  our  regiment,  and 
then  ordered  us  to  haul  to.  We  obeyed.  We  then  inquired  of  the 
terrible  being,  who  wore  two  rows  of  brass  buttons,  if  our  escort,  the 
Guide,  had  arrived  ?  "  Who  is  the  ofiicer  in  command  r"  again  de- 
manded the  being,  not  choosing  to  hear  the  question.  He  was  in- 
formed. The  being  then  boarded  us,  waving  us  from  before  him  with 
both  hands.  He  retired  to  the  cabin  for  a  conference,  and  presently 
emerged  therefrom,  but  what  is  to  come  of  all  this  we  can  only  con- 
jecture with  fear  and  trembling.  We  may  have  to  wait  on  board  for 
the  Guide,  which  we  now  for  the  first  time  are  apprised,  is  behind  us, 
but  there  is  a  talk  of  putting  us  into  Fort  Independence.  Of  one  thing, 
however,  we  are  sure  :  We  have  seen  Major-Gcnerals  and  even  a  Major- 
General  of  an  Army  Corps,  but  General  Foster,  in  all  his  glory,  can 
hold  no  candle  to  the  terrible  being  who  come  upon  us  from  the  tug. 



The  Boston  Herald,  of  June  10th,  gives  the  following  account  of  the 
welcome  home  extended  to  the  44th  Regiment : 


As  was  anticipated,  the  transport  steamer  Guide,  with  the  right  wing 
of  the  44th  regiment,  arrived  here  about  6  o'clock  this  morning,  and 
steamed  directly  up  to  Central  Wharf,  followed  by  the  George  Peabody, 
and  without  loss  of  time  the  troops  commenced  to  disembark,  this  work 
being  finished  in  less  than  two  hours,  when  the  two  vessels  left  the  wharf. 

The  regiment  was  drawn  up  by  companies,  and  arms  were  stacked 
and  knapsacks  unslung,  when  the  men  were  dismissed,  a  guard  being 
mounted  across  the  wharf.  But,  prior  to  this,  a  large  number  of  men 
had  run  up  in  town  to  see  their  friends,  supposing  their  leave  allowed 
them  this  privilege,  and  those  who  did  not  take  this  view  of  the  matter 
remained  on  the  wharf,  where  hundreds  of  their  friends  went  to  welcome 
them  home. 

Soon  after  the  men  landed,  through  the  forethought  and  liberality  of 
Messrs.  S.  J.  Whall  and  L.  M.  Dyer,  the  men  were  supplied  with  excellent 
hot  eoifee  and  bread  and  butter,  and  thanks  to  these  gentlemen  were  in 
every  soldier's  mouth. 

A  pleasant  incident  occurred  last  evening  as  the  steamer  George 
Peabody,  with  the  left  wing  of  the  regiment  on  board,  was  passing  Fort^ 
Warren.  The  entire  garrison  turned  out  and  gave  continuous  cheers 
of  welcome  to  the  returning  soldiers,  the  post  band  playing  "  Home, 
sweet  Home."  The  cheers  were  returned  from  the  steamer,  and  were 
continued  until  the  steamer  got  a  long  distance  past  the  fort. 

The  following  is  the  Roster  of  the  regiment.  Several  changes  have 
taken  place  during  the  term  of  service  of  the  regiment : 


Colonel,  Francis  L.  Lee;  Lieutenant  Colonel,  E.  C.  Cabot;  Major, 
C.  W.  Dabney,  Jr.;  Surgeon,  T.  W.  Fisher;  Assistant  Surgeon,  Dan- 
iel McPhee ;  Adjutant,  E.  C.  Johnson;  Quartermaster,  F.  Bush,  Jr.; 
Chaplain,  E.  H.  MrW. 

Non-Commisfioved  Staff. — Sergeant  Major,  Wm.  H.  Bird;  Quar- 
termaster's Sergeant,  F.  S.  Giiford ;  Commissary's  Sergeant,  C.  D. 
Woodberry;  Hospital  Steward,  W.  C.  Brigham ;  Principal  Musician, 
G.  L.  Babcock. 


('aptains — Company  A,  J.  M.  Richardson  ;  B,  J.  M.  Griswold  ;  C, 
G.  B.  Lombard  ;  D,  H.  D.  Sullivan  ;  E,  S.  W.  Richardson ;  F,  C.  Stor- 
row;  G,  C.  Hunt;  H,  W.  V.  Smith;  I,  J.  R.  Kendall;  K,  R.  H. 

First  Lieutenants — Company  A,  J.  Coffin;  B,  J.  A.  Kendrick ;  Jr.; 
C,  W.  Hedge;  D,  J.  H.  Blake,  Jr.;  E,  J.  S.  Newell;  F,  T.  E.  Tay- 


lor;  G,  J.  C.  White;  H,  A.  E.  Howe;  I,  W.  D.  Hooper;  K,  F.  T. 

Second  Licnfevavt^ — Company  A,  C.  G.  Kendall;  B,  C.  C.  Soule ; 
C,  J.  W.  BrigfTs:  D,  A.  H.  Stebbins;  E,  J.  S.  Cumston ;  F,  H.  S. 
Stebbins;  G,  F.  Odiorne;  H,  J.  L.  MiUliken;  J,  B.  F.  Fields,  Jr.; 
K,  J.  Parkinson,  Jr. 

The  regiment  has  been  in  five  engagements,  viz.:  Rawls'  Mills,  Kins- 
ton,  "Whitehall,  Goldsbovo'  and  Washington,  all  in  North  Carolina,  in 
which  thirteen  men  were  killed.  On  leaving  Massachusetts  there  was 
an  aggregate  of  1018  in  the  regiment,  and  it  returns  with  916,  one 
hundred  and  two  men  having  been  killed  in  battle,  died  from  disease  or 
been  discharged  for  disability. 

Prior  to  the  departure  of  the  regiment  from  Newbern,  the  following 
order  was  issued  by  jMojor  General  Foster,  which  shows  how  well  the 
men  have  served  their  country  during  their  term  of  service  : 

Headquarters  18th  Army  Corps,  > 

Newbern,  N.  C,  Junr  5th,  1863.  J 
Special  Orders  No.  160—17. 

The  Commandins;  General,  on  bidding  farewell  to  the  44th  Regiment  M.  V.  M. 
conveys  to  them  his  high  appreciation  of  and  thanks  for  their  services  whilst  in 
this  Department. 

As  a  part  of  the  garrison  of  Washington,  and  in  the  various  duties  to  which 
they  have  been  assigned,  they  have  always  done  their  duty  as  soldiers. 

The  Commanding  General  in  parting  expresses  his  hopes  to  officers  and  men 
that  he  may  have  the  pleasure  of  welcoming  their  return  here,  and  tenders 
them,  one  and  all,  his  best  and  kindest  wishes  for  the  future. 

By  command  of  Major  General  .7.  G.  Foster, 

(Signed)  S.  HOFFMAN,  A.  A.  G. 

The  escort  assembled  on  the  Tremont  street  Mall  of  the  Common, 
and  at  10  o'clock  left  there  for  Central  Wharf.  The  companies  form- 
ing the  escort  were  und^r  command  of  Major  J.  Putnam  Bradlee,  and 
consisted  of  the  New  England  Guard  Reserve  with  93  guns ;  the  Mas- 
sachusetts Eifle  Club,  Captain  Moore,  with  114  guns;  the  Battalion  of 
National  Guards,  Major  C.  W.  Stevens,  with  102  guns,  and  the  Rox- 
bury  Reserve  Guard,  Captain  Wyman,  with  80  guns  ;  the  whole  headed 
by  Gilmore's  and  the  Brigade  Bands. 

On  reaching  Central  wharf  the  escort  was  drawn  up  in  line  along 
India  street,  and  the  Regiment  being  formed  on  the  wharf,  the  usual 
preliminary  proceedings  to  the  taking  up  the  escort  were  gone  through 
with,  and  the  column  moved  over  the  prescribed  route  to  the  Common, 
entering  at  the  gate  at  the  corner  of  Charles  and  Beacon  streets. 

All  along  the  route  the  streets  were  crowded  to  excess,  and  the  win- 
dows were  filled  with  ladies,  who  cheered  the  men  with  a  will  as  they 
marched  along.  Bouquets  were  showered  on  them  from  every  side, 
and  the  entire  march  was  an  ovation  of  which  the  regiment  must  have 
felt  proud. 

After  entering  the  parade  ground  the  regiment  marched  past  the 

120  LETTERS    FROM    THE 

escort  and  then  wheeled  into  line  in  front,  the  right  resting  on  Beacon 
street  mall.  The  Mayor  and  City  Grovernment  were  in  waiting  in  front 
of  the  regiment,  and  Colonel  Lee  having  opened  his  ranks  and  saluted, 
brought  his  men  to  the  "  parade  rest."  His  Honor  Mayor  Lincoln  then 
advanced  in  front  of  the  line,  being  accompanied  by  Greneral  Tyler, 
Chairman  of  the  Committee  of  Arrangements,  and  addressed  Colonel 
Lee  as  follows : 

Mr.  Commander: — In  behalf  of  the  Municipal  Government  and  the 
people  of  Boston,  it  is  my  duty  and  privilege  to  extend  to  you  and 
your  command,  the  44th  Regiment  of  Massachusetts  Volunteers,  a  cor- 
dial and  hearty  welcome  on  your  return  home  from  the  seat  of  war.  The 
presence  of  this  large  assembly,  the  crowds  of  citizens  who  have  greeted 
you  in  our  thronged  streets,  the  eager  impatience  with  which  your 
arrival  has  been  anticipated,  is  an  evidence  that  this  is  not  merely  an 
official  act  of  common  courtesy  and  form.  The  peculiar  circumstances 
under  which  your  regiment  was  organized,  the  character,  education  and 
social  position  of  the  young  men  who  compose  its  rank  and  file,  the 
alacrity  with  which  they  rallied  to  arms  upon  the  call  of  the  President, 
last  samnier,  the  good  order  which  has  distinguished  them  in  the  camp, 
and  the  valor  and  gallant  deeds  which  they  have  shown  in  the  field, 
have  awakened  an  unusual  interest  in  the  community  of  which  they 
form  a  part. 

It  has  been  said  that  a  nation  could  not  rely  for  defence,  in  time  of 
danger,  upon  the  young  men  brought  up  in  a  city.  The  habits  and  as- 
sociations of  a  metropolitan  life  it  was  feared  unfitted  them  for  those 
stern  duties  and  personal  physical  labors  which  they  must  endure  in  a 
soldiers'  career,  and  which  their  brothers  from  the  agricultural  districts, 
on  account  of  their  accustomed  avocations,  were  better  calculated  to 
perform.  But  the  experience  of  the  past  two  years  has  conquered  that 
prejudice,  if  it  really  ever  existed  to  any  considerable  extent,  for  we 
have  found  that  some  of  the  most  gallant  achievements  of  the  war  have 
been  by  those  regiments  which  have  hailed  from  the  cities  of  the  land, 
and  from  young  men  whose  infancy  was  cradled  in  luxury  and  ease.  It 
is  not  always  the  largest  in  stature,  or  those  whose  muscles  are  the  best 
developed,  but  it  is  the  f^ph-it  in  the  man  which  commands  success,  and 
the  homely  virtues  of  pluck  and  courage  are  not  confined  to  particular 
classes  or  business  pursuits,  but  exist  wherever  the  tru.e  fire  of  disin- 
terested patriotism  inspires  the  breast. 

You  went  forth  to  the  distant  scene  of  the  conflict  at  a  time  when  you 
must  have  had  a  full  knowledge  of  the  dangers  which  you  were  to  en- 
counter, and  the  sacrifices  you  must  make,  off"ering  up  even  your  lives, 
if  need  be,  to  preserve  the  liberties  of  your  country.  You  loved  your 
homes,  you  were  bound  by  the  tenderest  ties  of  afi"ectionate  relatives 
and  friends,  and  because  those  sentiments  were  so  strong  in  your 
breasts  you  were  ready  to  do,  and  to  dare,  anything  and  everything  in 
their  behalf. 

The  flag  of  our  country  which  has  floated  over  you  has  been  the  sym- 
bol of  all  that  makes  life  dear,  and  you  have  defended  it  with  a  resolu- 


tion  and  manliness  which  has  conferred  honor  upon  yourselves,  and 
added  renown  to  the  old  Commonwealth  under  whose  auspices  you  went 
forth  to  meet  the  common  enemy. 

We  owe  you  a  debt  of  gratitude  for  what  you  have  done ;  we  know 
now  that  we  can  rely  upon  you  if  the  occasion  should  again  call  for 
your  services.  We  mom-n  for  the  honored  dead  and  would  pay  our 
tribute  of  respect  to  the  memory  of  your  brave  comrades  who  have 
fallen  in  battle  or  who  have  been  struck  by  disease  in  the  line  of  their 
duty,  and  we  would  bless  the  kind  Providence  which  has  protected  so 
many  to  be  again  united  in  family  circles,  and  to  enjoy  the  comforts  of 
homes  which  have  been  rendered  more  precious  by  the  sacrifices  you 
have  made.  In  the  future  you  can  look  back  upon  the  campaign  you 
have  past  with  just  pride,  and  can  feel  that  in  this  crisis  of  our  nation's 
history  you  have  acquitted  yourselves  like  men  and  patriots. 

I  cannot  conclude  without  acknowledging  the  important  aid  given  to 
your  regiment  in  a  perilous  period  in  your  history  by  the  oth  Rhode 
Island  Regiment,  Col.  Sisson,  who,  I  am  happy  to  hear,  is  present,  and 
can  bear  to  his  command  the  gratitude  of  our  people  for  their  timely 

Having  said  thus  much  and  congratulated  you  upon  this  auspicious 
occasion,  I  invite  you  to  the  repast  which  has  been  prepared  and  which 
fair  hands  are  now  waiting  to  serve. 

Col.  Lee  briefly  responded,  thanking  the  city  authorities  for  the 
handsome  manner  in  which  the  regiment  had  been  received,  and  ex- 
pressing the  gratification  it  gave  him  to  be  able  to  bring  back  so  many 
men.  He  assured  the  Mayor  that  he  felt  proud  of  his  kind  mention  of 
Col.  Sisson  and  the  brave  oth  Rhode  Island  Regiment,  as  his  gallant 
action  in  the  relief  of  Washington  was  one  of  the  most  noteworthy  of 
the  war. 

At  the  close  of  Col.  Lee's  response  the  various  companies  in  the 
regiment  wheeled  into  platoons  and  stacked  arms,  when  they  were 
dismissed  to  partake  of  the  collation,  which  was  spread  on  separate 
tables  for  each  company,  on  the  Charles  street  maU.  The  tables  were 
tended  by  ladies,  and  presented  a  beautiful  appearance  from  the  num- 
ber of  bouquets  of  flowers  adorning  them.  The  Grermania  Band  furn- 
ished good  music  during  the  time  the  regiment  was  partaking  of 

A  large  crowd  assembled  on  the  Connnou,  and  after  the  collation 
warmly  embraced  their  friends  in  the  regiment. 

At  the  conclusion  of  the  ceremonies  on  the  Common,  the  regiment  was 
granted  a  furlough  until  the  succeeding  3Ionday  at  sunset,  when  the}- 
wore  ordered  to  report  at  Readville.  On  the  succeeding  Thursday, 
June  18th,  we  were  mustered  out  of  the  service  of  the  United  States. 





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en  from  the  Building 








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